Sunday, June 07, 2015

EU Referendum - Another Aspect To The Inevitable Scam!

Holding the planned in/out referendum next year instead of 2017 would leave the No campaign struggling to get its message across without action now - and it was time to “get cracking”, Mr Farage warned.
“If that happens, the No campaign simply wouldn’t have time to organise and to mobilise.”
His concerns echo those of Conservative Eurosceptic MP Liam Fox, who warned last month that those calling for the vote to be brought forward had “ulterior motives which are not entirely honourable”.
There have been calls, including from Labour leadership contender Andy Burnham, for the vote to be held in 2016, and David Cameron has previously said he would be “delighted” for it to take place earlier.
If that happens, the No campaign simply wouldn’t have time to organise and to mobilise
Nigel Farage
The EU Referendum Bill, which is expected to receive its second reading on Tuesday, allows the Government to stage the referendum on the same day as “any election,” meaning voters could be going to the polls to decide on the UK’s membership of the EU on May 5 next year, the same day as the local elections in England, elections to the Welsh Assembly and Scottish Parliament, and when Londoners chose a new mayor.
Conservative whips have also informed the party’s MPs that the referendum campaign could last just 16 weeks, according to reports.
It suggests Mr Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne are keen to end the uncertainty caused by the referendum by staging a vote as early as possible, exploiting the poorly organised ‘Out’ campaign, which is lagging behind according to last week’s exclusive SundayExpress poll.
The Prime Minister has wasted no time in kick-starting his drive to reform the EU after winning a majority at the election, embarking on whistle-stop tour of European capitals in a bid to persuade is counterparts of the merits for a renegotiated settlement for the UK, which Downing Street is privately hoping to secure before Christmas.
However, speaking ahead of Ukip’s South East regional conference held in Eastbourne yesterday, Mr Farage said there was no point in waiting for the Prime Minister to complete his negotiations on Britain’s links to Brussels before starting to campaign.
“The one thing Mr Cameron is not asking for, because he knows he won’t get it, is an end to the total free movement of people,” he said.
“So, as far as we are concerned there is nothing Mr Cameron is asking for that could be acceptable.” Ukip will stage a “massive” series of public meetings as part of the campaign. Sunday Express.

Today's Blog Is Entirely Dedicated To Those Butchered In The Pogrom of One Year Ago Today. Remember To Pray Against All Those Involved Who Have Not Yet Been Punished. If Hostages Remain Alive - Pray For Their Release.

After the October 7 pogrom . Brendan O'Neill has written a savage and necessary analysis of the moral depravity of the west. Melanie Phi...