Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Richard Littlejohn says:

"To be honest, I guess most people reading this would agree with almost everything in the UKIP manifesto. But UKIP can't win.
A vote for UKIP is a wasted vote, except in Buckingham where I'd vote Nigel Farage to get rid of Speaker Bercow, a stinking symbol of the cynicism of the Rotten Parliament."

Gotta disagree there, Richie! UKIP 'can't win' against attitudes like that which suggest settling for inferior policies and parties.
Voting tory is perpetuating the current rot! They are a liberal left, pro-EU party and deserve NOTHING.
Elect Cameron and the differences between his crowd and Labour policy will need a microscope to detect.
All the LibLabCon have the same overview; all take what the people want off the agenda; all cosy up to each other and the only differences are how they will implement their pre-determined, anti-democratic shafting of the electorate.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1271450/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Ive-tell-people-vote-.html#ixzz0mveZmZ6k
