Wednesday, October 31, 2018

I Like Ecclesiastes.

"Better is a young and wise child than an old and foolish king who will no longer be admonished." (Ecclesiastes 4:13 KJV)


Attacking The Flawed Thinking of Scientism.

Talking to an atheist about Eric Harris

Posted by Mark Roques in RealityBites blog on Wednesday 25th October 2017
Talking to aggressive atheists can be enjoyable and fulfilling if you have an intelligent and creative spiel.
I was talking to an atheist builder who had a pop at me for being a Christian. He declared boldly: "I'm on the side of science and not religion."
I was straight in there. "Does that mean you agree with Eric Harris then?
The builder was puzzled and asked me: "Who is Eric Harris?"
I smiled inwardly and launched into my bespoke evangelism patter.
"Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School, Colorado, USA in 1999. Eric wrote in his diary:
“just because your mommy and daddy tell you blood and violence is bad, you think it’s a f—g law of nature? wrong, only science and math are true, everything else, and I mean every f—g thing else is man made.”
Eric also wrote: "It's all just nature, chemistry and math, deal with it.” 
I paused for breath and asked him again - "Is this how you look at the world? Eric was on the side of science! Is he right or wrong?
The geyser was taken aback at this and said he didn't know what to say. Then he opined:
"But surely religion is responsible for all the wars in the world today. Just look at what's happening in Syria today. It's truly terrible!
I continued my patter thus: "If I agreed with you and Eric Harris I would be truly miserable about all the horrors of war. If snipers, bombers and torturers are 'just machines' then there is no hope at all. What we call 'evil' is simply the laws of physics at work. Do you agree with that?
The builder was surprised that I didn't 'defend religion' but instead attacked his scientism. He was softened and admitted that he had never thought about the dark side of scientism.
In conclusion I delivered this spiel: "If I believed that torturers and bombers were 'just machines', I would top myself right now but I have a hope in the resurrection body and Jesus Christ. One day the middle east will be filled with love and mercy. No more bombers and torturers when Christ returns to bring His kingdom in its fullness.
"Wow" he said. "Never thought about that!"
He certainly didn't agree with me but he left with some glimmers of understanding and perhaps some hope. Reality Bites.

Hard Left Thinks Budget Is Right?

Our Loving God.

Anti-Christian Discrimination.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Budget - Who Is Fooled? Tories Now Just As Irresponsible As Labour?

So that’s it, then: austerity is well and truly over. It wasn’t a bluff: the Chancellor, egged on by Theresa May, has actually gone and done it, delivering by far the biggest Giveaway Budget of recent times.
The deficit will actually go up next year as a share of national income, after years of decline, and the Chancellor will be splashing out an astonishing £30.5 billion a year extra by 2023-24.
It’s real money, not mere tinkering, and it represents a genuine change of direction, a final rupture with the George Osborne, post-crisis years.
Gone is the idea that the Treasury’s priority is to balance the books, better to prepare for the next inevitable downturn, or even to store up cash for Brexit.... Telegraph.


