Cameron is asking for very little from the EU. But it
appears he may not even get that...
Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Monday, November 30, 2015
ISIS Amongst Migrants.
So - are we still happy to take in loadsa economic migrants without
knowing EXACTLY who they are?
Free Speech Is Not For Anybody To The Right Of Jeremy!
Universities 'dominated by Left-wing hate mobs': Professor says free speech is being stifled because anyone challenging views is 'shouted down'
Buckingham lecturer Professor Anthony Glees said hard-line students and academics have become more militant in the past ten years as the internet age encourages 'self-absorption'. Mail.
Songbird Survival.
Songbird deaths in the UK caused by cats run at more than a million
every week.
If you have a cat - please give it a collar and a bell so as to
give the birdies some sort of chance!
Do remember that if you wish to support birds without any silly political agenda:
Oldham By-Election.
UKIP could win - but it will require tory voters NOT to split the UKIP vote for that to be achieved. My prediction - for what that is worth - is that if the Tory candidate takes 4,000 or more votes, the cause will be lost.
I would not normally ask for prayer on a specific political vote but Mr Bickley is a thoroughly decent man opposed to a Corbynite.
Please pray!
I would not normally ask for prayer on a specific political vote but Mr Bickley is a thoroughly decent man opposed to a Corbynite.
Please pray!
McDonnell Calls UKIP 'Evil'.
Mr McDonnell launched a counter-attack on Ukip’s political stance.
“We can not allow what I think is an evil force within our society – that divides society often on the basis of race, often on the basis on some of the crudest policies that you can imagine any political party advocating,” he told the event according to The Spectator magazine. Telegraph.
'Divides society often on the basis of race'? - Good grief! They must be scared in Oldham by-election if lying of this magnitude is considered necessary - and this from a man with a history which cannot stand any scrutiny. It appears that 'evil' has had to be redefined.
Corbyn - What More Needs To Be Said?
Activist group linked to Jeremy Corbyn has accounts closed amid fears it may be funding terrorism
Co-op Bank said that Palestine Solidarity Campaign's accounts failed due diligence checks to ensure funds were not 'inadvertently funding illegal or other proscribed activities'. Telegraph.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Never Trust The Far Right.
French far-right MEP Aymeric Chauprade is under an arrest warrant by the
Dominican Republic over his role in the prison escape of two French pilots
sentenced for drug smuggling.
Congratulations To Christian Tyson Fury Winning World Heavyweight Crown.
Voters Need To Know.
This last week in the European Parliament Labour MEPs voted for the
"reintegration" to society of returning Jihadi fighters and then approved the
statement "member states must refrain from using any border control measures
aimed at fighting terrorism."
Good to know that Labour in the EU Parliament is on the side of the
British people's safety and security, isn't it?
Recreational Bombing.
Just WHO Will CofE Appoint Next?
Bless me! It's Britain's first NUDIST Bishop: Female Archdeacon, 51, was brought up in naturist family and wrote controversial defence of disrobing in public
Archdeacon of Buckingham Karen Gorham's support to naturist lifestyle has sparked controversy as she is named the next Bishop of Sherborne. Mail.
Good Grief! - Stick To Looking After Newts, Ken.
Ken Livingstone, the former London mayor said British troops are "discredited" and Chinese forces should go into Syria.
Mr Livingstone, who has been put in joint charge of a review of Labour's defence policy, made the comments as he backed Jeremy Corbyn's opposition to air strikes against Islamic State (IS) in Syria. AOL.
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Birds Pay The Price Of Verge Cutting.
I only have details for one county - Norfolk - but I think that we
can extrapolate from that. Norfolk cuts its verges twice a year - doing
inestimable damage to bird life.
It appears that they have now been persuaded to reduce to once
every three years. Hmm.
Cuts in late July would do very little damage to birds' nests, so a
balance between rural tidiness and the needs of birds could be readily
MORE Ridiculous Sexist Sentencing.
Jonathan BLASTS THE EU Budget AND Cuts Critic Down To Size. 3 clips combined from Strasbourg this week.
Diane James On Labour Treachery In Strasbourg.
