Saturday, August 31, 2024

So Very True!

The moral cowardice of the church.

The Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury are accused of abandoning the defence of the Bible

The Ottoman Army surrounds Vienna, 1683; Frans Geffels, 1683-1694

The outspoken chief rabbi of South Africa, Dr. Warren Goldstein, has once again given voice to crucial truths that others have shamefully ignored.

He accused both Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, of being indifferent to the murder of black Christians in Africa and the terrorism threat in Europe while being “outright hostile” to Israel’s attempts to battle jihadi forces led by Iran.

“The world is locked in a civilisational battle of values, threatened by terrorism and violent jihad,” said Goldstein. “At a time when Europe’s very future hangs in the balance, its two most senior Christian leaders have abandoned their most sacred duty to protect and defend the values of the Bible. Their cowardice and lack of moral clarity threaten the free world.”

Goldstein’s blistering accusations were on the mark.

Christians in Africa have been subjected to barbaric slaughter and persecution by Islamists for decades. Two years ago, Open Doors, an organisation that supports persecuted Christians, observed: “In truth, there are very few Muslim countries—or countries with large Muslim populations —where Christians can avoid intimidation, harassment or violence.”

In January 2024, a report for Genocide Watch confirmed that, since 2000, 62,000 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered by Islamist groups in an ongoing attempt to exterminate Christianity. In addition, more than 32,000 moderate black Nigerian Muslims and non-faith individuals have been massacred.

According to a report in 2020 by the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Christians in Myanmar, China, Eritrea, India, Iran, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Vietnam are being persecuted.

These facts were reported in June by Peter Baum for The Daily Blitz. Yet the mainstream media all but ignore these atrocities. There are no marches in western cities to accuse these countries of facilitating crimes against humanity. There are no NGO-inspired petitions to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to declare these countries and groups guilty of genocide.

Instead, the media and western elites demonise Israel as the pariah of the world for defending itself against these genocidal Islamists. This unique and egregious double standard is the hallmark of classic antisemitism.

The attitude of the church leaders is even more astonishing. The hundreds of thousands of victims of this persecution are their flock. The goal of this onslaught is the wholesale destruction of the faith they lead.

Yet from Welby and the Pope have emerged little more than occasional expressions of measured concern. And even then, they usually refuse to call out what’s happening by its proper name — the Islamist war to eradicate Christianity and destroy the West.

The 10-month war against Israel by Iran and its proxies following the October 7 pogrom is a crucial front in that onslaught against Western civilisation. Yet as Goldstein said, the Pope and Welby have stood passively by while African Christians are “butchered by jihadi groups with direct ties to Israel’s enemies in Gaza and the West Bank”.

The jihadi ideology, he said, was also a clear and present danger to Europe. As a result of open-border policies, immigrants had poured into the United Kingdom and across Europe, many of them “brandishing a violent jihadi ideology deeply hostile to Christianity, liberal democracy and western values”.

The result has been surging antisemitism leaving diaspora Jews living in fear. Yet on the ideology fuelling this civilisational onslaught, Welby and the Pope have been silent. Instead, they have recycled the Islamists’ propaganda that demonises and delegitimises Israel with lies.

Last December, the Pope described Israel’s Gaza war of self-defence against genocide as “terrorism”.

Last month, Welby endorsed the advisory opinion of the ICJ that Israel’s occupation of the “Palestinian territories” was illegal. The court’s opinion, which owed everything to politics and virtually nothing to law, was based entirely on lies and distortions.

Yet Welby commented, with a passion that’s wholly lacking when he talks about the slaughter of Christians in Africa, that Israel was guilty of “systematic discrimination”; that it was “denying the Palestinian people dignity, freedom and hope”; and that “ending the occupation is a legal and moral necessity”.  

Every part of that was a falsehood. Israel is not in illegal occupation of the disputed “West Bank” areas of Judea and Samaria. On the contrary, the Jews are the only people with a legal right many times over — from the terms of the 1922 Palestine Mandate and then through international laws of self-defence and those permitting the retention of territory that is still used for belligerent purposes — to what is now Israel, the “West Bank” and Gaza.

So why are the Pope and the archbishop given to such unholy perversity? The reason is partly psychological, partly political but mostly theological.

First, there’s the fear of antagonising the Muslim world and, as a result, bringing about yet more persecution of Christians.

Second, there’s internalised self-flagellation corresponding to western liberals scourging themselves for “white privilege”. Back in 2020, Welby said he was ashamed of the Anglican attitude towards black people and declared that the church was “deeply, institutionally racist”. The Pope, an acolyte of left-wing “liberation theology,” has a similarly anti-west mindset.

The deeper reason, however, is theological. That was illuminated by the sharpest challenge of all that Goldstein hurled at the Archbishop of Canterbury.

