Monday, July 16, 2007

Not a million miles from Goole.

"We need workers to come into the country to do the jobs our people won't do." Thus runs the dishonest mantra of so many left-leaning politicians. Furthermore, "We need the skills foreign workers can bring."
If you add these two together it pretty much covers everything. Of course our government realises what is actually going on when we have almost 4 million not in work for one reason or another but they feel unable to attack the EU on this issue as "Being good europeans" is far more important than the welfare of our voters and taxpayers.

I recall that 13,000 Eastern Europeans would come here acording to Labour and at the last count it was 600,000 that the government was prepared to admit to. So probably double that!

Meanwhile, in Yorkshire, Tesco have built a new distribution depot not so far from Goole.
The locals were looking forward to filling the 400 job vacancies until it became clear that advertisements had been placed in Poland and 350 + of the jobs have been offered at minimum wages to Polish citizens.

If I am an employer and can get away with paying £2 per an hour less - I shall. This is not Tesco's fault.

At some point there will be a total, social breakdown. When Brits finally shed the apathy which Labour has relied on, I dread to think what the outcome will be.

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