'Climate change will affect all of us. So why the lack of urgency?'
Polly Toynbee. Guardian.
You see, Polly, no thinking person dare trust the 'warmist
brigade'. Rightly or wrongly, many believe that the whole concept is just a
self-serving scam which is highly selective with its evidence and which is far
too content to use dodgy computer models.
This is not just because there are significant amounts of
contradictory evidence but, far more than that, open debate has been
calculatedly and wilfully stifled. Doesn't smack of real confidence in their
case by the 'warmist lobby' - well, does it?
If anti-warmists were to be granted a proper platform - and
permitted Oxford Union-style rules in open TV debates where they were then thrashed - we would happily join your camp.
But they aren't so we