Time after time they were: dense, dullwitted, slow, faithless, cowardly, boastful and self-seeking. It was even from the ranks of the Twelve that Jesus's betrayer came.
Yet, with the exception of Judas Iscariot, this bunch of no-hopers went on to change the world and were not afraid to die in the process. Some reports declare that only John escaped death for the sake of the Gospel - and even he died imprisoned.
These men surrendered everything. They did not seek personal glory or wealth, only to reach others.
The disciples as described in the Gospels by four different writers, could not have done this. Something enormous had happened to utterly transform them into selfless go-getters.
The death of Jesus would certainly have ended their contribution to history. They would have surely packed up and gone home.
As it is now near Easter, it is time to recall that there was one event which was big enough to change a man forever. When you witness a friend die and then later see him resurrected, you will never be the same again
Armed with this knowledge and filled with the Holy Spirit, they did indeed transform the world for all time.
If you ever wanted a pointer as to whether Jesus really did rise again - look to the disciples!