This week in the European Parliament Labour MEPs voted for the
"reintegration" to society of returning Jihadi fighters and in approval of the
statement "member states must refrain from using any border control measures
aimed at fighting terrorism."
Our Crazy, Crazy World.
Today's British public life currently offers: a Poet Laureate who doesn't know how to rhyme, a Master of the Queen's Music who has barely written a hummable tune, and a Royal Academy Professor of Drawing who cannot, er, draw, writes QUENTIN LETTS. Elsewhere, we have an Archbishop of Canterbury who used to work in the City yet thinks unsustainable debt a wonderful idea; a Leader of the Opposition who wears a silver shell-suit, employs a Wykehamist communist as his spin doctor and seems worryingly soft on Britain's enemies; and an Arts Council boss who made his millions in trash television. Our likely next Queen but one has an uncle who is a tattooed geezer who took drugs in his Ibiza mansion; we have a vegan Shadow Minister for Farming; and a half-pint Speaker of the Commons whose wife is a leggy, bottle-blonde boozer so sophisticated that she posed naked in a sheet and recently had an affair with her husband's implausibly plain cousin. All this and Russell Brand, too.
New Name For 'Leftist Politics' - 'Collective Insanity'.
The Labour love-in with Mao continues: Left-winger Diane Abbott believes the Chinese dictator who murdered millions 'did more good than harm'
Ms Abbott, a staunch ally of Jeremy Corbyn who was once his lover when they were young activists, defended Mao on BBC One's politics review show This Week. Mail.
Chances Are That These Are Refugees NOT Economic Migrants.
I probably have a 90%+ chance of being right in my guess above. How so? - Well, in this group there are women, children and older people.
Blairite Budget Means Mortgaging Our Childrens' & Grandchildrens' Future.
UKIP Economics Spokesman Mark Reckless responds to Wednesday's Spending Review and Autumn Statement: "It is clearly evident that UKIP is now the only tax cutting party.
"The Chancellor had promised he would eliminate the deficit by the end of the last Parliament. Now he claims he will eliminate it by the end of this Parliament. But who really believes that, or the Chancellor’s convenient claims that borrowing will fall to less than £50 billion (£49.9 billion) next year and less than £25 billion (£24.8 billion) in 2017/18?
"Doesn't George Osborne realise our deficit is one of the largest of the world when almost all other countries have cut theirs? Why, having promised an 80/20 split between spending cuts and tax rises, is he now relying increasingly on tax rises, an insurance tax hike this month, and now a 2% centrally mandated increase in council tax plus potentially large rises in police precept?
"The answer is that spending is now projected to rise by over £100 billion over the Parliament, from £750 billion this year to £857 billion in 2020/21. That is because, as well as protecting areas where the country supports spending, such as the NHS, schools and, finally, defence, the Government is throwing away vast sums on the wrong spending priorities.
"As well as increasing our contribution to the EU to £55 million a day, the government has now increased our spending on overseas aid to £30 million a day, rising to nearly £40 million per day by the end of the parliament. There will be more spent, we have learnt today, on overseas aid than the government spends on the Home Office, including our police. Surely this is insane when the greatest threat to the people of this country is terrorism.
"Despite the Chancellor’s claims today, from next year the Government will be cutting spending on the Home Office, including the police, from £11.2 billion next year to £11.0 billion in 2018/19, a substantial cut in real terms.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Foreign Aid - No, Honestly!
No To Genuine Refugees? - Shameful!
Meanwhile, Sweden announced it would become more strict with asylum seekers
and Denmark said it would no longer accept refugees.
Tosh - Pure And Simple!
Any post-Brexit deal would be tough on the UK and a Norway-style deal is
questionable, warned Catherine Bearder, LibDem MEP, who will lead her party's campaign to stay in the EU as polls begin to show a majority for
Well - this would nearly have to be the only Lib Dem MEP - wouldn't it? Silly, silly, silly.
I Don't Like Cheese But - I Suspect That She Is Correct.
It's vile, damp, tasteless, oversalted gunk! So why are we ditching glorious Cheddar for foul feta, asks SARAH VINE
How is it possible that mighty, creamy Cheddar, king of British cheeses
is slowly being usurped in the nation's affections by the bitter, pallid Grecian ghost that is feta? Mail.
is slowly being usurped in the nation's affections by the bitter, pallid Grecian ghost that is feta? Mail.
