Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Psalm 94 - an interesting one for those 'pro choice'.

9] Does he who fashioned the ear not hear? Does he who formed the eye not see?
10] Does he who disciplines nations not punish?
The whole psalm is worthy of reading in an abortion context. Please also note how murder is legitimised by the expression 'pro-choice'. It makes butchery of the unborn sound so very democratic. Consequently, those in opposition are ....

You Thought The Banks Were Bad Before, Well ...

'Sovereign control of financial regulation is under threat from European moves to harmonise rule books across member states, the three men at the heart of the future Bank of England have warned.' (Telegraph.)
The word 'harmonise' from the EU should have you running for a bomb shelter. It always has a hidden agenda of power grabs.

Records Set. Many Thanks To All Readers Of This Blog.

May 2011 has become a record month for people visiting this site.
So, thank you all - and especially a blessing to all of you who come on here because you cannot believe that anybody could possibly attack your views as confrontationally as I do. To my detractors - let us just hope that what you read turns you towards a less pie-in-the-sky attitude toward politics and a more Christian attitude to life in general.

It's a record!
PS. I hereby grant all people the right to pass this address onto friends.

Sources: Christian and otherwise.

Where does my information come from?

I use a variety of sources including personal observation and tips from MITK.
I check The Yorks Post, Telegraph and Mail daily and The Guardian regularly. Release Int. and OpenDoors, Creation Research and AIG are reliable sources and any Christian newspaper online may also be referenced.
EU Observer and Open Europe are frequent sources too.
In addition to these, there are a number of sites I visit occasionally and if anything fits the bill then ....
PS. The photo does not apply to me - even if it does to MITK who works towards accuracy rather than 'creativity'.

The euro is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

Softie Clarke and His Cabinet Cronies are Responsible!

'Nearly two thirds of criminals avoid jail despite amassing at least 15 convictions, shocking figures show. Instead of being put behind bars, more than 62,000 offenders were given lesser punishments, such as community service or a fine, last year. More than 4,000 walked out of court with only a caution. The figures reveal that serial offenders are less likely to be given a jail sentence today than at any time in the past decade.'
AND YET. Over and over again we are being assailed with the idea that a criminal is just some unfortunate who has been jailed without thinking by a savage judiciary - and this near-innocent is now heading for a 'university of crime'.
READ these stats and it is immediately apparent that the tales I have brought from the Sheffield Bench are not mere figments of my imagination.

So. Who are the people trying so hard to mislead? - Answer, 'the usual suspects'.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392228/Two-thirds-serial-criminals-dodge-jail-Thousands-15-convictions-let-fines-community-service.html#ixzz1NofQ304D

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tax Freedom Day. It's TODAY!!!

Please read as a matter of urgency so as to understand the issues.

A Matter For Concern.

Professor Jones is customarily pilloried on this Blog but if somebody is right - they are right.
I do hope he is not accused of racism for what has long been recognised as an objective fact - and one which I think, he delivered with compassion.
'Inbreeding among British Muslims is threatening the health of their children, a leading geneticist warned yesterday.

Professor Steve Jones, from University College London, said the common practice in Islamic communities for cousins to marry each other increased the risk of birth defects.
‘There may be some evidence that cousins marrying one another can be harmful,’ he told an audience at the Hay Festival.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1392217/Muslim-outrage-professor-warns-inbreeding-risks.html#ixzz1NocfFtAf

Yorks Post Letters - more sense uncovered.

From: Clive Flynn, Wade House Road, Shelf, Halifax.

AS I see it, the Human Rights Act exists to protect the dubious interests of third-rate “celebrities,” dishonest bankers, criminals, illegal immigrants and shysters.
Britain should withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights, repeal the Human Rights Act and replace it with a Bill of Rights which safeguards the rights of those whose liberties have been trampled on for far too many years.

Yes. Why not?

'Why this highly-educated Government cannot see fit to reintroduce the community programmes which ran in the 1980s is deplorable. For 27 hours per week, plus slightly more pay than the Jobseekers Allowance, people received training, a sense of purpose, a chance to repair run-down public buildings in the community and to be seen to be doing something without stigma.' (Kendal Wilson. YP Letters.)

Why did Jesus curse a fig tree?