OCTOBER 24,   Melanie Phillips.
When 20 Pakistani Muslim men were convicted at the end of last week on charges of more than 120 child sex offences including rape, inciting child prostitution and abducting a child, the Home Secretary Sajid Javid tweeted:
“These sick Asian paedophiles are finally facing justice. I want to commend the bravery of the victims. For too long, they were ignored. Not on my watch. There will be no no-go areas.”
He was immediately accused of racism for mentioning the ethnicity of these criminals. Javid’s language was indeed misleading, although that wasn’t what got people foaming with fury.
For these criminals weren’t just “Asian”. The gang wasn’t composed of Chinese or Vietnamese, Hindus or Sikhs. Its members had a very specific ethnic and religious identity as men of Pakistani Muslim origin.
No matter. The Labour MP David Lammy said: “It does no service to the victims of this evil to pin the blame on any one group.” But those who maintain that the ethnic and/or religious identity of these criminals is irrelevant couldn’t be more wrong.
For this was but the latest in a series of criminal trials of men involved not just in sex offences but in a particular, and particularly odious, pattern of criminal activity which has claimed several thousand victims over a period over the past two decades.
This involves targeting specifically white girls, mainly young teenagers or pre-teens from the wrong side of the tracks, and luring them into situations where they are plied with drugs or alcohol and then raped, pimped, prostituted and treated as dehumanised sexual objects often by multiple men over several hours at a time.
This systematic abuse and violaton of so many young girls over such a long period of time was first exposed by my Times colleague Andrew Norfolk in 2011. Astoundingly, it had been ignored for years by police and welfare officials who had looked the other way. Some, particularly the police, dismissed these girls as white trash; the main reason, though, for ignoring what was happening was that these officials were frightened of being accused of racism if they did anything about it.
The latest convictions, following three linked trials at Leeds crown court, involved 15 child victims in the Huddersfield area. Other towns where these grooming gangs are known to have operated include Keighley, Bradford Rochdale, Peterborough, Newcastle, Oxford, Bristol and Telford. 
These appalling offences involve anti-white racism. That is apparently unsayable. They also raise urgent questions about Muslim culture. That is even more unsayable. For although these men represent in their number a tiny minority of Pakistani Muslim men in Britain, this is not irrelevant. When such a strong pattern emerges in the background of the vast majority of those who commit a particular kind of crime, and over such a wide swathe of the country, it is essential to look at how that background may have contributed to that crime.
Yet for some, that is even more unsayable. Zubaida Haque, the deputy director of the Runnymede Trust, said: “It’s extraordinary that Sajid Javid set up an inquiry to look at why Asian men were more likely to be in CSE [child sexual exploitation] grooming gangs when his priority all the time should have been why and how victims were vulnerable and where safeguards had failed.”
What’s extraordinary is that such critics are so uninterested in the perpetrators. Just imagine if, say, gangs of white Jehovah’s Witnesses were targeting black or Asian girls up and down the country and raping, pimping and prostituting them. Can anyone doubt the media would be heaving with pieces denouncing the religion and culture of such people for producing such systemic, racist and abusive behaviour? Yet very few pieces have appeared about the grooming gangs, other than news reports.
Some very brave Muslims have spoken out about the disturbing implications of these activities for their community. They are ignored. Others who do speak up honestly about it find themselves victimised – and their plight ignored.
Sarah Champion, Labour MP for Rotherham, said there was “a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls” in her constituency. For this, Muslim and Labour party activists branded her a bigot, an Islamophobe and a racist and there were calls for her to be expelled from the party. Of course.
To dismiss or ignore the cultural factors behind this pattern of appalling crimes, or worse to pillory those who raise them as “Islamophobic”, is to connive at the perpetuation of such abuse of young vulnerable girls.
#MeToo, anyone?


Infanticide - The Next Step? Then Geronticide? Then Inconvenienticide?

Infanticide and Peter Singer

Posted by Mark Roques in RealityBites blog on Friday 2nd March 2012
Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say. Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are "morally irrelevant" and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.
This is the beginning of a recent article in the Daily Telegraph.
Arthur Jones and I have repeatedly argued that Christian discipleship must include 'worldview awareness'. This story can help us to see why this is the case.
Read more:

Socialist Double-Think.

Adele (pictured) increased her wealth from £132million to £147million in the past year despite not releasing any new music. Mail.

The vast majority of socialists accept such situations as being 'just how it is'.
 The same applies to actors, singers, comedians etc who have made horrendous amounts of dosh.
But you have a company director who contributes to the nation with: jobs, taxation, exports, innovation etc and they turn apoplectic if the man earns £500k a year.
TBH - I really do not get it. Why the crazy double standard?

The Problem.

Falling at the feet of the One who died for you - God in human form - confessing your sins; repentance; accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour; following His Word - THAT is the solution.

Want To See The Logical Path Which Underpins Materialistic Philosophies? - Terrifying!

In his book The Gates of Janus: Serial Killing and its Analysis Ian Brady offered us a fascinating insight into his deepest beliefs. Inspired by the Marquis de Sade’s sadomasochistic writings Brady argued that atheism forces us to redefine our deepest moral beliefs. 
If God is dead then only 'nature' exists. And if only 'nature' is real then moral concepts of good and evil are as fictitious as the proverbial tooth fairy. For Brady and the Marquis de Sade pleasure is the only god we should serve. And murder is the supreme pleasure.

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Caravan of Hatred.