All of this comes from the now inherent idea that if it is 'foreign' it must be 'exotic and better'.
Halloween? - Why Not Thanksgiving?
If we really have to integrate alien customs into our lives from the other side of 'the pond' - why have we chosen the truly yukky halloween crap instead of having a day of Thanksgiving?
Luke - The Only Gentile Writer Of The New Testament?
Was Luke a Jew or a Gentile?
- John Young
- Bible / History
Here’s what we know
about Luke from texts within the Bible.
- He was the “beloved physician” or doctor mentioned by Paul in Colossians 4:14
- Colossians 4:10-11 Paul names his fellow workers with him who are ‘of the circumcision’ i.e. Jewish.
- In that list Paul mentions Aristarchus (a Jew from Thessalonica), Mark (Jewish name John/Yochanan), Barnabas and Jesus, called Justus as being ‘of the circumcision,’ whereas Luke and Demas are not mentioned in that group.
- However, separately in verse 14 we are told that Luke and Demas send their greetings, so the context of these verses indicates that Luke was not ‘of the circumcision,’ that is, he was not Jewish.
- Luke is not mentioned prior to the Lord Jesus’s death and resurrection.
So in summary:
Luke was a Gentile who
never met Jesus as he was not an eye witness, unlike the other three Gospel
writers who were all Jews.
Sometime later
Luke became a follower of Jesus.
His earliest mention is
in Philemon 2:4. He is also mentioned in Colossians 4:14 and 2 Timothy 4:11.
He travelled and worked
with Paul as recorded in the Book of Acts with the ‘we’ sections – see Acts
16:10-17; 20:5-15, 21:1-18; 27:1 to 28:16.
So Luke is the only
Gentile writer within the New Testament.
There are many other
things about Luke that have come down from the church fathers such as: Luke was
a Greek born in Antioch in Ancient Syria. The next earliest account of Luke
(after Paul’s writings) is in the Anti-Marcionite Prologue to the Gospel of
Luke. Luke probably was originally a convert through Peter who became a
disciple of Paul and followed him until Paul’s martyrdom. Then having served
the Lord continuously, unmarried and without children, Luke died at the age of
Finally, neither the
Gospel of Luke nor The Book of Acts indicates when they were written. so this
too must be deduced. Scholars have noted that Paul’s first Roman imprisonment
is mentioned at the end of Acts (Acts 28:30) so the earliest date for Acts being
written could be 62AD. Luke’s gospel account is usually dated from the early to
late sixties or mid-seventies to late eighties of the first century
Euro Tottering On The Brink?
Mad Judge Threatens Rhinos!
Rhinos took another step towards extinction today when a judge ruled that a ban on trading their precious horns is illegal.
Conservationists have recoiled at the decision by the South African judge, warning that getting rid of the moratorium will push the imperiled creatures closer to the brink.
Judge Francis Legodi lifted South Africa’s domestic sales ban after ruling that the government had failed to consult the public when imposing the moratorium in 2009. He highlighted the way rhino poaching has soared to record levels since the ban had come into effect in his judgement. Express. So he is arguing that his judgement will help rhinos????
Conservationists have recoiled at the decision by the South African judge, warning that getting rid of the moratorium will push the imperiled creatures closer to the brink.
Judge Francis Legodi lifted South Africa’s domestic sales ban after ruling that the government had failed to consult the public when imposing the moratorium in 2009. He highlighted the way rhino poaching has soared to record levels since the ban had come into effect in his judgement. Express. So he is arguing that his judgement will help rhinos????
Good News For Once - Arthritis Breakthrough.
AN injection that promises to relieve the agony of arthritis could be available within five years.
By MARK REYNOLDS. Scientists have developed a pioneering way to deliver drugs directly into cartilage – tissue previously believed to be impenetrable.
The treatment uses tiny particles of a patient’s own cells to carry the “payload” into affected joints.
It would require only one day in hospital every three months and would not cause the side-effects associated with other therapies.
Announcing the breakthrough, Professor Mauro Perretti, of Queen Mary University of London, said: “Cartilage has long been thought to be impenetrable to cells and other small structures leading to strong limitations in our abilities to deliver therapies for arthritis. Express.
