Sunday, June 23, 2013


UKIP deplored the decision to sign over control of British fishing grounds - which contain nearly 70% of Europe’s fish - to the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
The CFP has driven the British fishing industry and many fish species to the edge of extinction while non-EU nations such as Norway benefit from a healthy fishing industry. UKIP will:
· Immediately withdraw from the Common Fisheries Policy

· Reassert our territorial rights, reclaim our fishing grounds, restore our fishing fleet and support our fishing industry for future generations

· Return £2.5bn a year in fish sales to the UK economy

· Establish an ‘Exclusive Economic Zone’ extending 200 nautical miles from the UK’s coastline over which the UK exerts total control

· Abandon all EU quotas and strictly forbid the shameful discarding of dead fish - sometimes up to 70% of catches or 800,000 tons p.a.

.Require all commercial species of fish caught, regardless of size or species, to be landed and recorded. This will allow the Government to determine how best to manage the recovery of UK fishing grounds. To preserve fish stocks, UKIP will establish a system of moveable ‘No Take Zones’ allowing fish to spawn and assisting recovery in overfished areas

· Ban all forms of industrial fishing and pair trawling for bass. Industrial trawlers have helped cause a catastrophic decline in key fish species

· Strengthen the UK’s Fishery Protection resources to guard British fishing grounds


Learning From Joseph.