Okay. A great many people do not understand this story found In Mark 11.
Jesus had most certainly not 'got out of the wrong side of the bed' that morning!
This was a demonstration of The Judgement of God; His power; His righteousness and vitally in this context - the symbolic destruction of the 'spiritually fruitless' Jewish nation. Indeed, the fig tree was a well-known symbol of Israel.
This act seems to forewarn of the impending destruction of  Jerusalem a few decades later in 70AD by the Roman Titus who of course, went on to become Emperor.
Many of the Jews heeded the Gospel certainly, but a great many more refused the 'free gift' of God's salvation under The New Covenant.
God is full of compassion and forgiveness and love and righteousness BUT He is not the 'indulgent parent' as claimed throughout the liberal church today.
For a more detailed analysis, try the url below:

Our Heritage needs protection.



Congratulations are in order!


'The Moneywise Customer Service awards have identified a runaway winner - Santander. The awards surveyed 12,000 people about their experiences and an astonishing 40% of those reporting bad service focused on Santander. Second place went to Barclays with 11% and third place to Halifax with 9%.' [Source: AOL.]

Topping the list. WELL DONE, Santander!

Sunday, May 29, 2011


International abortion lobbyists in Europe are celebrating a ruling handed down this week from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), accusing Poland of violating an international human rights treaty by maintaining legal protections for the unborn, reports LifeSiteNews.com.
(Source: Christian Telegraph.)

Leaping Cockroach - Don't Worry - They Aren't Local.

Wanna know the real reason? - Check the highlighted text.

'A Tory activist who defied David Cameron’s orders to shorten her ‘posh’ double-barrelled name has been barred from standing as an MP for the Tories.To the astonishment of party members, Annunziata Rees-Mogg has been excluded from the Conservatives’ new list of approved parliamentary candidates.Only 12 months ago, Ms Rees-Mogg was the high-profile Tory candidate in a key target seat at the General Election.But last night, sources confirmed the well-known Eurosceptic has been barred from the revised list of approved candidates just finalised by party high command.'

Rees-Mogg on Grammar Schooling.




The address that all your sensible friends are desperate to have.


The Great Soul? - The poor, sad, naive, deluded soul - maybe!


"The devotion of such titans of spirit as Lenin to an Ideal must bear fruit. The nobility of his selflessness will be an example through centuries to come, and his Ideal will reach perfection."
Mahatma Gandhi.

Good grief! How Gandhi ever gained even a scintilla of respect is utterly beyond me! I have no alternative but to award him a posthumous LoonyTunesWatch coconut.

No great man - but he got one thing right!

"Don't listen to what the Communists say, but look at what they do."
Nguyen Van Thieu, the former President of South Vietnam.


Now that the AA has proved by examination of its own statistics that drivers are being driven off the roads by the appalling costs of motoring today, I am certain that the so-called Green Lobby will be wearing full-faced, 'cat-that-swallowed-the-cream' grins.
Good job it's only the poorer people who are affected, isn't it?

Failing our Youth.

It is not my fault. It really isn't! No - honestly, I can, hand on heart, say that I have done my best on this. Ne'er point a finger of blame at me. I get a great deal wrong - even so this ain't one of those things.
But by casual voting and by not finding out about all the crucial issues before any ballot, this nation has put politicians in place who are philosophically unfit to run the proverbial whelk stall. This liberal elite is now firmly ensconced with seemingly little prospect of ever being able to shift 'them as 'oo know best'.
I have not voted for those politicians who have been systematically destroying our society and instead have tried to persuade people to alternatives.
Let us consider what the LibLabCon & Greens represent and the (sometimes unintended) consequences of their actions:

We have the worst youth unemployment in history.
We have saddled them with national debt for their entire lives.
We have made it impossible for them to get onto the 'housing ladder'.
We have ensured that they will have no pension at least til they are 70.
We have despiritualised them with our multifaith claptrap and inherent atheism.
We have pretended that all university qualifications are valuable - irrespective of course and well-evidenced dumbing down.
We have saddled these students with personal debts that they may never be able to pay off.
We have handed their future jobs to immigrants.
We have taught them 'summat for nowt' ideas.
We have taught them that 'practical considerations trump morality'.
We have taught them that 'if it itches you must scratch it' world views.
We have left them a society riven by crime.
We have awarded them a much lower living standard than we possess.
We have removed hope!
AND - much, much more! So much more.

We have failed them and - BIG STYLE!

Saturday, May 28, 2011


'How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin.'

Ronald Reagan.

Our courts are gaining nothing but our total scorn.


Democrat Deviousness.

