Tuesday, July 23, 2024

An Utter Disgrace To Democracy.

Leftist UK Gov’t Restores Funding to Hamas-Tied U.N. Palestinian Aid Agency.

Incoming Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs David LammyAP Photo/Thomas Krych

The recently-elected left-wing Labour Party government in Britain announced the reverse of the suspension of aid to the Hamas-tied United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza.

In January, the UK and other Western allies cut off aid to the UN agency after reports that numerous employees had participated in the Hamas terror attacks on Israel on October 7th which claimed the lives of around 1,200 innocent civilians and saw more than 250 people taken hostage, some of whom remain in captivity in Gaza to this day. Breitbart.

Good v Evil. Those Who Cannot See This Are In Big Spiritual Trouble.

  An explosive moment of clarification Israel is leading the fight of good against evil while the "civilised" world doesn't kn...