Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Not since the 30s ....

.... has our defence budget, in real terms, been pitched at such disastrous levels. And even more cuts are now proposed by the larger parties!
Our Armed Services have been successively gutted by governments, both Labour and Conservative, as they have tried to cover up their inept attempts to keep any sort of check on public spending.
To fully protect the realm is the first duty of government - something which Bob Ainsworth and his tory counterparts seem to have forgotten.
Even without Iraq and Afghastlystan, our forces are at dangerously low levels.
At the UKIP Conference, Cdr. Muxworthy (UK Defence Association – UKDA) outlined clearly and unanswerably why there must be an immediate increase in defence spending of 40%. As a senior military man [Navy], his overview was fascinating. UKIP were already committed to this, rather proving that we know what we are talking about!

Although protection by NATO is still necessary, one only need look at the appalling attitudes of our EU partners in the Falklands conflict to know that any EU-based force would be utterly untrustworthy.
Let us never forget that the Belgians refused us parts for weapons systems they had sold us and the French even aided Argentina's Exocet programme used against our ships!


The Last Supper.

  A new film exploring the days before and after Jesus' resurrection is now in theaters, giving families of faith a chance to experience...