Self explanatory title. I abhor that nicey nicey, politically correct, pseudo-Christianity which almost always supports leftwing attitudes - which in most cases are profoundly anti-Gospel. This Blog supports persecuted Christians. This Blog exposes cults. This Blog opposes junk science. UPDATED DAILY. This is not a forum. This Blog supports truly Christian websites and aids their efforts. It is hardhitting and unashamedly evangelical so if it offends - please do not come to this site!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Alcohol abuse increases.
Orissa. Christmas relief in India as threat of violence passes

Christians in Orissa, India, have been breathing a sigh of relief after threats of Christmas violence failed to materialise. Militants want halt the growing numbers of India’s underclass who are converting to Christianity.
Release International.
"There is no such thing as society."

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Politics - a definition.
Wisdom of Redwood.
Teaching as a career? - Only if you are totally bonkers.

I am delighted that the figures are as low as 15,000 a day.
Teaching is an incredibly difficult job at its most basic level and teachers need to be supported - but they are not and the situation is made worse by the twin fifth columns within the profession, the unions and the promotion seekers.
Remember that in the average school, all staff are achievers and most are capable of doing the top job - given time and experience.
Promotions are many in schools and are nauseatingly used to make staff work 20% harder to gain a salary increase of 5%.
School staff rooms can be like an overcrowded cage of rats with many jockeying for positions.
Some of the promotions can be quite absurd.What of the teacher on two promotions for filling the vending machine?
Others may be working themselves into the ground to achieve an extra grand a year.
Eventually, your promotion becomes more important to you than your teaching - which is, believe it or not, your real job!
In addition you are assailed with pointless meetings, bureaucracy, government interference, interference by so-called experts and decreasing numbers of the free periods needed to make the system flow.
Most will admit that their teaching becomes secondary to their promotion jobs.
It is all frustration, you are not trusted as a professional, you are treated like a recalcitrant child by OFSTED and the unknowing and terminally ignorant point out how well off you are for holidays and incredibly seem to believe that you work fewer hours annually than they do.
Children don't help. They are in a war of attrition with you - and that is just the nice kids.
There are plenty of others - disciplined only by you pretending to have authority - a bluff which is too often called!
Your self worth is constantly undermined.
I would not recommend this job to my worst enemy! I had 16 years full time in a reasonably good comp and a further 12 years working part time.
It made me ill - leaving was the best decision of my life.
David Lammy MP no Mastermind, he!

[His own education looks worryingly impressive - on paper, at least!]
Several points about his recent appearance on Celebrity Mastermind:
a] He was not very good; he knew very little and I scored more than he did on his specialist subject!
b] He was so poor that he was beaten into fourth place by an actor, a pop star and a 'hairy biker'.
c] Gordon Brown must have been severely embarrassed that one of his up-and-comers should have proved to be quite as ignorant as he was - and in public!
d] Apologies for the repetition, but this man is a MINISTER for HIGHER Education!
e] How did he dare to appear on the programme in the first place? - Hubris?
To be fair, he did seem a nice enough chap but I really do want my rulers to be a little brighter - please.
What surprises me is that I am surprised!
PS Dave, - a word to the wise, the 'inequalities' you mention have happened because of YOUR party's education policies and hatred of excellence.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Does the EU ever get it right?

Certainly, the deaths of so many people are profoundly tragic.
But just how many daily rocket attacks must Israel endure before it is permitted to respond by the EU?
Imagine if Ireland had launched over 400 attacks on west coast towns this year - bombarding them with rockets. Would we not be driven to respond?
And Irish arguments that Britain caused the potato famine in the 1840s would not really be good enough reason for them to assault us, in my view!
Never forget. Most Palestinians are committed to the absolute removal of the Jewish State; they will not negotiate in a straight manner and surrounding nations have treacherously invaded Israel on FOUR occasions since 1948.
The Israelis are reactive and if left alone do not attack Palestinians.
That Israel deals less than evenhandedly with the Palestinians is quite true and not altogether unsurprising under the circumstances.
The new, leftwing, anti-semitism is much evidenced amongst the liberal politicians of the world.
How long to make a fossil?.


