Sunday, September 05, 2010

BBC subtle bias.

A report on the Beeb yesterday stated that in France there had been protests by those who opposed the deportations of 1,000+ Roma back to Rumania last month.
Fine. Factually accurate.
BUT then a comment was made that this had brought about 'widespread controversy'.
This second point represents 'biased reporting'. Although completely correct in what is said, it has effectively 'lied by omission'.
The overall impression was subtly made that there is currently an overwhelming majority of French people who disapproved of the expulsions when this is clearly NOT the case - indeed, polls indicate that the opposite is true.

This mirrors events in Arizona where the 'will of the people' - confirmed by a democratic vote - was sidelined by a liberal media which disapproved of potential 'illegals' having to provide 'proof of their legality.

