Thursday, May 13, 2010

Job losses.

Labour and the banking buddies whom they unleashed and unshackled, have given us an evil amount of debt - way above the levels of more sensibly run economies.
Already there are talks of massive job losses in councils etc.

There are no guarantees that 'sharp end jobs' will be protected. Indeed, it seems that that is just where the axe is destined to fall.
Extraneous managers, paper-pushers, jobsworths, purveyors of unnecessary statistics et al will not be affected - they seldom are!
"It's okay for you - criticising like that but have you got any answers?"
I certainly have! Leaving aside the obvious point that this simply could not have happened to this degree under a UKIP administration, here are some of the solutions:-
1) All public services must remain at the same levels as at present even if budgets are reduced. Bureaucrats do not deliver services and must be the first to go.
2) Public spending must be cut on unemployment and sick benefits. A trawl will be necessary to remove those who should not be there - and yes - I know full well how the Major Government and later Labour have made this extremely difficult in their disgraceful attempts to hide unemployment figures. The genuine must NOT be pilloried!
3) Deport all illegals forthwith and make the professionally unemployed do the jobs they have been doing but at minimum wage - not below! Discourage legal immigrants who are doing jobs which could be done by locals. This can be done through the taxation system.
4) Withdraw from the EU to associate status which:
a) Plugs our borders.
b) Reduces bureaucracy - particularly if we root out the worst laws and most expensive directives.
c) Makes employing people easier - at least across the private sector.
d) Saves on 'subs' at over £6 billion annually.
e) And saves anything up to £120 billion annually (TPA) on business costs.
5) A direct assault on unaccountable quangos which eat public money in tens of billions annually. Their use must be assessed and value established. The aim must be to cut £50 billion from this open-mouthed, public gannet which costs every household an average £3,600 annually.
6) Stop all benefits paid to EU immigrants for families who are not even in the UK!
7) Leave taxation alone unless implementing plans to encourage entrepreneurs and new businesses. Ultimately, a flat tax system is needed.
8) Like it or not, accept that all the super rich are pure volunteers where taxpaying is concerned. If they feel incentivised, they and their money STAY! Target them and both leave!
9) There must be a degree of pump-priming (Ref: FDR.)
The infrastructure of the nation is crumbling and this is a means of doubling up on attacking the problem. The jobless can be directed into road improvement projects.
10) Scrap the £100 billion quixotic windmill nonsense.
11) Not in the EU? - No £8 billion payments to aid Greece.
Here is a start but remember that Defence - the first priority of government - is incredibly underfunded and that we also are looking at phenomenal, future bills for power generation because of decades of dilydallying over nuclear power - whilst the French organised themselves with a view to the future.
