Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Not Very Nice Sparrowhawk Killed Our Most Tuneful Male Blackbird This Morning.

We have a smallish city garden. 

In recent times, we have seen deaths by peregrine falcon; deaths by sparrowhawk; deaths by grey squirrel; nest predation by magpies; mystery deaths where piles of feathers have been left behind; deaths by urban foxes in the vicinity and of course - deaths by multiple cats whose owners have irresponsibly not given their felines a bell collar.

Yesterday, a kestrel flew across our road in aerial altercation with a pigeon - which rather surprised me. I think that the altercation probably ended as an honourable draw.

We have NEVER had so few songbirds. I go for walks on paths through local woods in the early morning and am met by - almost total silence.

Our council refuses any culls on predators!

Good v Evil. Those Who Cannot See This Are In Big Spiritual Trouble.

  An explosive moment of clarification Israel is leading the fight of good against evil while the "civilised" world doesn't kn...