Friday, February 21, 2020

This HS2 Nonsense!

JA King, Thurgoland, Sheffield. Yorkshire Post.

I THINK I have heard it all now – HS2 set off at an estimated £25bn but today has reached £108bn and no doubt if allowed to continue will double at least by completion to £200bn plus.
What will the impact of HS2 be?

What will the impact of HS2 be?

The reason given for this white elephant is to increase capacity and connectivity. And as I see it, it does little of both.
Promoted by Sky

I see the only ones being able to afford this service will be businessmen, MPs and councillors all on their expense accounts and in the case of the latter two at the taxpayers’ expense.
If there is a case for increased capacity and connectivity, money would be far better spent on upgrading and electrifying the Midland Main Line, then continuing this line via the Woodhead line where most of the infrastructure is still in place through to Manchester then to Liverpool, with a branch north of Sheffield to serve Bradford and Leeds.
Blogger: If only the project had been useful!
