Sunday, April 29, 2012

Choice: Brand OR Peter Hitchens?

Here’s how to influence Government policy: Make a career out of being coarse and crude; take illegal drugs, moan that it wasn’t your fault and demand sympathy for your selfish crime; get some tattoos.
Next, wear a cowboy hat and rip a lot of holes in your shirt (an aide can rip them for you if you’re too busy).
Then saunter into a Parliamentary Committee and casually mock its members, while saying nothing of interest or importance.
The MPs will pay you slavish attention, and the media – especially those bits of it who claim to be uninterested in celebrity – will give you a huge platform.
I sat behind the alleged comedian Russell Brand on Tuesday as he was giving his ‘evidence’ to the Home Affairs Select Committee. I was on next and, unlike him, I had something new and important to say.
I have spent the past 18 months researching and writing a book (out later this year) on the unofficial but near-total legalisation of drugs in Britain since 1971.
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