By supporting the ICJ ruling that the “West Bank” and eastern Jerusalem are “occupied territory” to which the Jewish state has no rightful claim, said Goldstein, Welby was effectively rejecting the Bible — which, in addition to theology, was a book of historical fact.

This was because, said Goldstein, the boundaries of Israel, which are delineated repeatedly throughout the Torah as the word of God, include the ancient lands of Judea and Samaria that, along with Jerusalem, also figure in other books of the Bible as the historic kingdom of Israel.

Goldstein’s main challenge, however, was not political or legal but religious. In the Bible, God’s promise to the Jews of the entire Land of Israel is an “eternal oath,” an “unconditional covenant”. For a religious believer, this must supersede everything else without limit of time.

Yet Welby’s endorsement of the ICJ ruling that Israel was in illegal occupation suggested he did not regard the word of God as eternally binding. Was Welby therefore truly a religious believer, the rabbi was asking, or did he regard God’s promise as merely a myth?

That slices straight to the heart of Welby’s unholy attitude — the profound and enduring problem that certain Christians have with Judaism itself.

Christians who are faithful to the Hebrew Scriptures love the Jews and support Israel, appreciating that Christianity derives from Judaism. Other Christians, who don’t have such respect for Hebrew Scripture, have no such love for the Jews.

To such Christians, the Jews’ implacable refusal to accept the divinity of Jesus represents an eternal reproach to the church for repudiating its spiritual parent. It sets up internal tensions over whether Christianity can actually be justified.

The core of Christian anti-Zionism is therefore the perception by some Christians that the Jews represent a permanent challenge to the Christian faith itself.

These Christians can’t acknowledge that the Muslim world presents a threat because that would mean acknowledging the Muslim victimisation of the Jews. Such Christians can’t accept that the Jews are victims of religious war because the people who victimised the Jews far worse than the Muslims were the Christians, whose attempt to wipe out the Jewish challenge to Christianity resulted in centuries of mass slaughter of Jews across Europe.

And so, while today’s Islamists are murdering Christians and Jews, trying to conquer the west and posing a terrifying threat to civilisation itself, European Christian leaders have decided to dump their Jewish parent and embrace their Islamist assassin.

They have abandoned the Jewish people because they have abandoned the Hebrew Bible and with it the defence of Christianity and the west.

Jewish News Syndicate

Solved murders - figures not all that good, are they?

 What percentage of murders get solved in UK? 

As of May 2023, charges had been made in almost two thirds (63%) of homicide cases recorded in 2021/22. Just under a quarter (24%) of cases had not been assigned an outcome. In the most recent year, the year to March 2022, 414 people were indicted for homicide and 318 were convicted.11 Jul 2023

Yesterday, I Spoke To Two Labour-Supporting Elderly Ladies in Sheffield.

 I knew neither but soon knew their opinions after one had commented how cold the morning was.

The wrath which spewed out of their mouths towards Starmer and Co over the ending of winter fuel payments was awesome to behold. Two votes lost forever!
If they only represent a third of Labour-voting pensioners - I think we can easily guarantee that this will be a single term government!



God Is Light.


Oasis Reformed?


The Bema Seat.

 What is the Bema Seat in the Bible?

The Bema Seat of Christ is where Jesus will give rewards to Believers based on what they did to build His Kingdom. Paul used the word “bema” in his writing to give Believers hope for the “crowns of glory that will not fade away” when Christ comes for His bride (1 Peter 5:4)

How Can I Have Read The Bible SO Many Times And Yet Have Missed This Line? (In red.)

 26) One of the high priest’s servants, a relative of the man whose ear Peter had cut off, challenged him, “Didn’t I see you with him in the garden?” 27) Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow. Gospel of John.

After So Very Many 'Crying Wolf' Episodes In The Past - It Is So VERY Hard To Believe The Climate Scientists Now.

 A new report released by the UN’s Climate Action Team this week has highlighted how real the risks of rising sea levels are, with UN Secretary-General António Guterres warning that “the surging seas are coming for us all”.

The report, Surging Seas In A Warming World, finds that sea levels are rising at a rate not seen in the last 3,000 years - and that even if emissions are slowed significantly, the world could hit irreversible climate ‘tipping points’ such as the melting of the Antarctic ice sheets.

Factors such as ‘tipping points’ mean that the seas could rise far faster and higher than people expect, the report warns.

Guterres said in a speech at a Pacific islands forum this week, “Rising seas are a crisis entirely of humanity’s making. The world must act, and answer the SOS before it is too late.”

