Monday, July 27, 2015

Spot On, Tom.

Thank God for The Rt Rev’d Dr Peter Forster, Bishop of Chester, and lay Roman Catholic Bernard Donoughue, who, together, have issued the most comprehensive ecumenical rebuttal toLaudato Si, the second encyclical penned by Pope Francis.
The Papal Encyclical – A critical Christian response is published by The Global Warming Policy Foundation, though the authors make clear that: “Our thoughts are offered in a personal capacity, and do not represent GWPF as a whole.” So here we have the cogent thoughts of a senior Anglican bishop on the environment, global warming, market capitalism and global poverty (though it isn’t made clear why the monograph is entitle ‘The Papal Encyclical‘, since there have been more than a hundred of them [in the modern form], and the definite article may be properly apportioned only until Pope Francis issues his next encyclical, after which Laudato Si will simply become another epistle of indefinite object [unless, of course, it becomes so notorious as to go down in history as The papal enclyclical, but that seems most unlikely). Thomas Cranmer's Blog.

The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...