New targets say that at least 15 per cent of those in operational roles should be female.
That means they will fill one of the five or six places for crew on each engine.
Officials at the Local Government Association, which is pressing the quotas on fire authorities, said that an increased number of women firemen is necessary 'to meet the needs of local people'.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Visiting professor.
My spies inform me that he opened with something close to these words, "Those of you who are seeking to prove evolution through the study of this subject are doomed to disappointment."
Verminous behaviour - but are we surprised?

'A care home where elderly Christian residents [including a number of retired missionaries] refused to answer ‘intrusive’ questions about their sexuality is at the centre of a bitter legal battle after its council grant was axed.
Brighton & Hove Council told the home to ask pensioners four times a year about their sexual orientation under its ‘fair access and diversity’ policies, which stem from New Labour equality laws.
Council chiefs also accused the charity that runs the home of ‘institutional discrimination’, before cutting a £13,000 grant towards warden services.'
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1102206/Home-retired-missionaries-loses-grant--wont-ask-residents-lesbians.html
Jarndyce versus Jarndyce.

Vatican summary of the conflict.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Darwinism is a religion - a belief system.

A great plan but please be realistic.

Criminals jailed for up to 12 months will get a mentor after their release to help them get a job and stay out of trouble.
In Humberside, more than half of all crimes committed are carried out by ex-offenders and last year, £23.5 million was spent on reoffending in North Lincolnshire.
Now, a £350,000 scheme – the first of its kind in the country – will help released prisoners quit drink or drugs and find a home and a job.
Developed by Hull-based Goodwin Development Trust, the mentors are for ex-offenders who have served less than 12 months.
Just the one problem - the offenders must WANT to change and most serial offenders are quite content with their lifestyle choices.
My suggestion to the authors of this worthy scheme is to be ruthlessly selective - otherwise considerable amounts of time, effort and money will be tragically wasted!
LINK: http://www.thisisscunthorpe.co.uk/news/Scheme-stop-convicts-reoffending/article-570412-detail/article.html
Friday, December 26, 2008
Nick Griffin - Oh dear!

The BNP's founder described 'Mein Kampf' as his 'bible'.
The BNP opposes mixed-race relationships.
The BNP's Head of Publicity was shown on camera expressing admiration for Adolf Hitler.
Our Probation Service - the felons' friend.
Louise Casey said probation officers had "a kind of institutional desire to put offenders first, over and over".
The only thing is of course - this is hardly news!
LINK: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7798772.stm
Intsy wintsy attocopus 'proves' evolution.

"It seems that Attercopus is a missing link, capable of producing silk but not of weaving it."
So then. This 'ancient, 385 million year old' spider [give or take a month or so] has evolved, wisely planning ahead for a time when, possibly millions of years later, it will be able to use a function which it has not yet got a need for!
These evolution-promoting scientists are the slimy politicians of the scientific world with their twisted arguments, non sequiturs, failures to accept when they are either wrong or illogical and still they unashamedly foist their unprovable rubbish as fact onto the population as a whole.
Little wonder they dare not enter public debate with leading creationist scientists!
BNP? - No thanks but ...
The problem is of course, that they are called 'extreme' by the self same politicians who have:-
1} Sold our birthright to the EU.
2} Allowed the feckless and workshy a totally free ride.
3} Stolen money from the people to squander wildly and called it taxation.
4} Promoted multiculture to destroy our sense of oneness as a society.
5} Downgraded and derided the Christian Faith.
6} Permitted criminals to take over parts of our cities.
7} Failed to protect citizens from thugs by weak-kneed sentencing.
8} Allowed a veritable flood of immigrants to what is now the most overcrowded country in Europe.
9} Allowed the total dumbing down of education.
10}"Framed mischief by statute" [Psalm 94] and permitted a bevy of immoralities to fester and grow.
11} Have destroyed democracy with their 'we know what is best for you' attitudes.
12} They have created the 'nanny state' so they can have ever more control over us.
13} Failed to attack the drugs problems at source.
14} Have taken us into unwinnable foreign wars.[Labour with Conservative help]
15} Have wrecked the economy for generations as yet unborn [Labour only]
16} Have permitted the mass slaughter of the unborn.
17} Have promoted alien religions ahead of Christianity.
18} Have encouraged family breakdown.
19} Have encouraged and promoted illegitimacy and all the knock on social effects.
20} Have funded the irresponsible in countless spheres.
21} Have poured money into quangos
22} Have encouraged an ever burgeoning bureaucratic layer.
23} Have buried businesses in unending amounts of Brussels-inspired paper and meaningless regulations.
24} Have confused liberty with licence.
25} Have lied repeatedly. ['Of course there will be a referendum!']
25] Have made working a poor second choice for many who are trapped in the cycle of benefit dependency.
I had better stop, I suppose.
But these are the self same people who have the gall to call the BNP EXTREMIST.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Nice one, Dean.

