Thursday, September 30, 2010

P.A.Y.E. - what does it mean?

Pass Around Your Earnings!

EU slowly destroying our justice system.

From: Gerald Jarratt, Baghill Road, Tingley, near Wakefield, West Yorkshire. (Yorks Post)
WE are blindly walking towards the administration of justice by professional judges and consigning lay magistrates to history.
Few people are aware (or care) that, under Article 280 of the Amsterdam Treaty, we are required to bring in to being Corpus Juris, a criminal code drawn up in 1997, to create a single harmonised judicial system throughout the EU, based on Inquisitorial (Napoleonic) law.
An exasperating feature of EU politics is the way in which policies and laws of a controversial nature are slowly insinuated into our lives in the hope that few will notice.
The proposals by our Government to further emasculate magistrates' courts is yet another stealthy move to comply with the Amsterdam Treaty since it is a re-run of a similar exercise carried out
in 2001.

Red Ed.

So, Red Ed 'doesn't do God'.
Fine. True christians 'don't do 'leftie atheists' - and we have the vote!
(So watch out, Cleggie boy!)


Only half of the Romanian population consider Nicolae Ceausescu's (Photo left) Communist
regime to have been repressive, according to a new national survey. The
other half thinks that life was better in Communist times or has no
Naturally. Straight out of communism and into the EU. A bit like frying pans and fires.


"Let it be remembered that daily progress in the heavenly walk is not maintained by yesterday's grace.
Humble and dependent prayer must fetch in fresh supplies continually."
Charles Bridges.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Just a thought.

If you can have Jedward - how's about having Ded Miliband?

The best face of Anglicanism.

'Criminals should not make excuses for their wrongdoing, the Archbishop of York said last night.
Instead of blaming their background, poverty, drink or drugs, they should face up to the cost of their crimes, Dr John Sentamu, the Church of England’s second most senior figure said.
In a tough speech on crime and society, the archbishop said prisons were necessary and condemned the way some offenders are rewarded in jail by being given cable TV and computer games.'

Just LOVE this guy!

Read more:

Mail goes all yankee.

'A man was pronounced dead by South West ambulance crews in 2007 - but later found to be breathing by an undertaker, it has emerged.
The unnamed patient was seen by paramedics who ran a series of checks before saying he was dead and the body taken to a morgue.'

What I can't grasp is why his 'corpse' should have been transferred to an American mortuary! Shame on you, Daily Mail!

Read more:

Alive and kicking.

Apparently one third of mammalian species declared 'extinct' by over eager scientists, are actually alive and well and eventually turn up!
One more out of many examples of 'science over-reaching itself'.
Over and over again we hear of 'science as an example of rational and logical thinking' - and indeed it is!
The problem however, is that the human element lets it all down very badly.
Science per se is not the problem. Steerers of bandwagons are!

Spelling out the difference: evasion and avoidance.

I am getting quite angry with the hosts of letterwriters in the media proclaiming their leftie 'soak the rich' immaturities.
Many state that 'tax avoidance must be stopped'.
Apparently this will save quadrillions of pounds and obviate the need for any harsh measures whatsoever as the government attempts to clear up Labour's unholy mess.
Perhaps these people should be asked if they want to pay taxes that do not apply to them!
Tax avoidance means just that! You pay what you are obliged to and do not pay what you do not have to!
Tax evasion however, is illegal. It means not paying taxes which you are obliged to pay.
Are these writers so stupid in parading their ignorance of the difference between the two cases? Or is it that they do recognise the difference and are utterly barking?
In either case - the left does not emerge with a great deal of credit for their intelligence levels!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They are truly mad.

The TA is to be savaged with cuts. Possibly two thirds to go.
Is this the Lib Dem influence? - Knowing how far left the Tories now are - probably not!

Church Times lists Top 5 Hits.

'IN A poll organised by the Church Times and the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) this month, “How shall I sing that Majesty” was voted the best hymn. The survey was conducted to mark the publication of Sing Praise, a new collection of hymns and songs. The organisers asked respondents to nominate “the best hymn or song used in worship today — one whose words and music combine to lift worship and express profound truths”.

Four out of the top five were classic hymns such as “Love Divine, all loves excelling”, but there was one contemporary worship song, “In Christ alone”, written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. The other most popular choices were “All my hope on God is founded”, and “When, in our music, God is glorified”. Eighty-five respondents named 121 hymns or songs.'

Do you want to pay double for power?

'The true cost of Britain’s massive expansion of wind farms has been revealed. It costs nearly twice as much to generate electricity from an offshore wind farm as it does from a conventional power station, a scientific report has concluded. And while the price of wind power is expected to fall in the coming decade, the researchers admit there is a slight chance it could rise even further. The study comes amid Britain’s ‘dash for wind’ – one of the biggest engineering projects of the last few decades. Over the next ten years, the Government wants up to 10,000 new wind turbines to be built at sea and on land to meet tough climate change targets.The report, from the UK Energy Research Centre – a Government funded academic think tank – said the costs of offshore wind power were underestimated in the mid-2000s.'


Read more:

Munira Mirza on racism.

Which is the greater problem, Roma or the EU?

MITK pounces!

It has come to the attention of Mole-In-The-Know from a deep source that a certain Council - not too distant from the molehill where this piece is being prepared - has acquired an interesting policy where sacked employees are concerned.
Whenever taken to a tribunal - whether right (which it almost always is) or wrong - it ALWAYS settles the claim beforehand.
Is this a policy to save money in the long run - or is it just to avoid hassle for council employees?
Personally, I find it immoral - but then, the way such tribunals are conducted is already there!
I wonder how many other councils have a similar attitude? - More than a few, I'd guess!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Of course we can trust all clergy!

Welcome, Ed!

