Sunday, July 23, 2006

Liars! There is no other word.

In 1973 we moved to Darnall in Sheffield. Periodically, a pair of Jehovah's Witnesses appeared on our doorstep predicting Armageddon/the end of the world in 1975. [For those not paying proper attention at the time, I must explain that this did not actually happen]
By 1976 we had moved to the Handsworth part of Sheffield. The very same couple turned up on our doorsteps? I challenged them whilst tactfully and kindly pointing out how wrong they had been and happened to mention that 'death by stoning' is the correct Scriptural punishment for a false prophet. They stood barefaced and stated categorically that neither they nor the Watchtower Society had ever propounded such doctrines. I have been told the same by other JWs in subsequent years, although to be fair, some have simply shrugged shoulders and been dismissive.


Shame On You, Daily Mail, For This Immoral Jibber Jabber From A ... Well. I'd Better Not Say It!