What have these Republican presidents and hopefuls all got in common?
Gerald Ford
Ronald Reagan
A pair of Bushes AND
Presidential wannabe, Sarah Palin.
- Well. Apparently, they are all so stupid that they 'cannot walk and chew at the same time.'
Isn't it remarkable that the US system produces so many 'stupid' high-riding republicans? - Well, not really. The liberal/left Democrat Party's 'black propaganda' machine has done a wonderful job in getting the public to believe this rubbish.
Even the many slips by Bush Mark 2 were little more than as a result of the fact that he was genuinely nervous when under the world's spotlight.

BT failings.

'After reading your article and Editorial comment (Yorkshire Post, May 19) on the lack of fast broadband in the country, I was surprised that the company BT was not mentioned once when reasons for the problem were being sought. It is indeed an appalling situation, one that surely can be laid at the door of BT.For years now, BT has quite happily collected the landline rental from millions of phone owners in the country, providing little in return.
For, once the landline has been laid down, little or no maintenance, and hence precious little further financial outlay, is required.
So why hasn’t the income from the landline rental been used to provide the nation with a fast broadband service?' (DT Craggs. Yorkshire Post Letters.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nice headline.

Student fined for having a chicken at Oxford University.

Yet more persecution of Christians in The Sudan.


Foreign Aid.

'British bill for foreign aid will be £8.7bn in 2011-2012, rising to more than £12bn in 2014.' (Mail.)
If I thought that this was helping the desperately poor - I would not bat an eyelid - BUT I DON'T!

The socialist menace is still lurking in the background.


Time and time again, I find myself discussing tragic situations where care costs are concerned.
I have almost lost count of the numbers of people who have fallen into the trap - either in their own cases - or by not having grasped the nettle and pointed out to relatives of the generation before them, the desperate need to protect assets.
However small the possibilities are that care may be needed in the future, financial steps must be taken at the earliest stage possible to ensure that estates are not robbed by the government.
If you want 'the mind to be concentrated', let me explain that costs of under £600 EVERY WEEK for care are no longer the norm.
As a matter of urgency, do consult an independent financial adviser.

Cameron's government is a laughing stock.

'Last year some 242,000 more people moved to the UK than left, after numbers leapt by around 45 per cent in just a year.

David Cameron had pledged to cut net immigration to the “tens of thousands” but the latest official figures show an upward trend in continuing instead.' (Telegraph.)



Socialism fails.

"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."

- Thomas Sowell.


Perhaps we should all now vote Labour.
They have made it abundantly clear that a single year in opposition is all that was required for them to learn the solution to every problem this country faces.
I am unclear however, whether or not this also applies to the multitudes of disasters they left behind them.

Prince Rilian.

I adore The Narnia Chronicles by the matchless CS Lewis. He makes all imitators and corrupters of the genre seem pretty poor fish by comparison.
I particularly like his symbolism.
In 'The Silver Chair' the captive Prince Rilian goes into a 'a fit of madness' at the same time each day and has to be strapped to the chair of the title.
In actual fact that is his only time of normality, at all other times he is sold out to that representative of evil, The Lady of The Green Kirtle.
Pardon me for explaining to those who are already way ahead of me.
Whatever wrong things we find ourselves attached to; however low we may sink; however much we may rub shoulders with the 'enemy' - there are always those small periods of time when our souls grasp the reality of our spiritual condition. At those times we can always be 'the returning prodigal' - and we know that our Father will take us back.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Every village has one.

'Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary biologist at the London School of Economics, has done it again. Author of articles like, "Are All Women Essentially Prostitutes?" and "Beautiful People Really ARE More Intelligent" recently published a pseudoscience piece about how black women are "objectively" less attractive than women of other races.' (Source: Care.)

LoonyTunesWatch!My only comment!

So. Oprah is going!

We are well rid!


Oh, yes. And does she also tell lies?
'She may not have been well off, but Oprah was relatively "spoiled" as a little girl, her cousin said.

"Where Oprah got that nonsense about growing up in filth and roaches I have no idea," said the relative, Katherine Carr Esters. "I've confronted her and asked, 'Why do you tell such lies?' Oprah told me, 'That's what people want to hear. The truth is boring.'
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2010/04/13/new-tell-claims-oprah-winfrey-hidden-life/#ixzz1NQwBAv1E

That Failing Euro.



'An anti-abortion charity (Life) has been given a key role advising the Government on sexual health.' (Mail.)