Well done that man!

6} For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
7} Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
If He that is born as man is called "The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father" - it is difficult to see how anybody with a trust in the Scriptures can be unitarian.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Des talks sense. [Yes it surprised me too.]
Over the top?
A 17 year old had sex with an 11 year old girl. This is utterly wrong from any viewpoint and should normally receive a significant custodial sentence BUT:
1] The offence was unknown to police and only revealed when the man walked into a police station and freely confessed.
2] The offence was 20 years old and the man's behaviour since has been praiseworthy. He has no criminal record.
3] His repentance is genuine as seen by him handing himself in when under no pressure to do so.
4] There is no danger of the offence being repeated.
5] He has no penchant for immature girls.
6] His immaturity at the time has not been fully recognised.
That a custodial sentence had still to be imposed is clear. That he should be added to the sex offenders' register is clear.
That he should receive a sentence of five years and four months after he has lived in a welter of guilt for two decades is over the top.
Where is the perspective? What does the sentence achieve?
I think 12 months in this situation would have been entirely appropriate - and this from a writer who would happily dish out 25 year sentences for this offence under different circumstances.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1100839/Man-jailed-walking-police-station-confessing-having-sex-11-year-old-girl--20-YEARS-ago.html
Altiero Spinelli.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Lisbon Fiasco.

Isopods! - Same to you!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Just one more conspiracy theory.

Chris Booker keeps us informed.

This deliberately perpetuates the central confidence trick practised by the wind industry, by confusing "capacity" with the actual amount of electricity wind produces. In fact, as the Government's own figures show, wind turbines generate on average only 27 to 28 per cent, barely a quarter, of their "capacity".
In other words, far from producing those "3 gigawatts", the 2,000 turbines already built actually contributed - again on official figures - an average of only 694 megawatts (MW) last year, less than the output of a single medium-size conventional power station. Far from producing "enough to power more than 1.5 million homes", it is enough to power barely a sixth of that number, representing only 1.3 per cent of all the electricity we use. Yet for this we have already blighted thousands of square miles of countryside, at a cost of billions of pounds.
Indeed, at the same BWEA-sponsored event, Mike O'Brien, energy minister, went on to perpetuate the second confidence trick practised by both Government and industry, which is to conceal the fact that all this is only made possible by the huge hidden subsidy given to wind energy through the Renewables Obligation. This compels electricity companies to pay way over the odds for the power generated by wind turbines, a burden passed on to us all in our electricity bills.'
Sunday, December 21, 2008
You will be disturbed - but informed!
This is a film about the peace-loving [?] Islamic religion. It runs about 14 mins (16.48 overall with credits) - sound is required.
I have thought long and hard as to whether this should be included on the Blog and have decided that as extremist muslims could not argue the content and peace-loving muslims would reject the obscenities within in any case, then it is valid for me to circulate.
I make no comment.

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Another failing system.

