Thursday, May 20, 2010

Marie Stopes.

I have never been able to establish whether or not Marie Stopes was actually just in favour of birth control or whether she also favoured the wholesale butchery of unborn infants - a small but significant percentage of which are capable of survival outside the womb!
I may be wrong but I suspect that naming abortion clinics after her would have sickened this lady to the very core.
Now these so-and-sos are advertising their Eichmann-style services:

An advert offering abortion services will be shown for the first time on British television next week.
Marie Stopes International, a charity that carries out about 65,000 terminations a year at its British clinics, said that it wanted to encourage people to speak more openly about abortion, and reach the widest possible audience with information about its services. [The Times.]

THEY ARE LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH! The last thing they want is more openness.
If that is their desire, then let them insist that no woman nor girl will ever be allowed an abortion until they have seen 'The Silent Scream' or similar.
If you have not viewed this short film, let me tell you that it shows what happens with an abortion at varying stages and shows how truly gut-wrenching it really is. It was made by an abortionist who finally recognised the evil he was performing.
It is now a touch old fashioned but I always show it to pupils as a vital part of my sex education course - although as it so gruelling, I always insist on a parental permission slip signed in advance to allow the film's viewing to each individual.
This film is banned in most secondary schools as "It is too graphic."
BUT. If an abortion is too terrible to see - then surely it is too terrible to perform.

The CofE Is Demonstrably Wrong.

Why the Church of England is wrong to support same-sex marriage. Martin Davie 3 Mar, 2025. Why the Church of England is wrong to support sam...