 OCTOBER 24, 2018 Melanie Phillips.
The mainstream media is continuing to betray journalism by framing President Trump’s utterances and policies in a jaw-dropping way.
Two days ago, Trump told a rally he was a nationalist. Pass the smelling salts!
He made it quite clear what he meant by this: that he loved America. He was using it as a synonym for patriotism. Good luck with that one! What he meant was irrelevant. He had apparently damned himself irrevocably as an anti-human. The New York Times reported:
“Asked in the Oval Office on Tuesday why he used that word given its association with racist movements, Mr. Trump professed ignorance of its history but did not back off. ‘I never heard that theory about being a nationalist,’ he said. ‘I’ve heard them all. But I’m somebody who loves our country.” Undaunted, he added: ‘I am a nationalist. It’s a word that hasn’t been used too much. Some people use it, but I’m very proud. I think it should be brought back.’”
What happened then was no less disgraceful for being entirely predictable. Elements of the media claimed he had sent out a racist dog-whistle by using the n-word and had thus revealed himself to be a Nazi. As the Daily Caller reported:
“CNN’s Jim Acosta asked the president if he was sending coded messages to white nationalists by using the term, then completely mischaracterized Trump’s response. Then MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace compared the president to Hitler for using the term.”
Do you think Nicole Wallace knows what Hitler actually did? Do you think she cares?
Then there’s the central American caravan. Caravan? A caravan looks like this.
The march of thousands of mainly male would-be migrants marching through Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador with the aim of crossing the US border looks like this.
That’s not a caravan. It’s an invasion force.
If Trump doesn’t admit all these people into America, that will apparently prove that his policy of enforcing border controls and stopping illegal immigration is racist. Yet who said this in 2005:
“We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants. We are a generous and welcoming people, here in the United States, but those who enter the country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law.
“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States, undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.”
You guessed it: then Senator Barack Obama.
But if Trump resists an unprecedented, organised invasion force of thousands of potential illegal immigrants attempting to overwhelm controls at the American border, that’s racist white nationalism.
Of course.

And This Is Justice.

Ishmael Osamo, 29, was caught with a £2,500 haul of ecstasy, cocaine, ketamine and cannabis by security staff at last year’s Bestival event in Dorset. He is the son of Labour MP Kate Osamor. Mail.


Keeping Inside God's Love.

Interesting Christian Dilemmas.

Merkel Haemorrhaging Support.

And the far-right AfD looks set to enter the Hesse regional government for the first time after securing 12 percent of the vote.
The result means the anti-immigration party, which entered the federal parliament for the first time last year, is now also represented in all 16 German regional assemblies.
The regional government in Hesse, which includes the financial hub of Frankfurt, is currently controlled by a coalition of Ms Merkel's CDU and the Greens, and the exit poll results suggest the two parties can continue governing. 
But the preliminary results will pile pressure on the Chancellor's 'grand coalition' in Berlin, which is made up of the CDU, its Bavarian sister party the CSU, and the centre-left SPD. Express.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Helicopter Crash.

Suddenly. Out of the blue. Catastrophe at Leicester City's Car Park E.
It is astonishing, that after nearly 11 hours, there has still not been any direct report of casualties or fatalities. Without news information at the time of writing, and after explosions following the crash, it seems that the very worst must be feared
Our prayers go out to the families and for any possible survivors.
For any who may have perished, our prayers will avail little. They are now having to answer to God for their lives and attitude to His Son.

I suppose we can perhaps pray, in a desperate kind of retrospective way, that every one on that aircraft had encountered the Lord and Saviour before this disaster.

Tragedies such as this one and the synagogue butchery I have seen reported from the US, leave me feeling as though I have ice in my veins. This is the reason believers try to bring God's Word to all we know. "We are not promised tomorrow."

Be Thankful.

Logically Incredible.

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled that the woman, known only as Mrs S, was convicted by a lower court in Vienna for disparaging religious doctrines and was ordered to pay a 480 euros fine plus legal fees.
She appealed the decision and her case as thrown out by the Court of Appeal in the Austrian capital as well as the country’s Supreme Court.
The 47-year-old from Vienna was reported to have held seminars in which she made the blasphemous comments while debating the marriage between Mohammed and Aisha, a six-year-old girl.
The girl, who was one of the Prophet’s 13 wives, became an important figure in Islam but was only six-years-old when they married.
In one of her seminars, Mrs S is reported to have said: “A 56-year-old and a six-year-old? What do we call it, if it is not paedophilia?”
She also said Mohammed “liked to do it with children”.
She was convicted for insulting the religion in February 2011 by the Vienna Regional Criminal Court and yesterday the ECHR upheld their decision.
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg
The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has ruled a woman who insulted the Prophet Mohammed (Image: GETTY)
Mrs S had argued that her right to freedom of speech had been infringed but the ECHR ruled the lower courts had not violated that right, which is laid out in Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
She also argued that her “criticism of Islam occurred in the framework of an objective and lively discussion which contributed to a public debate” and that she had not intended to defame the Prophet.
In a statement, the European Court of Human Right said: “The Court found in particular that the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the wider context of the applicant’s statements and carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected, and served the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in Austria.
“It held that by considering the impugned statements as going beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate, and by classifying them as an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam which could stir up prejudice and threaten religious peace, the domestic courts put forward relevant and sufficient reasons.” Express.


