Monday, September 06, 2010

The whole truth about domestic violence.

'Four out of ten victims of domestic violence are men, a report claimed yesterday.
But it added that men who complain of being attacked at home are often ignored by police who prefer to believe that a woman is the real victim.
The study comes at a time of complaints that men are treated unfairly by the justice system.'
(Thanks to PARITY for this information.)

When I was a magistrate, it was abundantly clear that this was indeed the case. In many domestic violence situations, the man was brought to court and the first part of the evidence would brazenly reveal that the man had been assaulted (which we were expected to ignore) and had then responded to that assault. The woman was never charged.

I would make two points, however. The first is that I truly doubt whether the figure of male victims is quite as high as 40%. Secondly, I suspect that in many cases the man is assaulted and the issue is that the male response is disproportionate.Even so, violence against men in marriage is common.

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