Wednesday, October 20, 2021

A Moral Obligation To Pay Reparations To People Who Are Long Dead? - Interesting Logic!

The Church has a moral obligation to pay reparations for its involvement in the slave trade, a panel of Christian thinkers has said.
Professor Robert Beckford told a panel discussion hosted by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland that reparations were a necessary part of the Church's repentance and restitution for the profits made off the back of slavery.
He said the Church had been "so slow to respond" to the issue of racial injustice, despite it being known that churches and church leaders owned slaves and plantations, and received compensation from the British government when the slave trade was eventually abolished. CT.

The African Churches Are Putting Us To Shame.

Learning from the African Church's extraordinary success. Heather Tomlinson    21 April 2024 . (Photo: Getty/iStock) Why has faith in Af...