Thursday, April 26, 2012

Leftist Onslaught.

Last night I was pondering just how much leftist propaganda has been rammed into school pupils and students over the decades.
Consider too the relentless onslaught of political correctness running back decades into the rest of us through: comedy, drama, news programmes and the media in general.
Isn't it truly AMAZING how many people have NOT fallen prey to all this social poison?
TBH - with all the massive input they've had - our leftie friends should really be doing better than they have been doing.
Maybe good ole horse sense is even more powerful than we have given it credit for being!

Grooming Gangs - What Has REALLY Been Happening!

DAN HODGES: The moral case for a full judicial inquiry into the grooming gangs scandal is unanswerable... but this is the REAL reason Labour...