Tuesday, December 31, 2019

O Antiphons.

For over a thousand years, Christians have sung the O Antiphons in the days leading up to Christmas. Together they comprise a hymn that centers our attention on the glories of Advent and the Incarnation. 
O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law:
come to save us, Lord our God!
 Emmanuel means “God with us.” We know “Emmanuel” is one of the names of Jesus, yet this verse plainly says Emmanuel is also our “King” and the “Giver of Law.” These are names for God that we often associate with God the Father, the God of the Old Testament.
We tend to sentimentalize God. In other words, we try to re-make Him in our image rather than conforming our minds and hearts and entire being to the God Who Is There. One of the most common ways of doing that is to brush aside Emmanuel The Law Giver. The law-giving God, we tell ourselves, is the God of the Old Testament. “Emmanuel” is the God of the New Testament, the god who frees us from the law.
We forget that the Lord our God is one God, and we’re to have no other gods–especially not gods of our own imagination–before Him. We forget the Jesus who told us that even lusting was the same as adultery, that one who hates commits murder. In other words, we forget the Jesus who said He came not to abolish the law, but to hold the law in even higher regard–and to complete it and save us from its consequences.
Rightly understood, the law isn’t a burden, but a blessing. It points us to the “Lord our God” who has “come to save us.” As Paul wrote, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” In the very next breath he answers his own question: “Thanks be to God– through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 7: 24-25)
Emmanuel the Giver of Law has come to save us indeed. Thanks be to God!
Warren Cole Smith is the President of Ministry Watch.

Iranian Tyranny Resisted.



Sorry For Being Boring But ...

... I do not celebrate on New Year's Eve. Just don't see the point, really.
I can see the point, however, in using the New Year to keep past promises to yourself about repairing the damaged and negative areas in your life.
Yes. New Year Resolutions make plenty of sense and with God's help, you should be able to keep them.

Note That This Is An 'Offer' To Be Accepted Or Rejected.

Quite So, Dan.

A letter to the Eurocrats: Britain’s quarrel is with you, not with Europe.

I Am Seriously Impressed.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes distributed over 190,000 Bibles in 2019.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Let's Hear It For Charles Moore!

BBC host stunned as corporation accused of anti-Brexit bias live on air in shock attack.

A BBC RADIO host appeared shocked after a guest presenter on his show accused the corporation of behaving like a ‘secular church’, with an anti-Brexit bias.

By JAMES BICKERTONThe incendiary accusation was made by Charles Moore, who appeared on the BBC radio 4 ‘Today’ programme as a guest editor. Mr Moore also accused the BBC of having a bias over climate change arguing it had a “nationalised culture” that should be “disestablished”.
The conservative writer was formerly editor of The Daily Telegraph and Spectator magazine and has written a three volume biography of Margaret Thatcher.
Speaking on the show Mr Moore said: “What I am objecting to is preaching.
“The BBC has decided to be a secular church and it preaches and tells us what we ought to think about things.
“So it tells us we shouldn’t support Brexit and we should accept climate change alarmism and we have to all knowtow to the doctrines of diversity.” Express.

So Why Am I Not Surprised?

Only one in 100 hate crimes investigated by pioneering police unit lead to charge.


The Most Neglected Commandment.

I have been meditating this over several weeks.
It strikes me that, pretty much, I tend to obey all the commandments - quite possibly more to the letter than to the spirit (and not always that much, TBH) - but there is one commandment which is observed by very few, including most genuine Christians.
I shall not tell you the commandment which is most neglected on the list by, what I am now personally convinced, will be the majority of my readership.
Instead, I invite you to pray into this situation so that God will reveal His truth to you.
(It suddenly struck me that there may be some to whom God would reveal a different answer to mine. Well. So be it.)

When I used to teach exam classes, my main motto to pupils was, ''Identify your weaknesses and turn them into strengths. It is more important to work on the weaker areas as there is much more room for large improvements to be made in your marks. If you concentrate on the strengths, the mark improvement will be much smaller."

I see no reason why we cannot spiritualise these processes.

Finding Jesus - Well Worth A Read.


