Friday, May 28, 2010

Text of a letter I sent out widely yesterday.


I expect that knowledgeable Christians will have been as disgusted as I was to see that 'Europe Day' was celebrated earlier this month, at of all places, Westminster Abbey! Sadly, Europe was not being celebrated at all - it was the ever rancid EU.
Disgusting as it may sound to those who recognise the evil which permeates that toxic organisation - from its bottom to its lofty and overweening top - the matter was compounded by celebrating the 60 years since Schuman's wolf-in-sheep's-clothing-Declaration set this vile body in motion.
That a place of Christian worship should have been so desecrated in order to celebrate: lies; deceits; tyranny; human self-aggrandisement; imperialism; greed; the antithesis of democracy; impoverishment of our people; corruption and a subservient mentality, is nothing less than a total abomination - besides which, the EU does Christianity no favours, quite the contrary.

No doubt, the kindly-minded but nonetheless, terminally naive, will make unverifiable claims for the EU's mythical 'peacemaking abilities'; it being 'a catalyst for fraternity' and 'a body outside of which it is impossible for any independent nation to survive'.
If prayer is to be directed towards this foul leviathan - then it should be for its extinction - or at very least - some form of exorcism to wrest us from its satanic claws.

Church of England - SHAME ON YOU!

The Rotherham Advertiser published it!
