Saturday, July 21, 2007


Hundeds of thousands of illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in Britain under an amnesty, an influential pro-Labour think tank has claimed.
Harriet Harman and Alan Johnson appear to be supporting this.

If there is one thing we must learn from all other countries which have the problem of illegal immigrants, it is that any amnesty does not ameliorate the situation but inevitably compounds it.

You send the message that illegal behaviour will be rewarded; you regularise people who would clearly have failed a legitimate assessment at borders - and all that that entails; you fail to take advantage of an opportunity to relieve some of the pressures on our groaning infrastructure and worst of all, you send the message to other would-be illegals that all they have to do is to creep into the country and keep a low profile and at some future point they will be legitimised. This is rather more expensive than buying a welcome mat.

One might pose a question. Why are the liberal left not on the side of the people whose taxes pay their salaries?

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