Why Jude?

The UK Desperately Needs A Government-Backed Campaign To ...

Let us all chip in to helping reducing imports.

The People Finally Triumph Over Corrupt, Anti-Democratic Politicos.

I was reading an article recently which suggests that the UK economy is going to take a boost in 2020.
I have to wonder whether those who have savings might not choose to invest in the UK's potential rather than that in other parts of the world.

You Either Follow Scripture or You Do Not.

Texas megachurch votes to leave UMC over homosexuality debate.

Texas megachurch votes to leave UMC over homosexuality debate

Grace Fellowship Church of Katy, Texas. In December 2019, the congregation voted to leave the United Methodist Church. Courtesy of Grace Fellowship
A United Methodist Church congregation in Texas with approximately 2,800 members has voted to leave the mainline denomination because of its debate over homosexuality.
Grace Fellowship UMC of Katy voted Dec. 15 to leave the UMC due to the divisive debate on whether to amend the Book of Discipline to remove language calling homosexuality “incompatible with Christian teaching.”
Jim Leggett, the founding pastor of Grace Fellowship, told The Christian Post in an interview Monday that his congregation wanted “to remove ourselves from the dysfunctional fighting going on in the United Methodist Church so that we can fully devote our energies to fulfilling the mission and vision that God has given to us.”
“At one point, we looked up and noticed that we were spending easily 30 percent of our leadership meeting time discussing the issues of the UMC, and we realized that this was not good stewardship of our time and resources for the Kingdom of God,” said Leggett.
“In the last year, it has become clear to us that despite having biblical standards of morality on paper in the denomination’s Book of Discipline, the leadership of the United Methodist Church is unable or unwilling to live by those standards.”
Grace Fellowship presently belongs to the Texas Annual Conference. Bishop Scott Jones, head of the conference, told CP that the congregation’s vote to leave “will be considered by the Texas Annual Conference during a special session on August 15.” CP.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

England Lose Test By 107 Runs.

Admittedly, the pitch was tricky in the last innings but with the start that they were given from yesterday - England should not have allowed wickets to slip so regularly through their fingers.
South Africa did everything right  - we did not.
Bairstow's batting technique has disappeared; Root did the hard work and then failed; a string of other batsmen capitulated.
All in all, the bulk of the blame should be heaped onto the shoulders of the man who threw away England's advantage by not batting after winning the toss.
Three more tests to go,  0 - 1.
So much is wrong - and badly so!


How many coincidences are really coincidences? - Expert advice.

"Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous."

Albert Einstein.

Roman Fish Sauce.




Doctors and hippocrisy?

Hippocratic oath - "To do no harm".

Some may perhaps square with this in very extreme cases where the possibility of euthanasia is concerned - but abortion. How does that work?

... And Far Too Many Are In Ministry!

We All Need God's Mercy and Grace.

Bercow: A Wholly Correct Decision.

John Bercow SNUBBED: Ex-Speaker becomes first in 230 years NOT to get a seat in Lords.

JOHN BERCOW has become the first Speaker of the House of Commons in 230 years not to get a peerage upon retirement.

By MARTINA BET. Express.

EU Economy On The Skids - Printing Money Is Always A Precursor To Disaster.

Rupert Lowe, Brexit MEP for the West Midlands, says the only thing that is propping up the EU’s sclerotic economy and Euro currency is the European Central Bank’s quantitative easing programme. QE, as it is known, is when a Central Bank prints money and pumps it into the economy to stimulate growth and job creation. Since 2015, the European Central Bank has bought around €2.1 trillion (£1.8 trillion) of assets in a bid to boost Europe’s ailing economic activity. Express.

Our Self-Imagined Elites Despise Love of Country.

Britain’s elites have not reacted well to Boris Johnson’s victory. Here are some of the responses to his triumph, all voiced by members of what we might reasonably call the Establishment: “The Arch-Mountebank has shown himself a supreme cad.” “Bloated with ego and over-feeding, punctuated by heroics and hot air; I can’t tell you how depressed I feel about it.” “It is incredible that a man in his position should make such gaffes.” “I am terrified of Boris, the only thing to be said is, he is preferable to Corbyn”.
Actually, I just played a little trick on you. That last quote should have read: “I am terrified of Winston, the only thing to be said is, he is preferable to L[loyd] G[eorge]”.  DT.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Test : Day Three, Change of Innings.

