Sunday, July 08, 2007


All credit to Henryk Broder, a German author.

The demographics - The number of Muslims in Contemporary Europe is estimated to be 50 million. It is expected to double in twenty years. By 2025, one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families.- Today Mohammed is already the most popular name for newborn boys in Brussels , Amsterdam , Rotterdam , and other major European cities.Broder is convinced that the Europeans are not willing to oppose Islamization. "The dominant ethos," he told De Volkskrant, "is perfectly voiced by the stupid blonde woman author with whom I recently debated.She said that it is sometimes better to let yourself be raped than to risk serious injuries while resisting. She said it is sometimes better to avoid fighting than run the risk of death."

I agree that this could be a problem if left unchecked. Some of the percentages shown on this Blog of violent, islamic attitudes from polls in the UK have been nothing less than terrifying.

If just 10% are prepared to turn to violence to spread islam, then that equates to FIVE MILLION potential terrorists - and the polls indicate that it is in fact, much greater. Muslim birthrates are astronomically high. I fully accept that most Muslims are decent people but the openminded amongst them should see why so many of the native population are concerned.
We are paying the price for successive governments failing to control immigration and we now have an enemy in our midst whom we cannot easily recognise.

Even so, for the first time in the Blog's 14 months of existence, I shall refer to 'The End Times'.
It is a tenet of Christian belief that the Lord WILL return. We are given clues throughout the Scriptures but principally in: Matthew 24; Luke 17; Mark 13, Daniel and Revelation to name but a few locations.
That return will be when world society hits rock bottom spiritually and many if not most of the features mentioned are already in place. None of this could have happened without the restoration of Israel as a nation.
I shall not go through the various interpretations of when and how the Return may occur but I believe that it is almost certain in my lifetime.
Society is already lower than "in the times of Noah" or the 'highpoints' of Sodom and Gomorrah - and look what happened then.

Many Similar Warnings Have Been Ignored.

  Douglas Murray . Mass immigration is killing Europe – and the  political class  just don’t care. I warned nearly a decade ago that our Con...