Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum.
This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts.
It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Note how the Jehovah'sWitnesses' view of Scripture is SO wrong - they are forced to MIStranslate this verse in order to make their version appear to work!
Religious and other pro-life charity organizations that aid sex
trafficking victims will longer be awarded federal grants if they are unable to
offer abortion counseling services due to religious convictions come this fall
after the Obama administration passed a new Department of Health and Human
Services grant requirement last month. Christian News.
Some evangelical Christians have condemned recent remarks made by
Franklin Graham, president and CEO of relief organization Samaritan's Purse and
of his father's Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, expressing concern that
the minister is distorting the message of Christianity and promoting fear of
those who follow Islam by saying the U.S. is "under attack by Muslims" and "all
Muslims" should be banned from immigrating to the U.S. Christian
Anti-Christian bullying in schools ignored and Ofsted part of problem, says charity.Express.
ANTI-Christian bullying in schools hijacked by hardline Muslims has been IGNORED, according to allegations made to the Education Minister.
Colin Hart, director of charity the Christian Institute, claims both Ofsted and the Department for Education failed to give enough attention to the alleged abuse - discovered as part of the 'Trojan Horse' probe into a group of Birmingham schools.
He said the bullying includes anti-Christian chanting in assemblies and teachers labelling Christian children 'liars'.
Referencing recent reports from Ofsted on the schools Mr Hart said were involved, he claimed none of the bullying was noted.
In a letter to the Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, seen by the Daily Telegraph, Mr Hart said: "Ofsted's system for detecting intolerance is clearly inadequate if it is not picking up on anti-Christian sentiment.
"In fact, Ofsted may be part of the problem."
IT IS indeed, says Mole-in-the-Know, when OFSTED sent a muslim inspector into one Christian school several years ago (WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?) and whose attitude was so disgraceful - he reduced three women staff to tears. This same individual then determined that the school was not meeting certain criteria. He was given a literal armload of material PROVING CATEGORICALLY that he was mistaken. Naturally, he refused to read any of it and put his 'mistaken assessment' into his report anyway. Decision appealed - OFSTED took THEIR man's side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So-called trophy hunters travel the world on shooting safaris, which can cost £30,000 per person, to hunt species including lions, leopards and cheetahs. Several British firms offer the trips and advertise price lists of animals to kill, alongside macabre picture galleries of their grinning clients posing next to bloodied animal corpses. British hunting enthusiast Adrian Sailor (pictured main, with a slaughtered zebra, top right with a baboon) advertises trips to South Africa and Namibia offering hunting enthusiasts the chance to kill big game. Mail.
The new Greek bailout programme should focus on economic growth rather than
further austerity, according to a new study by the influential Bruegel think-tank.
Why is it that so many Christians who visit our
brothers in less developed countries so often come back to these shores with
tales of so many miracles witnessed firsthand in those faithful, yet nonetheless impoverished, churches
in destitute lands?
Let us juxtapose that fact with the situation in so
many of our churches in the UK where God's Word is: changed, diluted transmogrified, adulterated and
'adapted to modern needs'.
Hmm. Simple faith versus sophistication, huh? - No
comment from me but I am doing some serious
in the red corner, weighing in at 8 stone exactly…” There’s a reason that the
ring announcer in boxing gives the weight – and possibly height and reach – of
both competitors. The numbers are part of understanding the nature of the match
that’s about to take place.
reason doesn’t apply to politics. When the Mail on Sunday asked Liz Kendall
(one of the Labour Party leadership contenders) how much she weighs, it was
completely irrelevant to the job. It’s unnecessary press intrusion. I don’t
bandy about words like ‘sexist’ lightly When you do, they lose their meaning –
in a similar way when the word ‘racist’ is used to describe a children’s nursery
rhyme, or to describe the Black Country flag designed by a 12-year-old girl
(symbolising glassmaking, heavy industry and foundries), the real victims of
racism are demeaned. Reserve the word racism for racists, and it has a bigger
don’t swear, so if anyone heard me swear they would know I was fuming with
rage. The swear word has a greater meaning and impact if used sparingly than if
it litters every conversation. Liz Kendall asked whether the journalist would
have asked the same question of a man. The journalist did sort-of did ask
George Osborne a similar question last year, when he was busy losing weight on
the latest fad diet, though that’s none of the national media’s business either
in my view.
two situations are different in reason and tone. When a journalist suggests
that she might weigh ‘about the same as the Duchess of Cambridge’, for me that
clearly crosses a line. These comments are only being made because she’s a
woman, and that’s not acceptable. Whether Liz Kendall should lead the Labour
Party is nothing to do with her gender. Incidentally, that’s why I also believe
that Labour are wrong to have all-women shortlists for Parliament. They should
choose the best candidate irrespective of gender or ethnicity. In the
straight-talking UKIP way, I’m going to call out the treatment of Liz Kendall
for what it is. Sexism.