Dr Dick Soper says criminals are walking free from prison after serving just a quarter of the sentences he and his colleagues impose.
Others are being handed fixed fines or police cautions - taking justice out of the hands of the courts and away from public scrutiny.
Undermined: Dr Dick Soper feels there is too much interference by politicians in the judicial system
Dr Soper, 64, a GP, has served 26 years on the bench at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
He used his final session yesterday to deliver an angry broadside, saying: 'Although I could serve for another five years I no longer feel my time is being usefully spent in court.
'I feel that this long-standing system which has served the public well for centuries has, in recent years, been more and more interfered with by politicians.'
He told how he recently jailed an offender for six months but saw him walking about the town just six weeks later.
Dr Soper said: 'My greatest frustration and that of my colleagues is the very early release of prisoners.'
He said virtually all offenders are released automatically halfway through their sentences, while emergency measures to tackle prison overcrowding means many have another 18 days knocked off their sentences. Yet the judges and magistrates who heard their cases have no say over their early release.'
When I was invited to 'come back at any time' when I quit the Sheffield Bench as a Chairman over three years ago - my thoughts were 'Not bloomin likely!'
What Dr Soper states here is only a tiny fraction of my reasoning for leaving the magistracy.
We used to have the best summary justice system in the world bar none - and the 'usual suspects' have calculatedly wrecked it and removed its effectiveness.
Good decision Doc - you may miss your colleagues, you may miss the excellent court clerks [now renamed and jargonised] but I promise you one thing - you will not miss the frustrations of being unable to follow through on your original oath to 'do right'.
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1098847/I-quit-says-magistrate-fed-seeing-criminals-walk-free-quarter-sentences.html
Balm in Gilead.
There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.
Some times I feel discouraged,
And think my work’s in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.
If you can’t preach like Peter,
If you can’t pray like Paul,
Just tell the love of Jesus,
And say He died for all.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow in Vegas..

CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers had never bought into the notion that man can alter the climate and the Vegas snowstorm didn’t impact his opinion. Myers, an
“You know, to think that we could affect weather all that much is pretty arrogant,” Myers said. “Mother Nature is so big, the world is so big, the oceans are so big – I think we’re going to die from a lack of fresh water or we’re going to die from ocean acidification before we die from global warming, for sure.”
Myers is the second CNN meteorologist to challenge the global warming conventions common in the media. He also said trying to determine patterns occurring in the climate would be difficult based on such a short span.
Ever more people in the public spotlight are distancing themselves from the concept 'global warming'. I think they realise that they are going to get egg on their faces. Remember that the meaningless expression 'climate change' is being increasingly used instead of the more emotive 'global warming'.

Labour and the family.
Follow this link and see the dishonesty. They have been proved categorically wrong in all their attitudes to the traditional family and yet the only way they can respond is to make a partial retraction of their disastrous views.
Where is a good U Turn when you truly need it?
70% of crime is committed by the 25% of youngsters from single parent backgrounds. Alcohol abuse, educational failure, drugs, failed relationships et al, all show similar failings.
Annoyingly when a letter or article appears in the media on this topic, there is an immediate response on the lines of: "Well, My husband died 10 years ago and I now have three decent children at university."
NOBODY is criticising all single parents but rather a type of single parent and we all know what type - or at least we should!
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1097845/Labour-admits-married-parents-best-children.html
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Kingston Lacy.