England were lamentable in the field. As a consequence, they now have a target to chase down of a gargantuan 376 runs to win.
The only upside is that they have over seven sessions to make that total - but giving them a 1% chance of doing it seems a tad generous.
The fielding was below par. There were so many opportunities for run-outs if only accurate throws could have hit the stumps - they didn't!
The pitch was giving assistance to bowling that was well pitched up - so England decided to try short-pitched stuff instead. Undoubtedly, this was designed to confuse the springbok batters - but didn't!
Bowling was well below par. Anderson only took two wickets in the match; Broad bowled poorly at the start of the first innings and was patchy thereafter. Curran was the pick in the first innings but descended to the lowest common denominator in the second.
Archer got a fivefer but was going at an astronomical six an over - fine in limited over matches but unacceptable in tests.

Update. Some excellent batting from Rory Burns in partnership with Sibley and latterly, Denley, saw England through to within 255 runs of their target with nine wickets remaining as they head into Day 4, tomorrow. Sibley perished giving a return catch to Maharajah who is going to be a pain in the proverbial tomorrow to all the England lefthanders.
England's chances of a rather improbable win have probably increased to about 15%.

Nigel Concedes That Boris "is taking the country to the right place."

Nigel Farage has declared that Boris Johnson is taking the country to "the right place", as he conceded that Brexiteers will not get everything they want out of a post-Brexit deal with the EU.
The Brexit Party leader insisted that the Prime Minister must be prepared to walk away without a trade agreement at the end of next year's transition period, if he fails to win favourable terms from Brussels.  The pro-Brexit campaigner claimed that there was now a one in four chance of the transition period ending without a deal.
But Mr Farage said that the UK had now "turned the corner" and was "heading to the right place". DT.

New Year Honour's List Is ...

... the usual batch of third rate celebs, second rate sport stars and the massively undeserving.
How on earth do TV cooks get gongs? Why?

Virtues or Values?

In her groundbreaking "Demoralisation of Society", Professor Gertrude Himmelfarb makes an unarguable point regarding the destruction of social positives in the post Victorian world.
Largely blaming the soul-aching negativism of Friedrich Nietsche for a change in vocabulary by the philosopher who wished to abolish God and went on to be a major philosophical force behind the rise of Hitler, she attributes the rise of modern relativism to this false prophet.
One word subtlely is changed into another. 'Virtues' turn into 'values' - and at what cost!
'Virtues' in Victorian Britain were immutable; cast in stone; grounded in Christianity and were socially positive ideals shared by the bulk of society from top to bottom.
'Values' however, are based on an absence of absolutes; shifting moralities dependent on individualistic points of view; fads and fashions; self-serving attitudes; justifications of the unjustifiable; godlessness; nihilism; egocentricity and sham claims of benevolence.
A society does not turn into the moral wreckage that we must endure today without first the ship being holed below the waterline.
Nietsche made the first and most important breach as Man made the shift from being largely immoral to the far more terrifying - AMORAL.

Perhaps a good time to recall precisely why we so need the Saviour born in Bethlehem!

Think Back On This Christmas.

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree. ~Roy L. Smith
Only in souls the Christ is brought to birth, And there He lives and dies.~Alfred Noyes
Fail not to call to mind, in the course of the twenty-fifth of this month, that the Divinest Heart that ever walked the earth was born on that day; and then smile and enjoy yourselves for the rest of it; for mirth is also of Heaven's making. ~Leigh Hunt
There has been only one Christmas - the rest are anniversaries. ~W.J. Cameron
May Peace be your gift at Christmas and your blessing all year through! ~Author Unknown

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens
It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air. ~W.T. Ellis
Except the Christ be born again tonight In dreams of all men, saints and sons of shame, The world will never see his kingdom bright. ~Vachel Lindsay
Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts. ~Janice Maeditere.

