Friday, March 09, 2007

Sacred cow finally slaughtered?

I am not naive enough to believe that Channnel Four's programme The Great Global Warming Swindle, shown last night, will have been the final nail in the coffin of this pseudo scientific piffle - it is far too entrenched for that - but at least the fightback has commenced in earnest.
No intelligent or deepthinking person who saw the programme can have failed to be impressed by the truly scientific approach taken by expert after expert, and had that been a court of law, the programme makers would have been considered to have made a prima facie case which went onto become virtually unanswerable.

One by one the houses built on sand were destroyed without trace and the final barb came when it was demonstrated how many vested interests there are; how many careers depend on global warming being a fact.

If the programme had one shortcoming, it was that, to some extent, it neglected the sinister political overtones which seek to manipulate the people; to destroy democracy and give the excuse for even higher taxation levels. On the plus side it did show the damage this thinking is doing to the people of Africa.

A programme dedicated to truth and for the first time on this Blog it is a full 3 cheers to Channel Four.

[A similar style of programme made by anti-evolutionary scientists could have a similar impact and outcome but I doubt that one such will appear.]
Expect the moans of anguish to emerge in enormous numbers from our allegedly green friends.

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