Saturday, June 29, 2013

Homosexuality - Righteous Or Wrong?

If you look at homosexuality through purely secular specs - it is almost impossible to argue against it. You will need to resort heavily to the word 'unnatural' - otherwise, I fail to see that you have any case. And even that argument seems far from adequate.
Even 'tradition' is hardly an argument-winner.
It is unsurprising therefore that so many non-believers adopt the attitudes they do.
Christians oppose the practice of homosexuality largely for three reasons:
1) God makes it abundantly clear in His Word that it is not permissible and
2) The Bible is abundantly clear on the only circumstances when sex is legitimate, that being between one man and his wife.
3) The symbolism of Christ as Bridegroom with the Church as bride should not be undermined where sex is in fact, a sacred act.
In many respects - it is the liberal church which, by causing a lack of clarity and by ignoring what God has to say is the main root of the problem.
Democratically speaking, true, practising Christians are unlikely to win as we shall inevitably be a minority expecting the majority to fall in with what we believe.
The ground lost by the Church because of the increasing secularisation of society - principally through the education system - has been huge in recent years. At the same time, our case has been undermined by those who purport to be believers but who may be easily recognised by the absence of 'Christian fruit' in their lives.
Homosexual 'marriage' is a different matter as the 'tradition' argument does hold a certain sway in secular terms but even so, it is unlikely to prove strong enough to win the day in the medium term.
Naturally, because Christians love people, we must continue to proclaim what is righteous and what is not - even when they mock us and persecute us for trying to help them.

Learning From Joseph.