Thursday, May 24, 2018

My Dad's Voting Patterns.

As a young man, my father was a dyed-in-the-wool socialist. As he grew up and encountered real life, 'he put away childish things'.
Nonetheless, on only a single occasion, did he ever vote Tory - and that was for a local man he knew well and trusted.
How many times have I said on this Blog and in my general writing that the UK desperately needs a true centre right party which is NON-TORY!
It would harvest the usual Tory votes and would gain a few million more voters - just like Dad!
Liberal-leaning, soft left, Tory politicians are unrepresentative of the majority of their voters.
Of the countless Tory non-voters, many would surely return to the fold.
Once, I truly thought that Ukip could have been that party and that they would have replaced the old Tory party altogether. Sigh.

Danger Alert.

The broken immigration system is now becoming dangerous. The Home Office already has some serious questions to answer – as does the Ministry...