What! - Will The Insanity NEVER End In Our INjustice System.

A "monster" who stabbed a supermarket worker to death in front of horrified shoppers has had his minimum jail term reduced. Neville Hord, 45, killed Jodie Willsher, 30, in a frenzied knife attack which he had planned over two weeks because he blamed her for his break-up with her mother. Malcolm Willsher (centre) takes the coffin of his wife, Jodie, who was stabbed to death as she worked in a supermarket, in to Christ Church in Skipton ahead of her funeral. Photo: PA -> 14-year-old boy killed as van hits teenagers in Colton He admitted murder and was jailed for life at Bradford Crown Court in March, with Judge Jonathan Durham Hall ordering him to serve at least 30 years behind bars. But his minimum term was cut to 27 years on Tuesday by judges sitting at the Court of Appeal in London.

Read more at:

In Singapore he would have hanged, of course, as a matter of course. (That is why their murder rate borders on being trivial. No excuses - you kill - you face the hangman at Changi Jail. In the 20th Century, in England, only one in sixteen killers was ever executed up to 1964.) 
Our system does not even have the potential for justice.
Her family MUST forgive him but there is no such scriptural enjoinder on our criminal 'justice' system.

Ultra Modern.

Tragedy For EU Losing Its Milch Cow - A Triumph For Us If Brexit Is Ever Achieved With All of Mrs May's Heel-dragging.

Sr Sanchez, Presidente del Gobierno in Spain, claimed Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) will leave it with less influence on the world stage, branding Brexit a “tragedy”.
He said that the Brexit outcome is particularly important in Spain due to the number of Spanish people living in the UK, the fishing industry in Spain and the businesses sharing links to the UK.
He said: “Unfortunately, it was not possible to reject the request of the U.K. to withdraw from the EU.
“Brexit is a tragedy for the British and for the Europeans.”
In the immortal words of Nelson Munz in The Simpsons, 'Haah, Haaah!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Brexit - May Perceived As Doing A Dreadful Job.

Poll shows a collapse in confidence in Theresa May's ability to negotiate a good Brexit deal as nearly half of Brits think they will be worse off after exit

  • Ipsos Moris poll found that just 19% of Brits are confident PM will get a good deal
  • And 49% think the EU negotiations are going more badly than they expected

Want A Long Life? - Then Grasp The True Nature of The Human Heart.


Pastor's Release and The Power of Prayer.

Andrew Brunson's Release Reminds Us There's Power in Prayer.