Posted 2008 - This Man Is Now In The Running To Lead Labour. Frankly, I Despair!

David Lammy MP no Mastermind, he! Posted 2008.

"According to David Lammy MP, Privy Councillor and Minister of State for Higher Education, there are still too many inequalities in the education system which prevents disadvantaged children from applying to study for a degree. British schooling is wholly responsible for the inequalities. A culture of low expectation and a lack of rigour holding these pupils back."

[His own education looks worryingly impressive - on paper, at least!]

Several points about his recent appearance on Celebrity Mastermind:
a] He was not very good; he knew very little and I scored more than he did on his specialist subject!
b] He was so poor that he was beaten into fourth place by an actor, a pop star and a 'hairy biker'.
c] Gordon Brown must have been severely embarrassed that one of his up-and-comers should have proved to be quite as ignorant as he was - and in public!
d] Apologies for the repetition, but this man is a MINISTER for HIGHER Education!
e] How did he dare to appear on the programme in the first place? - Hubris?

To be fair, he did seem a nice enough chap but I really do want my rulers to be a little brighter - please.
What surprises me is that I am surprised!

PS Dave, - a word to the wise, the 'inequalities' you mention have happened because of YOUR party's education policies and hatred of excellence.

Yup: Teaching Your Grandmother To Suck Eggs!

... the Government has joined in the chorus for a zero-waste festive season, with environment minister Rebecca Pow urging British people to save their wrapping paper for next year. DT.

Blogger: I find it ironic in the extreme that those of us brought up by parents born in the 20s and 30s, who were taught to WASTE NOTHING, have been mocked as we moved into the absurd throwaway society which we inhabit today.
Suddenly - finally acting a little more sensibly is the sign of being modern. Apparently.
Of course, 'modernity' brings with it impossible exaggerations from that most deadly of combos - leftist politicos and and unscientific scientists.
Incidentally, here in Sheffield, I was informed by an intelligent personage who has researched thoroughly the matter that the temperature rise in our city has been a whole degree - spread over 134 years!



Timely Justice Act Is Good But Needs To Be Much Better AND Across All States.

 On June 14, 2013, Governor Rick Scott, Florida, signed the Timely Justice Act of 2013, which speeds up the process of capital punishment by creating tighter time frames for the sentenced to make appeals and imposes reporting requirements on case progress. 

Watson Has Had Enough.


They Who Initially Had Rejected Him Suddenly Became Followers. The Best explanation Is That They KNEW He Had Risen From The Dead!

Test: Day Two.

Day Two was something of a disaster as England were skittled by a side which has lost five tests in quick succession.
Instead of being a hundred ahead, they were left foundering a hundred behind!
Fortunately, the England attack broke the back of South Africa second innings which leaves them with a tiny chance of saving the match.
S. Africa were a 175 ahead with six wickets in hand at stumps.

With 300 looking to be an impossible target to achieve in the final innings of the game, the England bowlers need to clean up the home side's second innings for no more than another sixty or seventy and will then need to bat at their very best in  order to pull this one out of the fire.

These Are MY Brothers and Sisters.

Ten Christians beheaded in ISIS horror video as terror gang targets Christmas.

ISIS HAS released a horrifying video showing its fighters beheading ten Christian hostages in Nigeria.


Friday, December 27, 2019

The Day England More or Less Got Away With It.

On the first day of the opening test at Centurion, England did rather better than could reasonably have been expected.
For skipper Joe Root to give the South Africans their desire to bat first after his winning the toss was surely the purest of folly.
This is a pitch not especially noted for taking spin but one which decays badly on the fourth and fifth days of test matches.
Furthermore the England bowling was wildly below par.
With a thousand test wickets between them, the opening attack of Broad and Anderson were both profoundly mediocre in the opening ten overs, and yet, opener Edgar decided to gift Anderson a wicket to the first ball of the series - caught behind to a hapless stroke down the leg side. This was Jimmy's only wicket. Happily, Broad improved later in the innings.
Ben Stokes, one of five seamers in the side, did not get a bowl. Archer was almost as poor as he had been in New Zealand even if he was able to top 90 mph on occasions.
The pick of the day was young Sam Curran who took 4 - 57.
South Africa will not have been pleased to end the day on 277 for 9. Their batsmen helped to justify Root's dubious decision to put them in.
I say that 'we rather got away with it' but that will mean nothing if the batsmen do not bat themselves into a significant first innings lead.
England open today with Burns and Sibley. May the latter please, please prove me wrong about his screamingly obvious lack of test quality.

