Friday, November 23, 2007

Hate crime fiasco.

'Hate crimes' are regularly put forward by the politically correct as being 'worse' than other crimes. At a time when sentencing has never been so feeble, judges and magistrates are instructed to 'crack down' on offences against identifiable minorities EVEN IF there is no evidence whatsoever that the crime was committed because that person hailed from a minority. Even if it were true, is it really worse than somebody targeting me because they do not like bald people with glasses, and if so how?
Yes. It really is that crazy.
How do I know? - I have done the magistrate training!
Let us consider several scenarios: 1] I am robbed in the street and struck in the face with a sock full of wet sand by somebody with a fairly poor criminal record. My attacker might go to prison. 2] Same crime but the victim is classed as 'vulnerable' as they are 10 years older than me making them an OAP. The attacker will inevitably get a custodial sentence of probably not more than 2 years. 3] Same crime but the victim is black or homosexual. The attacker will receive at least 4 years at Crown Court.
You can say that the offence is exacerbated against an OAP but why am I valued less than somebody who just happens to be black or homosexual and probably younger? {Crimes by non whites on whites do not qualify, of course.}
Is justice really blind any more?

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