The 16-strong Collegium Vocale choir has spent weeks practising Handel's Messiah for the festive performance at tiny St Stephen Church.
But organisers have cancelled the event claiming the quaint countryside church could be 'dangerous' on a winter's night.'
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I suppose that all goes to prove that there are: "More lowlifes under heaven than are dreamed of in your philosophy, Horatio"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Jaw-dropping report concedes that “global governance” is a euphemism for anti-democratic global government
Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Financial Times, one of the most respected and widely read newspapers on the planet, features an editorial today that openly admits the agenda to create a world government based on anti-democratic principles and concedes that the term “global governance” is merely a euphemism for the move towards a centralized global government.
For years we were called paranoid nutcases for warning about the elite’s plans to centralize global power and destroy American sovereignty. Throughout the 1990’s people who talked about the alarming move towards global government were smeared as right-wing lunatics by popular culture and the media.
Now the agenda is out in the open and in our faces, the debunkers have no more ammunition with which to deride us.
A jaw-dropping editorial written by the Financial Times’ chief foreign affairs commentator Gideon Rachman entitled ‘And now for a world government’ lays out the plan for global government and how it is being pushed with deceptive language and euphemisms in order to prevent people from becoming alarmed.
“For the first time in my life, I think the formation of some sort of world government is plausible,” writes Rachman, citing the financial crisis, “global warming” and the “global war on terror” as three major pretexts through which it is being introduced.
Rachman writes that “global governance” could be introduced much sooner than many expect and that President elect Barack Obama has already expressed his desire to achieve that goal, making reference to Obama’s circle of advisors which includes Strobe Talbott, who in 1992 stated, “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all.”
Rachman then concedes that the more abstract term “global governance,” which is often used by top globalists like David Rockefeller as a veil to offset accusations that a centralized global government is the real agenda, is merely a trick of “soothing language” that is used to prevent “people reaching for their rifles in America’s talk-radio heartland”.
“But some European thinkers think that they recognise what is going on,” says Rachman. “Jacques Attali, an adviser to President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, argues that: “Global governance is just a euphemism for global government.” As far as he is concerned, some form of global government cannot come too soon. Mr Attali believes that the “core of the international financial crisis is that we have global financial markets and no global rule of law”.
Rachman proceeds to outline what the first steps to an official world government would look like, including the creation of “A legally binding climate-change agreement negotiated under the auspices of the UN and the creation of a 50,000-strong UN peacekeeping force”.
“A “world government” would involve much more than co-operation between nations,” writes Rachman. “It would be an entity with state-like characteristics, backed by a body of laws. The European Union has already set up a continental government for 27 countries, which could be a model. The EU has a supreme court, a currency, thousands of pages of law, a large civil service and the ability to deploy military force.”
“So, it seems, everything is in place. For the first time since homo sapiens began to doodle on cave walls, there is an argument, an opportunity and a means to make serious steps towards a world government,” concludes Rachman, before acknowledging that the path to global government will be “slow and painful”.
Tellingly, Rachman concedes that “International governance tends to be effective, only when it is anti-democratic,” citing the continual rejection of EU expansion when the question is put to a vote. “In general, the Union has progressed fastest when far-reaching deals have been agreed by technocrats and politicians – and then pushed through without direct reference to the voters,” writes Rachman.
So there you have it - one of the world’s top newspapers, editorially led by chief economics commentator Martin Wolf, a top Bilderberg luminary, openly proclaiming that not only is world government the agenda, but that world government will only be achieved through dictatorial measures because the majority of the people are dead against it.
Will we still be called paranoid conspiracy theorists for warning that a system of dictatorial world government is being set up, even as one of the world’s most influential newspapers admits to the fact? Or will people finally wake up and accept that there is a globalist agenda to destroy sovereignty, any form of real democracy, and freedom itself in the pursuit of an all-powerful, self-interested, centralized, unrepresentative and dictatorial world government?
Almost a half million of these have gone to immigrants. [You know - "the people who are here to do the jobs our people will not do!"]
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1095154/Fresh-calls-cap-migrant-workers-figures-reveal-foreigners-taken-1-3m-jobs-created-2001.html
Monday, December 15, 2008
Public sector pensions.
Had I received that money for investment - even in the lowest performing and ultra safest of sectors - I would today have been receiving a non index-linked pension but it would have been more than double what I am currently receiving.
I could have had this index-linked and would still have been mightily in pocket.
I get a little fed up therefore, when the Daily Mail constantly berates 'public sector pensions' because of their costs.
a] I have contributed and
b] I have not had particularly good value.
Dan Hannan on the ball.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Mrs Blair.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
2nd referendum?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Lib Dems on crime.

A clue.
They have spent too much, taxed too much and finally, borrowed too much.
The value of sterling represents the international perception of how well Brown is doing!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Foreign travel.
The secret is to pay in POUNDS. Book your flights in England, book your accommodation in England - for Spain as an example and then it is really only the carhire and spending money to worry about.
Why not check back to the holiday posting on this Blog on July the 17th for even more details.
Brown is economically inept!

Peer Steinbrueck said the Government was 'tossing around billions' and was getting the country into so much debt it would take a generation to work off.
Ah. Jefferson.
Turtle recall?

Two sets of evolutionary scientists of opposite views are arguing fervently that it completely supports their evolutionary fantasy. Hmm!
This all shows that evolution is so frequently down to the interpretation of the evidence available.
Problem is of course, it may just be what it appears to be - a half-shelled turtle; a previously unknown species.
Similarly, it could be a degenerated version of a turtle which lends no help whatsoever to the evolutionary hypothesis.
But as evolutionists are so emphatic in their guesswork ....
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Jefferson - again!
Born BC?

Franklin Graham preached in Glasgow, launches new fund to defend religious freedom in the UK. Staff writer Franklin Graham preaching at ...
Watch the film How the Gospel Transforms Lives Today Discover how Spring Harvest Host, Damilola Makinde, was inspired by the life-enhancin...