Do Not Get Angry - Build Bridges!

Ethiopian Christian Wins Nobel Peace Prize.

In early December, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Specifically, the Norwegian Committee cited Ahmed’s “decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea.”
Prime Minister Ahmed is a Pentecostal Christian and the second African Evangelical in a row to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Congolese physician Denis Mukwege won in 2018.
Ahmed’s story is only the latest chapter in the ancient history of Ethiopian Christianity, which began in Acts 8 when an angel told Philip, “Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” On that road, Philip met an Ethiopian court official puzzled over the meaning of Isaiah 53.
Philip told the man known as the Ethiopian Eunuch the good news about Jesus, and when the official professed faith, Philip baptized him. Afterward, the “Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing.”
Where he went, of course, was Ethiopia. According to second century church father Irenaeus of Lyon, “This man . . . was also sent into the regions of Ethiopia, to preach what he had himself believed.” And according to church historian Nicephorus, Matthias, the one chosen to replace Judas, also preached the gospel in Ethiopia.
Over the next two centuries, Christianity continued to spread in the region. Then in the early fourth century, in another momentous chapter in Ethiopian Christian history, a Christian boy from Tyre named Frumentius was shipwrecked and sold into slavery at a port along the Red Sea. His new master was the king of Axum, a region in what is now Ethiopia. Like Daniel and Joseph before him, Frumentius gained the trust of the pagan king who, upon his death, freed Frumentius. But Frumentius remained as a tutor to the new king, Ezana.
When Ezana came of age, Frumentius returned to Tyre to be trained as a priest. From there he went to Alexandria and asked the great theologian and patriarch Athanasius to send a bishop and missionaries to facilitate the further conversion of Ethiopia. Athanasius decided that the best man for that job was Frumentius himself, and so he was consecrated as the new bishop.
The most historically significant of Frumentius’ converts was King Ezana himself, who was baptized shortly after Frumentius returned to Ethiopia. Within a decade of his return, the majority of the people in Ezana’s kingdom had become Christians. Christianity became the official religion of what is now Ethiopia in about A.D. 330 , which makes Ethiopia the second oldest Christian nation on earth after Armenia.
“What about Rome?” you ask? Rome didn’t officially become Christian until A.D. 380.
Recent archaeological finds confirm this story. As recently related at Smithsonian.com, archaeologists have discovered the remains of a church that date back to the early fourth century.
This discovery reminds us of three things. First, even before Constantine legalized Christianity in the Roman Empire, the faith had already spread far and wide from Ethiopia to the south and India to the east.
Second, the Christian faith originated at the crossroads of Asia and Africa. The modern explosion of Christianity on both those continents is, in reality, a homecoming. Ethnically and linguistically, our Lord was more closely related to people like Frumentius and the people of Ethiopia, who speak a Semitic language, than He was to the people of Europe.
And finally, Ethiopia’s two-thousand-year legacy of Christianity all began with Philip’s simple act of obedience. So when the Lord bids any of us, “Rise and go,” we’d better do it. After all, who knows if He might bless an act of obedience today, in order to change history and to glorify His name for centuries to come.

Martyrs Today.



Faith Can Change The Lives of Patients.

Christian doctor, Richard Scott, has been vindicated after a concerted and targeted attack against him by a secularist campaign group was thrown out by the General Medical Council.
Richard spoke to BBC Radio Kent about why the ruling matters so much, and explains how discussing his faith with patients who want to talk about it has helped to change lives.
Tim Dieppe also spoke to BBC Radio Kent about Richard’s case, discussing whether doctors should be allowed to offer prayer to their patients.

The Thought Police Are Here - RIGHT NOW!

