It may satisfy some basic instinct which makes you feel good if somebody richer than yourself is heavily taxed but that does not mean it is good for the nation:-
1} The 'Robin Hood principle' simply does NOT work, largely because
2} The higher the taxation the LESS is collected. The lower the taxation - the MORE is gathered. This is why Gordon Brown has had to target us all with 'stealth taxes' in a clandestine attempt to clobber ORDINARY people.
3} The super rich rarely pay excessive taxes. They move money around internationally in ways not available to mere mortals. It is no use 'shouting the odds' - that is how it has always been and in the computer age......
4} A recent poll of top executives reveals that a large majority claim that our punishing tax regime has made the country less attractive to inward investment - and that affects the entire economy.
5} If proof were needed - some 20% of big enterprises have relocated chunks of their business overseas in successful bids to reduce their tax burden AND MORE STILL ARE CONSIDERING IT!
We must live in a real world - not one based on venom, malice and spite - not really the best of Christian principles, are they?
Incidentally, the better the economy - the better off we all should be.
LINK: www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml?xml=/money/2006/11/27/cncbi27.xml