By CP Op-Ed Contributor Ronnie Floyd |  Sat 20 Oct 2018 
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(PHOTO: COURTESY OF MATT MILLER)Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd gives the president's address on June 16, 2015, during the opening session of the SBC annual meeting at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio.
Frankly, I was not surprised when Pastor Andrew Brunson said that praying and knowing people were praying for him kept him sane and hopeful after being imprisoned in Turkey.
"When I was arrested, and it kept going on and on, and it seemed there was no way out ... I lost a lot of hope," Brunson said. "What helped me — I began to see that there was value in my suffering, especially as time went on. I saw that many people around the world began praying for me. And I began to see that God was involved in this."
How could he know people all over the world — including myself — were praying for him? The Turkish authorities allowed Brunson's wife Norine to visit him about once a week, for 30 minutes. The two of them would speak over the phone through a glass window, and in those precious moments they could share together, she made sure he knew people were praying for him.
"She would bring encouragement to me, and tell me that people were praying for me. And as I learned that I began to see that God was involved in this and that God was going to do something with my suffering that had value," Brunson said.
If there has been one constant truth in Pastor Andrew Brunson's tumultuous journey to freedom, it has been the power of prayer. In fact, when the Brunsons learned that they would be seeing the president of the United States their reaction was to pray they would have the opportunity to pray for him — and they did.
On live TV and in the presence of the secretary of state and cabinet members, Andrew Brunson — who 24 hours earlier had been sitting in a prison cell in Turkey — knelt down and prayed for President Trump in the Oval Office.
"Lord God, I ask that you pour out your Holy Spirit on President Trump. That you give him supernatural wisdom to accomplish all the plans you have for this country and for him," Brunson said, before concluding, "May he be a great blessing to our country. In Jesus' name, we bless you. Amen."
As I watched Pastor Brunson pray over President Trump, it suddenly struck me that we were not only celebrating Brunson's release; we were also celebrating the power of prayer. Behind the tense negotiations between the U.S. and Turkey, inside the Oval Office and even within the chambers of the Turkish court that finally freed Brunson, God was at work, using the president, vice president and countless men and women to orchestrate the miracle we witnessed this past weekend. Rep. Mark Meadows, who was one of Brunson's greatest advocates, recognized this fact.
"You had dozens and dozens of advocates. You had one champion in the President of the United States. But he was the answer to millions of prayers that went up on your behalf and the behalf of your family," Rep. Meadows said to Brunson and the crowd gathered in the Oval Office.
Pastor Brunson's release is a great victory for international religious freedom and a testament of President Trump and his administration's commitment to defending it. Religious freedom is a bipartisan issue we can all agree on. Every human being has the right to worship — or not worship — without the threat of abuse or persecution. Under President Trump, we have made great advances to protect this right at home and abroad, and for this I'm gratefulAt a time when there are so many reasons to be worried or anxious, the reminder that God listens and responds to our prayers is encouraging news. He might not always answer them the way we want him to, but he will listen to us and will not leave or forsake us.
This past Saturday, exactly 1,183 miles away from the White House, sitting in our home in Springdale, Ark., my wife and I celebrated this great moment for religious freedom and Brunson's return home. It is a good reminder to each of us in America and across the world, if God can set Andrew Brunson free from Turkish imprisonment, God can do anything in your life today. Never forget: all things are possible with God.
Ronnie Floyd is the senior pastor of Cross Church and president of the National Day of Prayer Task Force, which each year mobilizes millions of Americans to unified public prayer for the United States of America. Follow him on Twitter (@ronniefloyd), Instagram (@ronniefloyd) and Facebook.


Hate Preachers.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Leftist Is BEYOND Vile.

WE SHALL NOT REMEMBER THEM? Fury as Student Union boss vows to DEFACE war memorial.

A UNIVERSITY student union president has sparked outrage by saying she wants to deface a mural which commemorates soldiers who died in the First World War. Emily Dawes, president of Southampton University Students Union (SUSU) has faced a backlash on social media after saying she wants to “paint over” a historic memorial to students who died fighting for their country.

The University of Southampton is due to unveil the Rothenstein Mural which was painted in 1916 as part of their commemorations to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, but Ms Dawes said she is prepared to deface it herself.
The mural is dedicated to students from British universities who were killed while fighting and never got to complete their degrees.
By TOM NELLIST, Express.

I do not swear and have not for some time - on occasions like this, however ...

'Closing Time'.

The clock is ticking. The world becomes more disgusting, more vile, more foul-mouthed, more degenerate, more atheistic, more lustful, more self-obsessed, more self-indulgent, more self-serving, more self-righteous, more selfish - each and every day.
We are now surely at the very end of the End Times.

Against the backcloth of a total moral decline which strikes new lows at an exponential rate, are you ready for when the Great Judge begins to bring real Justice to the earth?
You'd better be!

The allegedly namby-pamby, weak and indulgent Father - isn't any of these things!

Repent - the end is nigh. Jesus gave up His life for your salvation. Do not miss it. You have the opportunity to seek the Lord as you read this.
What makes you so convinced that there will be more chances after this one?


'Gosnell' Film - Mass Censorship?

'Gosnell' Filmmakers: Theaters Dropping Movie, Preventing People From Buying Tickets.

By Christian Post Reporter |  Oct 22, 2018 
(PHOTO: GOSNELLMOVIE.COM)Actress Sarah Jane Morris in "Gosnell"
The filmmakers behind "Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer" have questioned why hundreds of theaters have dropped the pro-life movie despite a strong opening performance.
They also shared of various reports of moviegoers being misled or flat-out prevented from buying tickets to the movie, noting that there are too many incidents to simply be dismissed as a coincidence.
"Gosnell," which retells the investigation, arrest, and trial of real-life abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, broke into the top 10 at the box office last week, earning $1,235,000 on just 668 screens.
On Friday, the film's domestic gross hit $2,000,000, but that was not enough to stop nearly 200 theaters from dropping the film.
"I can tell you from my experience in 15 years of releasing movies independently, we're in uncharted territories," John Sullivan, the film's producer and marketing director, told the Daily Wire.
"It is an impacted fall, no doubt about it, but the fact that we've been dropped from theaters where the movie is the number 6 or number 9 movie is just something you don't see," he added.
"It's hard not to believe it isn't about the content of the movie."
Sullivan explained that some of the theaters that have dropped the film include top multiplexes where it was performing strongly.
"We've been the number 6 in a 15-plex and it gets dropped this week. We've been number 9 in a 30-plex and we're getting dropped this week. There are about 15 theaters like that where typically you would not get dropped," he stated.