Harry Miller, a former police officer, is taking Humberside Police to court over reported ‘hate incidents’.Harry, now chief executive of campaign group Fair Cop, was previously told by Humberside Police that he had been reported for hate speech because of some 30 tweets that were anonymously reported as ‘offensive’ and ‘transphobic’.
Despite being told he had committed no crime, the policeman told Harry he needed “to check your thinking”. Harry’s record now clearly states that he has committed a ‘non-crime’ ‘hate incident’. The trouble is, if something is perceived as hateful, it is recorded as hateful. No evidence is needed. There is nothing you can do to change its status and it remains on your record permanently.
Harry wants his name cleared. As far as he is concerned, there was no hate and there was no incident. He is now taking Humberside Police to court where a judicial review case will look into whether the police are in breach of human rights. Christian Concern.

To Say and Mean, Jeremy. That Doesn't Hurt Too Much, Does It?

The Prime Minister wished 'all our Jewish friends, neighbours and relatives, wherever you are in the world... a very happy Chanukah' in a video message published on Twitter. Mail.

Brexit: The Economic Benefits.


I've Never Known A Leftist More Often Right Than George Is.


No Rowan. The Biggest Issue Is What Percentage of The World Is Hellbound!

Former Archbishop of Canterbury warns climate change is the 'largest challenge' ever faced by humanity.

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan WilliamsThe former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams CREDIT: JONATHAN BRADY /JONATHAN BRADY 
26 DECEMBER 2019 • 12:01AM

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, has warned that climate change is the 'largest challenge ever to the human race'.  DT.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Violent Pornography.



So. Is The Church A Positive? - You Know, 'Organised Religion'?'

Er ... Yes. Quite So.

No-Time-For-God Boris, Already Doing More Than Alleged Christians Who Have Previously Been PM.

The Prime Minister will use his Christmas message to express sympathy for Christians "who are facing persecution" around the world.
Boris Johnson will also vow to “defend” their right to religious expression, saying he will aim to “change” the dire predicament of those punished for their faith.
He will say: “Today of all days, I want us to remember those Christians around the world who are facing persecution.
“For them, Christmas Day will be marked in private, in secret, perhaps even in a prison cell.
“As Prime Minister, that’s something I want to change. We stand with Christians everywhere, in solidarity, and will defend your right to practise your faith.” DT.

Our Former PM - Looking Back To Her Resignation.

may 25 2019, 12:00am, the times

Theresa May resigns: What makes her tick? Self‑pity and lack of empathy

Too late, too late. All too late. The tears were moving, the spectacle pitiful, and all who saw it will have felt momentarily touched. But even amid the self-pity, Theresa May’s strange, tin-eared effrontery came through. The cheek of it; to compare her search for “compromise” to the valour of Sir Nicholas Winton, kindertransport, and his efforts to rescue Jewish children from the Nazis! It sounded almost cheap but I don’t think that’s the explanation. I think it was yet another example of Mrs May’s complete lack of self-awareness.
During the 2017 general election the BBC’s Newsnight asked me to make a short film —Theresa May: a profile. I ended it with my honest conclusion: “Who is Theresa May? . . . Times.

God's Peace In You?

Lib Dems Helping To Tackle Climate Change.

Never Let Us Forget Just How Much Marx Got Badly Wrong - 200 Million Dead, For Starters!


Brexit Fisheries Triumph?

Brexit victory: Fisheries expert outlines how UK will rebuild industry day after EU exit.

BREXIT will give fishing communities across the UK the "immediate" chance to be revitalised thanks to a key law forcing EU members to rely on Britain for processing fish, Brexiteer June Mummery has declared.

By AURORA BOSOTTIBrexit has been hailed across fishing communities as a "golden opportunity" to re-energise British fishermen thanks to the expiration of the controversial Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Brexiteer June Mummery, who has long been argued for Britain's independence from the European Union's regulation on fisheries, suggested coastal communities could benefit from an "immediate" boost thanks to a key law. Speaking to Express.co.uk, Ms Mummery said: "People often tell me, ‘June, how are we going to rebuild this?’

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...