A sensible decision? - Where did that come from?

Please pray for Eritrea.

'Release and other religious rights campaigners are holding a prayer vigil outside the Eritrean Embassy in London this Thursday (TODAY!) on behalf of persecuted Christians in Eritrea.

As recently as last week, 65 more Christians were arrested in this East African nation in what Release partners describe as an ongoing crackdown on the Eritrean church.
Scores of arrests were reported in the first few weeks of this year in Asmara, the capital, and in the town of Nakfa in eastern Eritrea (Prayer Alert, January 20, 2011).
The latest estimates suggest that about 1,500 Christians are detained for their faith in Eritrea, often in appalling conditions.'

MITK produces the goods - again.

At a college in a certain English city, our intrepid reporter, Mole-in-the-Know, yesterday discovered that on a mechanics course for students in their late teens, only 8% of these are currently able to find the vital work placements which will allow them to qualify.
Delving ever deeper, our trusty mole has also discovered why this is the case.
Qualified Eastern European immigrants are working for minimum wage or less across the said city.
When an employer is having to part fund the trainees, the difference between this sum and what he is paying to skilled immigrant workers is so small that his choice will inevitably be to choose the already experienced person. Not only does this make financial sense - it also creates considerably less hassle for him.
Thanks are due to: the EU; The Schengen Agreement; Ted Heath; The Labour Party; The Conservative Party and a wide variety of quisling politicians who have encouraged the sell-off of our nation to Brussels!
(Only the Lib Dems cannot really be blamed as they have always desperately wanted to be part of the sellout but have never had sufficient power or influence to be party to the calculated destruction of the UK.)

None so blind.

A young sceptic recently attended a number of John Mackay's meetings and stated – “the fact that you have answers for all my questions only proves you are totally committed to Christianity and blind to any real objections”.
So. Having a a cogent response to a wide variety of fatuous argument works against you? Naturally, if you give poor answers - or none - you are still wrong.
Oh deary dear. This is the kind of thing we are up against! Seemingly, the only thing you must do is to abandon logic and embrace the non arguments of an opponent who has no answers himself.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our society's shame.

'More than 20,000 women a year are having two or more abortions by the age of 25.

A third of all terminations are carried out on patients who have had at least one already.
Last year 189,574 abortions were carried out in England and Wales, 8 per cent more than in 2000, according to Department of Health figures.'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1390402/More-20-000-women-aged-25-SECOND-abortion-year-shock-figures-show.html#ixzz1NLKsQY8b

I bring up the point yet again. How many of these - and their supporters - oppose the death penalty for murder? - Fine to butcher the innocent but 'wrong' to put down the guilty?

Danish Nanny State goes potty!

Marmite banned!
'The strongly flavoured dark brown spread made from brewer's yeast has joined Rice Crispies, Shreddies, Horlicks and Ovaltine prohibited in Denmark under legislation forbidding the sale of food products with added vitamins as threat to public health.' [Telegraph.] 

It just shows how evenhanded I am in my criticisms and exposures of lunacy. - How so? - Well, I HATE Marmite AND Ovaltine AND Horlicks!

It is starting to niggle. Writers - show some originality, please!

If I've seen it once, I've seen it 50 times in films and dramas - the killer goes into the hospital to do away with a witness.

So. How many times has this happened in real life, I wonder?

Many thanks, Jane. This is very worrying in a 'democratic' nation.

'I tried to access the item below from the Lawful Rebellion site and:-
Full Video Hats Off Productions – Rebellion of the people.
On 24/05/2011 You tube displayed this message:-
This content is not available in your country due to a government removal request.
Sorry about that.' Jane Birkby.

You Tube info: Government removal requests.
YouTube occasionally receives requests from governments around the world to remove content from our site, and as a result, YouTube may block specific content in order to comply with local laws in certain countries.
'That is just cod's wallop, they don't want to be challenged!
So nice to see that our Big Brother police state is alive and well.
However on a search engine other than google at:


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where the Gospel hits.

In a great many countries across the world from Africa to Asia, from S. Korea to Vietnam miracles amongst Christian groups are commonplace.
In the UK, most evangelicals would claim to be 'not unfamiliar' with miracles.
So where, in the UK, are 'the signs following' mentioned in Mark 16? - The most obvious answer can perhaps be found in Nazareth.
Remarkably, there is only one mention of any weakening of Jesus's powers in The Gospels and that was in his home town - and solely as a result of the faithlessness He found there.
Perhaps our Christianity is not as 'full on' as we claim.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Foreign Aid: the madness of it!

