Friday, November 02, 2007

Who are The Institute For Public Policy Research?

The simple answer to the above question is of course, 'a Labour-leaning think tank'.
Indeed it would be hard to find too many of the pieces of liberal left madness embraced by Labour which did not have at least some origins amongst this brood of vipers. Naturally enough, the Lib Dems seldom question anything that comes out of this egregious body.
"Christmas should be downgraded" is their latest brilliant conclusion. It gets worse. The slack should be taken up by promoting ceremonies from other religions.
Once again, fools have failed to learn that 'multiculture' has been an unequivocal disaster for this nation.
This Blog will explain once again that integration is the only hope. Multiculturalism is just a pure form of enacting divisive principles to facilitate ultimate, social breakdown.
So dear Christian, are you still prepared to vote Labour or Lib Dem?
Do you trust 'volte face Dave' with our nation's future?


Looking Back. How Helpful To The Christian Faith Was The King's Speech?