Sunday, September 20, 2009

The old rule.

The 'old rule' was of course, that any country which dared to insert the word 'democratic' into its title - wasn't!
Today, anything from The European Union which mentions 'human rights' or similar, will actually conceal a large amount of the opposite!

Today, Christians across 'the evil empire' have much to fear from removals of liberties by Brussels under the guise of 'protecting human rights'.

This time it is 'The (so-called)Equal Treatment Directive!'

Check the link. It is of vital importance.

Gesture Eggs, Huh? - I Can't Boycott Cadbury For This. I Am Already Boycotting Them Over Their Iniquitous Pricing and Shrinkflation.

Cadbury faces criticism for 'gesture eggs' this Easter. Duncan Williams    28 March 2024. (Photo: Cadbury) The British confectionery...