'The chief recipient of British aid is India. Yet India is rich enough to afford a space programme, nuclear programme and even its own foreign aid programme. How ridiculous is this?'  (Mel Phillips.)


Mount Everest either exists or it does not. It is NEVER a matter of opinion!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do-gooder: Online Dictionary.

Do-gooder [n]
'Informal, usually disparaging a well-intentioned person, especially a naive or impractical one.'

Harold Camping ....

.... was wrong as the Scriptures led us to believe that he would be.
He is now officially a 'false prophet'.

Will Cameron come through?

Will Cameron come to the fore and do a much needed volte face on his wretched attitudes towards Grammar Schools? Will he support the Berkshire schools under siege by 'the usual suspects'?
Don't hold your breath! His record with the new 'free schools' is also turning to ash. We have seen withdrawn funds, moved 'goalposts', wholly changed criteria - and yes - broken promises!

An ethical dilemma?


Whitewashed walls.

'Whitewashed walls', 'robbers', 'hypocrites', 'nests of vipers'. Hmm. Apostles and Jesus Himself were never mealy-mouthed in their attacks.
When on a personal level, there was a tendency to be less abrupt but nonetheless far more direct than the Church today.
I have been criticised for occasionally getting personal and using words such as 'buffoon'.
(Such critics would surely go apoplectic then, for me describing Mugabe as 'evil', which is considerably stronger.)
This Blog does not exist as a game. Never has our society deteriorated at such a pace as is happening in this generation. There are people whose beliefs and undemocratic actions are bringing us to our knees.
We cannot just sit back and nod benignly at their destructive actions - we must do everything to expose them and their methods.
If that means lampooning them - then so be it. Talking to them one to one you can attempt to bring them into The Kingdom. From a distance, your attacks on them are as much attacks on what they represent as they are on them as human beings.
I pray daily for all who are destroying us. I suspect that my critics are massively outnumbered by those who support this Blog - who are on the increase - but in any case - we cannot just sit around making 'tut tut' noises.
We are certainly in a spiritual wilderness - I believe that we must 'cry out'! We cannot maintain a nicey, nicey Faith just because that method does not ruffle feathers and leaves us in our comfort zones.
Do we honestly believe that Christ did not 'ruffle feathers'?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

One more abuse of the system - largely EU-caused: a must for all to read!


How are the mighty fallen.

Debunking hero status?

I have always been suspicious of revisionist historians - not to mention writers 'out to make a buck' - especially where a hero has his/her reputation trashed - (or rebuilt.)
Now it is the turn of Wyatt Earp (He of OK Corral fame.) There has been at least one TV documentary on the topic followed by two recent books.
It seems to me to be in the same mode as turning Billy the Kid into a paragon of virtue; Douglas Bader into a toerag; Florence Nightingale into a total incompetent - inter multos.

And Why Not?

'More than three-quarters of voters (77 per cent) think long-term benefit claimants should have to do community work in return for the dole, according to a survey. And more than two-thirds (69 per cent) think claimants should lose their benefits if they turn down the offer of a job - even if it pays the same or less than welfare payouts.Around half (51 per cent) said people should not be able to get welfare at all unless they have previously paid into the system through national insurance and tax.The Mori survey was conducted for think tank Policy Exchange, which published a report calling for jobseekers to be required to put in a full 35-hour week in their work-search.'
How about a democratic response? - In Switzerland a referendum could be created on this issue by public demand.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1389037/Make-jobless-community-work-return-benefits-say-quarters-voters.html#ixzz1MxzOlH6q

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

American preacher Harold Camping tells us that the world ends at 6pm tonight. (Source: Radio Humberside.) It is not clear whether this is UK time or not - (Does he mean The Rapture?)
One problem is that the Bible sez he's wrong!
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matt. 24:36.
Sooo. This 89 year old prophet of doom knows better than God? Nice one, Harold! And fancy doing this when - without being hurtful, I hope - at your age you are so close to meeting Him!
(Do look up scriptural references to false prophets, won't you?)

Online dictionary.

1. One whose conduct is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations.
2. One who is unrealistic and impractical; a visionary.

