Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Behaviour & Attendance Collaborative.

The Behaviour & Attendance Collaborative (????) in N. Lincs is trying to reduce the numbers of children excluded from schools. (Why?) Apparently, these are the ones who behave 'differently'. (Scream!)
I recall one appalling pupil called Steven who was not excluded from the comprehensive where I taught. This 'non-exclusion' came about by the ill-behaved lout having a permanent 'minder' - supplied by the local authority on a FULL salary.
IF the boy behaved moderately in the mornings - he was taken out for 'treats' in the afternoons! NO TREATS FOR THE WELL-BEHAVED, OF COURSE!
We had a somewhat cheaper option when I began teaching in the mid 70s - it was called A CANE!

Learning From Joseph.