Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Is Theory One About Climate Change True? - If Not, Then The Whole Fraud Is Over! STEP 1.

Edwin X Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics, CCM
The science of the people who want to be free

What's new in climate science. Step 1.

April 20, 2023
(PS: My CRM software sent an unfinished email. This is the email I intended. But, hey, I feel more sorry for Elon. At least my rocket did not explode.)
IPCC's Theory (1) says human CO2 emissions cause all the increase in atmospheric CO2 above 280 ppm.
All climate alarmism, its laws, treaties, regulations, taxes, carbon capture, climate models, climate insanity, and indoctrination of the world's children are based on the invalid assumption that Theory (1) is true.
This email is the first in a series where I will show you how I prove IPCC's Theory (1) is false. The power of proving a theory is false is such proof overrides and out votes all claims that the theory is true.
This series shows that the public does not need to learn all about climate science. They only need to follow logic and the scientific method to understand climate alarmism is a fraud.
Figure 3 shows the difference between what IPCC's data say and what IPCC Theory (1) claims.
Theory (1) says human CO2 is about 33% of today's atmospheric CO2.
Later, I will show how IPCC's own data say human CO2 in the atmosphere is about 8%. And carbon-14 data say the human contribution is closer to zero.
For now, observe the Theory (1) says the outflow time (e-time) of natural CO2 is about 4 years (actually 3.5 years). The IPCC also claims the outflow time of human CO2 is thousands of years.
There are no data to support this IPCC claim but IPCC makes this claim because it is necessary to support its fraud that human CO2 is 33%. Even the IPCC scientists realize the only way they can make human CO2 33% is to delay the exit of human CO2.
The catch for the alarmists is that human and natural CO2 molecules are identical, which means human and natural CO2 outflow times are also identical. This simple fact blows apart the claim that human CO2 stays in the atmosphere longer than natural CO2. Climate alarmists need a fictional magic demon in the atmosphere that will capture human CO2 and keep it in the atmosphere for thousands of years.
The unfounded claim that human CO2 stays in the atmosphere longer than natural CO2 is the first fundamental error in climate alarmism. This absurd belief alone proves Theory (1) is false and climate alarmism is dead.
On April 7, 2023, UK climate scientist, Richard Courtney, wrote to a large group of scientists saying, “Berry’s analysis is the ONLY breakthrough in climate science in the last four decades.”
My "breakthrough" was seeing how to calculate from IPCC's own data that the human contribution is only 8% as shown in Figure 3.
In November 2019, a week after I described my idea to the large email group, Courtney was the first to recognize the significance of my observation.
I will show how I got my idea a few emails down the road.
Ed Berry, PhD, Theoretical Physics
Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM)
Author: Climate Miracle (Amazon)
Author, Speaker, Teacher, Expert Witness
100%-win record as expert witness.
Win your climate lawsuit with my Climate Team Six.
Ed Berry LLC
439 Grand Dr #147
Bigfork, MT 59911
Website: https://edberry.com  
Email: ed@edberry.com                   
Cell: 406.471.1464 

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