Having ideals is obviously to be encouraged BUT ware of idealists! However soft and fluffy they might appear to be - and indeed some are - there are many others who will happily torture and kill in order to impose their unworkable philosphies onto an an unwelcoming populace.

Friday, May 20, 2011


We now live in the age of soundbites and demands for instant - well - everything. This is something about society which, in a technological age, we have to accept rather than to rail against it. It ain't gonna change! During my 36 years as a teacher, powers of concentration amongst pupils have not merely gone down but have plummeted.
And yet, in our Churches, we still have countless exponents of the old-style 'longer sermon'. We seem to be telling our audiences - I often hesitate to use the word congregation - that 'Church will force you to concentrate better!'
True, Jesus sometimes used lengthy sermons as seen 'on the mount' but note how often short, pithy parables were his way of getting the message across in an age when there were many fewer computer games available than there are today.
Last October, I was present when the former Bishop of Lincoln gave an address on 'Salt and Light' which lasted ten minutes and which got through to me better than the vast majority of longer sermons I have heard since.
In my work for Exite FM, my 'sermonettes' last an average three minutes and - if I were a gambling man, I would perhaps wager that three days after the event, the average victim - I mean listener - would actually retain more than from the vast majority of 40 - or even 30 - minute sermons which they hear in Church.
Jesus tailored to His audience, so why are we insisting on giving congregations things which most do not fully follow, indeed do not possess the abilities to concentrate on over a sustained period?
I would be classed 'a poor teacher' and would be failed by OFSTED if I taught lessons in the manner in which most sermons are preached.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Remove Christianity and this is what you get in return!


Has the buffoon gone one liberal step too far - even for this pinko government?

'Kenneth Clarke’s future in the Government was in doubt last night as he was forced to make a grudging apology for suggesting only attacks by strangers constituted ‘proper’ rape.'
Hardly fit to be allowed out on his own - let alone a government minister!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1388096/Ken-Clarke-forced-apologise-date-rape-comment.html#ixzz1Mlugkmi7
BUT! Read what the moronic - and woefully misnamed - Independent had to say:
Leading article: "A reformer that Britain cannot afford to lose." http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/leading-articles/leading-article-a-reformer-that-britain-cannot-afford-to-lose-2285920.html

The Office For National Statistics.

'The number of people from minority backgrounds who live in England and Wales went up by 2.5million in eight years, figures revealed yesterday.

Estimates said that 1.75million of the rise came about because of immigration, while 734,000 was the result of rising birthrates.
The increases meant the minority population increased by 37 per cent between 2001 and 2009.'
I reckon these figures would have driven my old Dad to distraction. He was in a total fury when figures hit 60,000 immigrants per year under Margaret Thatcher!
AND, for all those seeking to flay me alive for daring to address this issue - I must reiterate that this is emphatically not some form of concealed racism. My views are representative of the majority as shown by poll after poll. My complaints are based on pure pragmatism in these heavily overcrowded islands.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1388472/UK-immigration-boosted-population-1-75m-8-years.html#ixzz1MlqWFsta

Lecture Tours.

Should any group need me for a lecture tour in the USA - I am only free in March/April for a short slot in 2012. (Contact: arnottl@aol.com)

Pastor’s family killed in election uproar!

A pastor’s wife and children have been killed in protests against the election of President Jonathan, a Christian politician of the ruling People's Democratic Party.In a rampage that started at midnight on 4 May, Muslim extremists in Bauchi state murdered three of the pastor's children, including his 13-year-old daughter, Sum.Pastor James Rike, leader of the Church of Christ in Kurum, said, "She told me that the Muslim militants told her they would kill her and 'see how your Jesus will save you'". She had responded by telling them that Jesus had already saved her, and that by killing her they would only be making it possible for her to be with Him.Rike's 35-year-old wife, Dune, also died, after being shot and then slashed with a machete. Bauchi police reported 16 dead in total: one man, three women and twelve children.' (Open Doors.)
Please pray for sad, tragic Nigeria.

Theologians? - What are they for? - Utter claptrap from Tommy!

'Because we cannot know what God is, but only what He is not, we cannot consider how He is but only how He is not.'
Thomas Aquinas.

Now listen to me, Tommy. You are soooo wrong! Jesus said "He who has seen me has seen the Father."
(And if I were to tell you Tommy's  views on womankind ....... !!!)

Isn't It Odd That ...

  ...  whenever the Israelis attack Hamas in Gaza, the casualties always contain 'shedloads of women and children, very few men and zero...