The report says that recent studies have found that any additional heating greater than 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2050 increases the risk of ‘tipping point’ events such as the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet or the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Norway, Svalbard, Spitsbergen Island, Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) swimming among icebergs near glacier in Fuglefjorden (Bird Fjord)A polar bear swimming among icebergs near glacier in Fuglefjorden, Norway (Getty) (Paul Souders via Getty Images)The scientists warn that even temporary overshoots (where temperatures decrease later) could still trigger such devastating ‘tipping points’.Scientists already monitor two Antarctic glaciers which could potentially trigger a collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.Thwaites Glacier is 74,000 square miles, the size of Great Britain, and is thought to be particularly susceptible to climate change. Over the past 30 years, the amount of ice flowing out Thwaites and its neighbouring glaciers has nearly double.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Answered Prayer.

Freedom for Reverend Samson.

On 23 July, we received the incredible news that Reverend Dr Hkalam Samson was released by law enforcement authorities in Myanmar after nearly 500 days of imprisonment.

We covered this news in detail in our latest issue of Response with an article that tells the story of his earlier release and re-detention. 

Given that the pastor has previously been released and taken back by the authorities, we are balancing our thanks with prayers for his lasting freedom.

We are also so grateful for all the ways you have prayed and campaigned for his release – thank you!

For more stories like this, sign up to receive our quarterly Response magazine straight to your inbox. CSW.

Only a handful of prison places remain?

 A number of nations accept back prisoners of their nationality and put them into their own prisons.

Why are we not availing ourselves of all such opportunities?

Oz - SHAME On You!

 Australian government under fire over religious protections climbdown



God Is Love.

                                                                     (Painting by El Greco.)

Rights or Entitlements.

The Left has captured the language of political debate.

If ‘rights’ are thought of as ‘entitlements’, then there is little hope for Tories who argue for a smaller state

First sentance of the Magna Carta issued 1217 by the guardians of Henry III, the great charter of English liberties
Magna Carta: Since its signing in 1217, the word rights has referred to the individual freedoms. That meaning needs to be restored CREDIT: JANE MINGAY

While the Conservative Party may soon settle on a new leader, the crucial task that follows will be winning back the consensus over the nation’s core political values – and, in particular, the balance between the individual and the state. That, in turn, will mean reclaiming the language of political debate, which has moved relentlessly to embrace a big state view of the world.

Perhaps the most damaging shift in the language has been the changed meaning of individual rights. The essence of Conservatism is to emphasise the opportunities for individuals to progress through initiative and hard work, alongside their responsibility for themselves, their families and communities. Since Magna Carta the word “rights” has referred to the individual freedoms that support this – freedom under the law to live your life without discrimination or unfair persecution. Gradually, however, the concept of rights has shifted to now imply “entitlements” granted and funded by a benevolent state.


All parties in the UK agree about the need for a welfare state that provides support for those in genuine need. The EU’s Charter of Fundamental Rights defined as a legal “right” the entitlement to social security benefits and social services, as well as the right to social and housing assistance “so as to ensure a decent existence for all”. Few could argue with the principle but, while the UK is no longer bound by the charter, there is a continual political push from the Left to extend the scope of entitlements individuals have a right to expect. 

Does a decent existence include a TV subscription? How much choice should individuals have over what work they are willing to take? It must be open to question what level of entitlements are guaranteed by unbounded rights – and how far they extend against the balancing concept of obligations and responsibilities, as well as budgetary considerations of who will pay the bill.

This implicit acceptance of big government in the language of political discussion is reflected in the frequent demand that “they” – meaning government – should do something to respond to every issue, leading to a flurry of knee-jerk legislation and short-sighted initiatives. Conservatives need to challenge the concept of “they” always being the state, asking whether responsibility lies first with families and communities. Sadly, the last government’s adoption of the phrase “levelling up” was a reinforcement of language that gave the impression it was up to the state to redistribute wealth, rather than seeing its role as fostering wealth-creating enterprise

Another shift in meaning is the way equality is now often interpreted as meaning equality of outcomes rather than equality of opportunities. Conservative values respect the achievement of high performers with appropriate reward for enterprise and merit, recognising individual success as a prime motivator of social progress. The new concept of equality too often decries such unequal outcomes as unfair and undeserved, justifying state intervention and the politics of envy to replace the old class warfare.

Similarly, the word “elite” has now become a term of criticism – suggesting some privileged group or culture that excludes ordinary people. Yet without those pushing at the leading edge of academia, business, music or art, standards for everyone will ultimately begin to fall. To be elite is still a source of pride when applied to the Armed Forces – or football – but deemed unacceptable when applied to schools or universities. We need to restore pride in the achievements and contribution of elites in every walk of life. DT.

I have little admiration for The Donald BUT I consider Harris to be egregious.

 Can a vote for Trump be morally justified?

In my 2020 book, Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test?, I devoted an entire chapter to the question, “Does Character Still Count and Does Morality Still Matter?” Four years later, that question is still relevant, especially for Christian conservatives. They (or, we) cannot possibly vote for Kamala Harris for a host of reasons. But can we, in good conscience, vote for Donald Trump?

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...