Sunday, February 18, 2018

Thinking Back To The Tebbit Article In The Telegraph.

Norman was, of course, right that National Socialists (Nazis) were - and still are - wholly socialist. Similarly, he was right that Mussolini's fascisti were socialist.
The European dictator who was a rightist, of course, was General Francisco Franco de Bahamonde.
Militarist and ultra conservative - he was a complex man who could not be understood without full recognition of his extreme, very hard line Catholicism.
If we are going to use terms such as 'left and right' to define political movements - may we please get them right? They must not be permitted to be used for propaganda purposes.
I recall the wicked misrepresentation by the Beeb, inter al, of the extreme soviet communist faction which opposed Gorbachev's reforms. They frequently declared this group to be - wait for it - right wingers!

I spotted an Irish flag on the St Patrick's Day Parade...

 ... it stated that 'Ireland is full.' Interesting. I looked up the figures. They have roughly 212 people per square mile. England h...