Lib Dem leader Tim Farron has been subjected to a barrage of questions about his
Christianity. Does he personally believe that gay sex is a sin? What’s his view
on abortion? When you first think about it, this seems (slightly) more relevant
than the questions to Liz Kendall. But have you ever seen a Muslim or Jewish
politician hauled over the coals over a similar issue?
personally choose not to smoke; I don’t believe it’s right for me personally to
do that, because of the health risks involved, but I don’t seek to force my
personal feelings upon society. All that matters from a political perspective
is my stance about society. So if – and he hasn’t said that he does – Tim
Farron actually personally believes that gay sex is a sin, that’s his personal
business. Or if he believed it would be sinful for him personally to do it,
that would be a private opinion. I say, so what? On the other hand, if he
supported a public policy change to take rights away from gay people, that would
be our business. But he doesn’t, and there’s no evidence that he even believes
any of the above either.
hasn’t called for tougher limits on abortion either – though he has said that
every abortion is a ‘tragedy’. I’d go further myself actually. I would call
for a change in the law: a 24-week limit for abortion when babies now often
survive without long-term harm being born at less than 24 weeks is just plain
wrong. I’ve seen Lib Dems leave their party because of Tim Farron’s personal
views. I could think of many reasons to leave the Lib Dems, but leaving because
the leader is a Christian? How illiberal; how intolerant!
‘job’ in politics should be about what legislation not what we look like, about
public policy not gender. It’s about representing my constituents and working
as hard as I can on your behalf – despite covering a vast area that stretches
from Darlington to Berwick. Earlier in this article I said that I don’t use
swear words: to do so regularly spoils the impact. I won’t swear myself, but
when Liz Kendall told the Mail on Sunday journalist to “f*** off” I did allow
myself a little smile.
Two-thirds of people believe the multi-billion annual cost of EU membership is too high and does not represent value for money, the survey found.
Regaining control over UK borders to end mass migration from other EU nations was widely seen as the top priority for voters.
And an overwhelming majority wanted a far bigger reduction in meddling from Brussels than David Cameron is seeking in his diplomatic push for a new EU deal for Britain, the figures showed.
Eurosceptics seized on the findings as clear evidence that the campaign for a British exit is winnable when the forthcoming in-or-out referendum on the country's EU membership is held.
Ukip leader Nigel Farage said: "The ‘No to EU’ side can win this referendum as long as we make the right arguments on the issues people really care about such as border controls, which is exactly what we in Ukip intend to do."
The survey of 5,000 voters by polling firm Survation, commissioned by the Alliance for Direct Democracy in Europe, is the biggest detailed study of public opinion on Europe for years.
It asked a series of questions about attitudes to the EU and what should be the Prime Minister's top priorities in his drive to renegotiate the country's EU membership deal.
Immigration was seen as the most important issue in his diplomatic push, according to the poll.
Thirty-two per cent of voters stated that "ending the free movement of people" across EU borders should be the top item on his agenda in his diplomatic push.
A further 18 per cent wanted the restoration of sovereignty from Brussels to the Westminster parliament as the top priority.
And 15 per cent wanted the cost of EU membership, currently around £11billion a year, slashed so the cash could be spent within the UK
Mr Farage pointed out that the top three priorities for EU reform were not even on Mr Cameron's shopping list.
He said: "It is clear that Cameron's so-called renegotiation is a farce, given he has no intention of fighting for the changes the British people want.
"Open-door immigration, even to those currently undecided about whether to remain in the EU or not, is the number one concern. David Cameron has no intention of addressing this.
"It is vital therefore that EU open borders are part of this referendum debate.
"The fact that inside the EU we have no say over the quantity nor quality control of those who come to our country is of huge significance to the British people and we must highlight that we can only control the numbers coming in by voting No and leaving the EU.
"It is also clear that the British people want a Parliament which is free to make it's own laws without interference from the EU and to stop money flowing from the UK to Brussels.
"None of these issues are even open for discussion and so we in Ukip will be campaigning hard to expose David Cameron's commitment to keep the UK locked inside the EU. Ukip will be leading the charge to secure a No vote."
The poll comes ahead of a new drive by Ukip to fire up the campaign for a British exit from the EU ahead of Mr Cameron's planned EU referendum.
The historic vote on the country's European future is due to be held by the end of 2017 but some Whitehall insiders believe it could come as early as June next year.
Earlier this week, the Prime Minister revealed that he is planning a fresh round of talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other European leaders in his attempt to negotiate a new EU membership deal.
Ukip leader Mr Farage is planning to speak at dozens of public meetings around the country over the coming months to try to start winning the case for quitting the EU.
And in a major speech on Thursday he will say that time must not be wasted in the battle to win over voters.
