Saturday, February 22, 2020

Being Green.

Kermit The Frog Understood. The great artiste once released the telling song: It isn't easy being green.

How very true.
As Blogger, I have often criticised: the many excesses of the assorted green movements; the abundance of junk and half-baked science; the unwarranted extrapolations; rabid individuals with no sense of perspective; the cultish nature of these groups; self-interest of investigatory groups enjoying liberal government funding; the attachment to the political left - a real clue, if ever there was one and the simplistic thinking that emanates as much from certain scientists as it does from the mouths of babes and sucklings.

That all said, I am probably more green in my living than a majority of those who pontificate so vociferously.
Take plastics - since this two-edged sword appeared amongst us, I have attacked the use of this dubious material. I have spoken against the horrendous 'bubble pack technology' which was simply unnecessary; I have, as a preference, chosen goods with fewer wrappings. This behaviour goes back decades.
I have always hated polystyrenes as a throwaway item and have done my level best to sidestep them.
I have always avoided gas-guzzling cars - and indeed, I paid well over the odds to buy my current hybrid.
I avoid food waste as though that be the eleventh commandment.
I take zero notice of sell-by dates and best by nonsense. As a child, I was brought up to use my eyes and nose - and never had a single stomach problem. Since childhood, I have continued on this path and, again, have never had any problem. (Preservatives may be bad for us but they do do a decent job too.)
Lettuce and similar ingredients are the only foods ever thrown into our bin - and that only because they go off so very quickly.
I respect organic foods but sadly, accept that they cannot meet the needs of the world.
I do not litter or pollute or waste gas and electricity.
I could go on but I think you will have grasped my point by now.
