Sunday, June 07, 2015

Increase In Sexual Exploitation.

Reported increase in child sex exploitation.
New research by Children and Young People Now has found a 50% increase in children seeking help as a result of child sexual exploitation in the past year. In response, Barnardo's is calling for sex and relationship education to be made compulsory in schools.
However, study after study has shown that providing more sex education in schools
has not protected our children from the harm of premature sexual activity and abuse. Christian Concern.
I have some opinions on this matter which I simply dare not publish!

Today's Blog Is Entirely Dedicated To Those Butchered In The Pogrom of One Year Ago Today. Remember To Pray Against All Those Involved Who Have Not Yet Been Punished. If Hostages Remain Alive - Pray For Their Release.

After the October 7 pogrom . Brendan O'Neill has written a savage and necessary analysis of the moral depravity of the west. Melanie Phi...