According the Survation poll, the Yes to EU camp is currently ahead. It found that when voters who say they are likely to vote in the EU referendum were asked about their preference, 44.1 per cent supported staying in the EU while 35.7 per cent wanted to leave.
But senior Ukip figures believe the other poll findings confirm that feeling will shift drastically when the arguments are examined and the details of Mr Cameron's planned new EU membership deal are revealed.
According to the poll, only 37 per cent of those quizzed would vote to join the EU if the country was outside the bloc today.
Forty-two per cent of voters admitted to having no idea how much EU membership cost taxpayers while 66 per cent said the cost was too high and not value for money no matter what the actual cost was.
Forty-one per cent thought any savings if Britain does quit the EU should be spent on the NHS.
Nearly two thirds of voters (64 per cent) believed that the Westminster Parliament should be able to overrule EU law.
A Tory insider said: "The choice in the EU referendum should not be continued membership of the EU on the basis of the status quo but instead the British people should have the choice of a reformed relationship with the EU.
"Even though everyone said that it couldn’t be done, the British renegotiation’s been given the green light – kicking off a process to work through the substance and to find solutions.
"This will take us another step closer to addressing the concerns that people have about the EU.
"This will give the British people the choice of membership of a reformed European Union in an in/out referendum by the end of 2017.
"It will be for voters to decide whether to stay or leave."
The Daily Express has been at the forefront of the crusade for Britain to quit the EU for more than five years. Hundreds of thousands of readers backed a petition calling for a British exit from the union that was delivered to Downing Street. Express.
The time is long overdue for root and branch reform of
the Upper Chamber. I would suggest proper PR for 90% of the seats and ten per
cent by allocation in order to take advantage of leading experts in their
respective fields provided they have no known partisan interest. (This might even
leave an opening for a miniscule number of Peers to be made up from The House of Commons!) Allocated seats to be for life and
only refilled at times of death, retirement or lack of attendance. Elections to
be at seven yearly intervals in order to overlap more than a single
Okay, it took me two minutes to come up with a
workable model - there may well be better ones but we must find out and
French farmers are blocking imports from Germany and
Spain as part of a protest against falling prices. EU farm ministers will
meet in September to discuss the issue.
Former President Jimmy Carter has said in an interview that he does not
believe Jesus Christ would support abortion in most cases, identifying the "only
conflict" he's had between his political duties and Christian faith. Christian Post.
The Chancellor George Osborne, a negotiator in Britain's attempts to 'reform the EU', has now stated what the UK's membership of the European Union should look like in future. An utter disgrace! A pretence. A scam. Smoke and mirrors. BASIC REFORM OF THE EU IS IMPOSSIBLE! (Acquis Commaunitaire is WHY!)
Sara Thornton, who leads the National Police Chiefs' Council, said British police forces have given up investigating small scale cannabis farms, saying officers would now probably only 'record' it. Mail.
Chief Constable Sara Thornton, the £252,000-a-year head of the National Police Chiefs' Council, said burglary victims should no longer expect police officers to come to their homes. Mail.
Pro-independence parties in
Catalonia have clubbed together ahead of September regional elections. If
their bloc wins they promise to proclaim independence within eight
Interesting. I used to teach modern Spanish
politics as a Spanish ´A´ Level background topic. One essay question which I
would regularly set was - ´Could Catalonia Survive As An Independent Nation.´
Having looked into this matter in some depth, the answer was clearly ´Yes´.
Having looked at Scotland via similar criteria, in more recent times, the answer
is a resounding ´No´.
Trump said he's not sure if he's asked God for forgiveness, at the Family
Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, on Saturday, which led some to question the
sincerity of his alleged Christian faith.
Frank Luntz asked Trump on Saturday if he had ever sought God's forgiveness and
Trump replied, "I'm not sure I have ever asked God's forgiveness. I don't bring
God into that picture."
clarified further about forgiveness in the church setting saying, "When I go to
church and when I drink my little wine and have my little cracker, I guess that
is a form of forgiveness. I do that as often as I can because I feel cleansed. I
say let's go on and let's make it right," declared Trump.Read more at
Stray alligator found wandering the streets of New York City has
Police found the 3ft-long alligator in
the Inwood neighborhood of upper Manhattan on Thursday and took it to an animal
care center, where it later died
NYPD’s 34th Precinct tweeted this photo of the alligator on Thursday: ‘So this
alligator was crossing 9th Ave in,
really. At 205 Str. Cops took him to Animal Control.’ Photograph: 34th
stray alligator found wandering Manhattan streets has died, according to a
statement from animal control officials of New
York City.
New York Police Department’s 34th precinct found the 3ft-long alligator in the
Inwood neighborhood of upper Manhattan on Thursday and took it to the animal
care. Guardian.