Salvation - Do You Have It?

Sadiq Khan Wants Us To Keep On Voting Until We Deliver The Answer He Wants.

Cecil Crinnion, Sycamore Close, Slingsby, York.
I COULD not believe what the Mayor of London told the crowd at the march for another vote on Brexit. Sadiq Khan said: “What is really important is that those that say a public vote is undemocratic, is unpatriotic, realise that, in fact, the exact opposite is the truth. What could be more democratic, what could be more British than trusting the judgement of the British people?” How two-faced is that? I was under the illusion we had done that and voted, to borrow a line from Scotland’s anthem, “to be a nation again”. Some 17.4 million votes gave the Government a mandate to leave. I would remind people that 650,000 marching in London achieves nothing except weakening the Government’s negotiating position. If mistakes are made, let them be British mistakes, not European mistakes. In years to come when the European Union collapses, the young people now in doubt about the future will thank this generation for leaving, despite the many obstacles the EU and, sadly, some MPs place in the way of progress.
ead more at:

One More EU Crisis.

EU in CRISIS: Eurozone growth slips to SLOWEST rate in TWO YEARS.

EUROZONE growth skidded to its slowest rate in more than two years in October, with the economy gripped by escalating US-China trade war fears and an ongoing spat between Italy and EU chiefs over Rome’s budget. The euro area felt the brunt of growing global tensions as momentum dropped and business growth decelerated faster than anticipated as the final quarter of 2018 began. Express.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Groundhog Day ... Again.

It's Groundhog Day again...the European Parliament just voted to end the Brussels-Strasbourg 'travelling circus' shuttling back and forth every month. Means nothing, because this is pretty much the only Parliament in the world that lacks the power to decide where it sits.


Conquering Resentment Is Essential For Believers.

The Deadliness of Resentment

Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California has said that resentment is the "unhealthiest emotion there is" and identified three reasons Christians should forgive those who have sinned against them.
Warren, author of "The Purpose Driven Life," said in a devotional this week that many people are walking around with deep wounds, pain, and resentment resulting from a past insult or injury.


Can We Trust The Tories To Deliver The Brexit We Voted For?

Eternal Life - Scriptures.

N. Korea - One More Example Of 'Socialism in Action'.

North Korea
"This isn't my hair-dryer!"

            The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is such an exhibition of bureaucratic incompetence and human cruelty that it would be difficult to pick one single blunder for this list. Since its official establishment in 1948 DPRK has run up a laundry list human right abuses. Economic mismanagement caused a massive famine between 1994 and 1998 in which 3 million people died. Even today, long after the famine officially ended, food is still scarce throughout the country—especially in the countryside. Peasants regularly starve to death in the hundreds. In 2013, the UN estimated that 84 percent of the country had “poor” levels of food consumption. Meanwhile, the current dictator of DPRK, Kim Jong-Un does not want for anything; in 2012 alone, he spent nearly 7 million dollars on goods like handbags, luxury watches, cosmetics, and alcohol. In that same year, he also spent 1.3 billion dollars on ballistic missile programs.[15] The North Korean Army, which is the fourth largest in the world, has an annual budget of 6 billion dollars.

            The most appalling side of North Korea is not its gross economic mismanagement, but its unsympathetic brutality towards its populace. Those who have escaped the many prison camps throughout the country testify to acts of extreme cruelty and barbarity. Inmates in these prisons face constant threats of arbitrary beatings and executions by the guards, who reportedly enjoy torturing inmates with cattle prods. Women are regularly raped and given forced abortions.[16]The number of political prisoners within North Korea has grown dramatically over the past five years, with an estimated quarter million imprisoned in 2011.[17] Considering the North Korean government does not release statistics to this effect leads one to wonder how much abuse is happening in the country that we don’t even know about yet.

            Such a disgraceful track record of abuse as that of DPRK is not uncommon for most other collectivist countries on this list. DPRK is but a single entry in the long list of failed socialist states. It is a sad reflection on the mental development of the west that some delinquents still apologize for the crimes of this regime.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...