Atheism On The Curriculum?
If They Grasped How It Really Works - 95% Would Vote To Quit EU!
One thing would convince the average person that
Britain must leave the European Union; being a fly on the wall for a couple of
weeks in the European Parliament and seeing the squalid, elitist nonsense of how
laws are made.
I’ve written before about how debate is stifled,
and this week in Strasbourg is no exception.
I had submitted my request to speak in the steel
industry ‘debate’; the Deputy Speaker had five spots to allocate. My request was
acknowledged. They took just three speakers, looked across at me, smiled, and
closed down the debate.
Redcar, in my constituency, had been mentioned more than once in the
debate, but the message was clear: they’d do their best to stifle any mention of
the EU’s responsibility in some (not all) of the factors behind the loss of
jobs. You see, us eurosceptics are dangerous. We must be gagged in case a moment
of common sense breaks out in all the ridiculousness.
And it really is nonsense on stilts. My North East
Labour colleagues seem to think that despite the millions fleeing Syria and the
EU’s redefinition of the word ‘refugee’ causing a mass exodus from countries
like Bangladesh towards Europe, there just aren’t enough people arriving at our
shores – so they voted to invent a new type of refugee, a ‘climate refugee’.
Fortunately, the measure was defeated, but it was worryingly
The EU is now pushing for a seat at the United
Nations’ Security Council. I spoke out against it, and voted against it. The EU
is not a nation. Labour happily voted in favour. But when UKIP asked other
parties’ MEPs to join with us and demand that our British seat on the Security
Council be protected, not one Labour, Conservative or Liberal Democrat MEP
anywhere in the country bothered to respond. By being in the EU we’ve already
lost our voting rights at the World Trade Organisation, of course - typical of
how we lose influence as members of the EU.
We voted on a bizarre report supposedly about child
poverty, which ranged from far-left to outright communism and included talk of
wealth redistribution, income redistribution, anti-privatisation and universal
benefits. By all means believe in those things, but this was a report about
child poverty being used as a political football.
The Labour Party weighed in on the act, lambasting
anyone who voted against an EU-wide ‘child guarantee’ – we all want to end
poverty, but you won’t do it with an unfunded, uncosted, back-of-envelope idea
across 28 different countries at once.
All of the above happened in just one day - on
Tuesday. It’s a system utterly divorced from reality, and it’s sickening to see
just how quickly MEPs can ‘go native’.
I refuse to attend the daily champagne receptions
of lobbyists in Brussels (the only city in the world with more lobbyists than
Washington DC).
I scoff at the blue carpet laid out for MEPs to
walk into the Parliament on, whilst mere mortals must tread the solid granite
I hate the system where I, as an MEP, am expected
to waltz to the front of any queue anywhere in the Parliament – and get funny
looks if I wait my turn.
The list of things that can actually be done better
at European Union level than 28 different countries would be quite a short
The list becomes even shorter when you consider
that issues which span different countries might be better discussed in the
United Nations.
It becomes shorter still when it’s painfully
obvious that the European Union lacks the ability to produce good legislation,
thanks to an unelected Commission, weak Parliament and a massively bureaucratic
decision-making process.
The European Union juggernaut’s stated aim is
‘ever-closer union’. Once power has been given to the EU by the UK, under the
‘acquis communautaire’ principle it can never be given back unless we leave the
European Union. Power after power is ceded to Brussels, with few people out
there pausing to consider whether the power should be there in the first
As the proverb goes, a tyrannical king once asked a
wise man what he could do for the betterment of humanity. The wise man told the
king “Stay in bed until midday, so that for this brief period you may not
afflict mankind”.
If the European Union didn’t legislate at all, the
world would be a better place.
If readers could only see what MEPs deal with on a
daily basis, they’d vote to leave the European Union and put me out of a job. I
truly hope they do.
I Feel Sickened To My Very Core.
Elderly Bristol couple, together for 63 years, forced to die apart after carer stole their savings.

When the theft was discovered, the couple were forced into different care homes. AOL News.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Cameron The Inadequate.
