Do I think that they should be persecuted by the rabid left? - Absolutely not!
Would I like to see them paying more in tax? - No!
I am being purely pragmatic here. The super rich only pay taxes as volunteers. If they regard a level as fair (probably one pitched much lower than you and I might consider fair) their money, businesses and entrepreneurship remain in the UK.
When that is not the case, they simply remove their assets - and never more easily than in the computer age - and then ALL their funding is lost to us.
The left rant and rave at this as they embark on some wild pontificating against the wealthy. They do not care what the consequences are which result from ultra high taxation - they 'just know' that this is how it has to be!
Consider Micky Caine:
'Sir Michael Caine has joined the growing revolt over the new coalition's plans to hike taxes, insisting it will encourage the wealthy and top companies to quit Britain.

Sir Michael, a tax exile for eight years in the 70s after income tax hit 82 per cent - claimed major increases would encourage people to leave the country like he did.'
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