Tuesday, May 04, 2010

BBC bias is alive and well.

When a tiny window of opportunity was granted to the UKIP on Radio 5 Live yesterday, their National General Secretary was graciously permitted to join in with Home Secretary Alan Johnson, his Tory shadow, Chris Grayling, and Chris Huhne of the Lib Dems.
In an hour's programme - admittedly with interruptions for news - he was given around a minute and a half in total and was not permitted to develop any point.

At the end of the programme the trio from the LibLabCon were all granted a reasonable opportunity to summarise and then Victoria Derbyshire said - "Jonathan, ten seconds." - Before promptly giving him five!

Considering The Damage To Our Nation Caused By Sky-High Migration, It Must Now Drop To Near Zero. We Are Already The Most Overcrowded Major Nation In The Western World!

Angela Rayner 'will clear area of Green Belt the size of SURREY' for building by designating it as 'grey belt' rather than c...