Friday, May 28, 2010

Carrot & stick.

If psychology were a true science rather than a study area based more on opinionated reasoning than tangible research, it could not have happened.

If in those places where this part-science overlaps with genuine research, correct assumptions had been drawn - it could not have happened.

If psychology were more down to earth and less pie in the sky it could not have happened.

If psychology had been more scientific and less infiltrated by Social Studies and their variants, it could not have happened AND

If this had not been seen as a ready-made delight for leftists of varying hues - then it could not have happened!

I refer of course, to the wholesale, surgical removal of all common sense from the vague and the wishy-washy.
Let us take an established social condition - neigh, let us call it a principle:
Carrot and stick. (Thought I'd made a faux pas in the speling department there, did you?)
'Carrot and stick' WORKS. We have all tried it - and had it tried on us too. We can all give numerous examples. This is not just a principle, it is an empirical fact.
When do you see this admitted in anything other than a purely theoretical way in mainstream psychology?
'All carrot and no stick' is the aim and this has played right into the hands of the liberal left.
On a separate issue, the arrogance of psychologists has never ceased to amaze me. They breeze into schools on occasion where there is an extremely mixed up pupil who needs to be evaluated.
Twenty minutes alone with them is followed by a detailed twenty page report.
Sorry. I ain't buying it! Aren't these the self same people who claim that you need 'years of therapy' to investigate 'root causes' if you are paying their rather hefty fees?
