BUT. The issue is simply that the Bible says 'NO!' and so as a Christian I disapprove but still take the attitude that this is an issue between the individual and God.
This changes when children are propagandised or placed into the care of homosexual couples. I object to homosexual 'marriage' which is spitting in the face of Christianity.
All these things have been legitimised by Blair's government; encouraged by the Liberal Democrats and now they have Cameron leaping onto the bandwagon.
How can Christians possibly vote for any of these?
Have you heard of the fairytale 'King and King'? It is a sweet tale of love which is now to be found in books and stories for four year olds.
It could be better titled 'We wish to corrupt your child with sodomite propaganda'.
Jesus warned that those who corrupt children would be better off having a millstone tied around their necks and be cast into the sea than what awaits them in the judgement.
Congratulations to The Christian Institute and Simon Calvert for attacking this abomination which, thus far has been adopted by FOURTEEN schools.
An abundance of such horrors is in production with ready markets amongst the politically correct.
Bring back Section 28! Christians arise and make your voices heard. NEVER again cast your vote for such moral corruption.
It could be better titled 'We wish to corrupt your child with sodomite propaganda'.
Jesus warned that those who corrupt children would be better off having a millstone tied around their necks and be cast into the sea than what awaits them in the judgement.
Congratulations to The Christian Institute and Simon Calvert for attacking this abomination which, thus far has been adopted by FOURTEEN schools.
An abundance of such horrors is in production with ready markets amongst the politically correct.
Bring back Section 28! Christians arise and make your voices heard. NEVER again cast your vote for such moral corruption.
I simply cannot believe that the BNP alone are considered extremists when we see what our mainstream politicians do!
DEMOCRACY is the key. Would any of these three things have happened had a referendum been held? - I think we all know the answer to that.