Friday, June 05, 2015

Chinese Officials Beat Pastor's Wife.
The wife of a church leader was beaten by officials at her home after they had summoned her husband for questioning.
Police went to the home of Mrs Li in Shenyang, in the north-eastern Liaoning province, last Wednesday while her husband was out. When she asked to see their warrant, they began to beat her, binding her hands and feet with tape and videoing the attack. Officers later threatened to bar her son from local schools and force the family’s landlord to evict them. Mrs Li’s ID card had been confiscated the previous day.
Her husband, Pastor Wang Zhongliang, had been summoned to meet with the Shenyang Domestic Security Protection Squad the day after to discuss the distribution of religious flyers.
On Sunday, in China’s south-western Yunnan province, officials attempted to stop a church service at Meng’En House Church. The pastor, Zhu Hewen, continued, undeterred. He was ordered to report to the Pu’er Religious Affairs Bureau the next day about the number of university students who attended the service.
Please pray now for God’s protection for all our brothers and sisters in China. Pray that God will heal Mrs Li and protect her whole family. Thank God for the courage of Pastor Zhu in continuing with his worship service: pray that God will strengthen the faith of Zhu’s congregation so it can stand firm in the face of persecution. Release Int.