DAVID CAMERON is set to drop his demand for a crackdown on European Union migrants' benefits little more than two weeks after outlining his plan, it emerged today. By GREG HEFFER, POLITICAL REPORTER - Express.
Global Cooling.
Top-Funded NHS Can NEVER Deliver.
Healthcare Reform in Italy and Spain: Do these
tax-financed, decentralised systems
better reform
implementation than in the NHS?
Nicole Gerlis, November 2015
NHS is under unprecedented strain. When looking for solutions, stakeholders
often compare the NHS with Bismarckian social insurance healthcare systems in
Europe rather than other Beveridgean tax-financed systems. This report studies
the Italian and Spanish healthcare systems, which are of the latter type and
operate more similarly to our own. Civitas.
George Takes The Easy Way Out!
Despite weeks of warnings of savage cuts, the Chancellor ditched plans to slash the £30billion tax credits bill. He will now even breach his self-imposed cap on welfare payments. Police budgets were left untouched. Mr Osborne infuriated some Tory MPs by shovelling more cash into foreign aid, which will soar to more than £16billion by 2020. Less cash is spent on the Home Office. The sting in the tail for Middle England is a £28billion avalanche of tax rises. Mail.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
A Very Worthy Experiment.
The toss could be scrapped in County Championship Division Two matches next season under proposals being considered by the England and Wales Cricket Board.
The ECB's executive board will discuss the plan on Thursday after it was recommended by its cricket committee.
If it is approved a one-year trial will take place in 2016 to try to improve pitches and encourage spin bowlers.
The away team would choose whether to bat, bowl or still have a toss if the pitch condition was uncertain.
The toss will remain in County Championship Division One and domestic limited-overs cricket.
Tories Ready To Rebel?
Shipley Tory MP Philip Davies joked that Mr Cameron is guaranteed success because "if you ask for nothing (then) when you get nothing it will be (regarded as) a success".
Mr Bone said: “The bar is so low this renegotiation is just a joke.”
Bury North MP David Nuttall described the Prime Minister’s demands as “very modest”. Express.
Great News For Photogenic Red Squirrels.
The alien grey squirrel - better known as 'the tree rat' has been
successfully culled on Anglesey and this will, henceforth, be home to the native
red squirrel. (For those who may be confused here, 'red' refers to the colour of the squirrels and not to their political beliefs.)
Senior Driving?
As a senior citizen was driving down the motorway, his car phone
rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Harry, I
just heard on the news that there's a car going the wrong way on the M62. Please be
"Hey," said Harry, "It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!"
"Hey," said Harry, "It's not just one car. It's hundreds of them!"
Can UKIP Pull Off The Impossible?
SENIOR Labour figures are getting jittery about the prospects of holding on to the safe seat of Oldham West with the party "haemorrhaging" votes to Ukip. - Express.
I Feel Precious Little Good Will Towards This Silly Man.
Robert Goodwill MP praised airport drop-off fees for cutting down pollution.
Sentencing To Make You Clench Your Fists In Anger!
'Climate refugees'???? - Good Grief!
The European Parliament (by 303-387) only narrowly rejected the idea of creating such a thing as a 'climate refugee'.
University Fees Scandal.
University students in England now pay the world's highest fees: Charges are six times those of Italy or Switzerland and even higher than the US.
We need to return to a sustainable system wherein only the truly worthy go to university - and it should be free as it always used to be. This cannot happen if you send everyone and his cat to do a degree course. Degrees are becoming so diluted and devalued in the UK that, in order to progress, the necessary elite - those with university style minds - are now having to do further degrees. Some incredibly basic jobs now demand a degree and the whole employment situation is wildly distorted. Let us return to the meritocracy and return to the non-diluted degrees of yesteryear.What We Want.
No! We don't want out of Europe! We want out of the
European Union, a very different thing indeed.
Our Society's Shame.
November, 2015
who had already had three or more abortions accounted
for a further 4,600 abortions in 2014, the Department of Health has
reported. Vix Proctor, a spokesperson for the abortion provider Marie Stopes,
said that a majority of these women resort to abortions as "short-term
methods of contraception".
- |

Williams commented: "These tragic
statistics highlight our nation's increasing disregard for the preciousness of life".
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