On reflection, I tend to believe that Ed Miliband's 'rise to the dizzy heights of nonentity' is almost certainly a good thing.
It is almost inconceivable that he could lead the Labour Party to future victory. His only advantage over the last two Labour super leftie leaders is that he is rather better looking - a factor which must not be ignored.
The electorate have delivered a complete drubbing to the Kinnocks and Feet of the past - and I see no reason why this should not happen again!
If I am wrong - then pray without ceasing as this nation will be in big, big trouble!

Not paying too much tax.

'Critics have argued that the politicians seem to be blurring the line between tax evasion and tax avoidance. The former involves breaking tax rules and is, of course, illegal. The latter involves sticking to the rules but planning your finances carefully so you don't pay more tax than you have to.'
Sunday Telegraph.
Ask yourself how many leftwingers, poor or super-rich, happily pay one penny more in tax than is their legal obligation!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pete Hitchens on governmental acceptance of crime.

'Listen carefully to those in authority when they promise to put things right. They do not really mean it, because they continue to believe in the ‘progressive’ ideas of the Sixties. They don’t believe in punishment. They don’t believe in deterrence. They believe that police constables should be treated as suspect and untrustworthy, while criminals should be treated as unhappy victims of their backgrounds.
They believe in ‘Human Rights’, which are invariably the rights of the wicked and the selfish.

It is true – I have been saying it for many years – that our cities could be altered overnight if they were once again guarded by proper constables, armed with nothing more than a truncheon and the force of per­sonality.

But this cannot be, because our governing elite actually hates this idea.'

Read more:

Meat boycotts required ...

'Britain's biggest supermarket chains are selling halal lamb and chicken without telling unsuspecting shoppers.
Those stocking meat slaughtered according to Islamic law include Waitrose, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Somerfield and the Co-op.
And a Mail on Sunday investigation has found that fast-food chains including Domino’s Pizza, Pizza Hut, KFC, ­Nando’s and Subway are also using halal meat without ­telling customers.'

I shall now boycott ALL meats from these stores in future - which means that Subway, KFC and the Pizza fellers will not be seeing me again! They have actually lost me as a customer altogether.

Read more:

If you are Anglican you'll buy the book.

Dear Readers,

You may be aware that the Archbishop of Canterbury has given an interview to the London Times which gave rise to a headline this morning 'Gay bishops are all right by me, says Archbishop'_with The Times religious affairs correspondent Ruth Gledhill commenting that the Archbishop is _'an honest man struggling to square an impossible circle'. She also noted:

'Charles Raven, the conservative evangelical, in his new book, 'Shadow Gospel: Rowan Williams and the Anglican Communion Crisis', published next month by Latimer Press, writes of Dr Williams’s leadership as a tragedy in which “the weight of an historic institution and the resourcefulness of a deeply learned mind are brought to bear in an attempt to sustain the unsustainable”.'

I am writing now to let you know that my book has in fact been published a little earlier than anticipated and is now available from Latimer Trust at There is still much confusion about what Dr Williams believes and stands for, as this latest press coverage makes clear, and I believe that my book offers some timely clarifications. Although there is undoubtedly a tragic quality about what is happening to the Anglican Communion, I have written with a very constructive purpose. My negative conclusion - that Dr Williams offers us a shadow gospel, a theology which has the form of othodox faith, but not its real substance - points to a postive alternative, that the Anglican Communion can recover its identity and coherence by gathering around the apostolic gospel as affirmed by the leaders of the spiritually dynamic Global South and so clearly articulated in the GAFCON Jerusalem Declaration.

Here is an extract from the preface in which I set out the essential argument of the book:

Although signs of hope are undoubtedly emerging, a secure future for the Anglican Communion rests on an accurate diagnosis of its present ills. In this account of Rowan Williams’ leadership as Archbishop of Canterbury a kind of tragedy unfolds, in which the weight of an historic institution and the resourcefulness of a deeply learned mind are brought to bear in an attempt to sustain the unsustainable – an illusory middle ground between two fundamentally opposed visions of Anglican identity.

The one is confessional and is being articulated with increasing confidence by the leadership of the Global South; the other represents the seduction of the Church by the spirit of the age, as seen in its most developed form in the increasingly apostate behaviour of The Episcopal Church in the United States. This analysis demonstrates that Dr Williams’ theology is not only alien to the former, but also powerless to resist the latter and, in practice, the result is a doctrinally incoherent Communion barely held together by a mixture of sentiment and improvisation.

The understanding offered here is that at the heart of these difficulties is a shadow gospel; a theological project which can speak the language of orthodox faith, yet subverts the supremacy of Scripture and the essential nature of Christian truth itself.

This shadow gospel privileges form over substance and under Rowan Williams’ leadership the pragmatic ethos of Anglican Communion institutions has sat comfortably with this emphasis upon ecclesiastical process rather than doctrinal content, as exemplified by the Windsor Covenant and the associated listening programme of so called ‘indaba’. But these strategies are manifestly failing and it is now time to take seriously the calls emerging from the Global South for what we might call a ‘new wineskin’ of governance structures which will free Anglicanism to express its true confessional identity and make a fresh start in the re-evangelisation of the West.

Thank you for reading this far! By writing a book it has been possible to explore the theological issues which recur in the regular SPREAD articles in more depth and I hope you will find it an encouragement as we seek to 'take every thought captive to obey Christ' (2 Cor. 10:5). I have included recommendations from colleagues below, as they appear on the cover of the book, which provide a measure of reassurance to me and also, I hope, to you!

Yours in Christ,

Charles Raven

“There have been other discussions of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s theology, but this is the first serious attempt to link it with his ecclesiastical policy. The parallel seems to be drawn very tellingly.”

The Revd Dr Roger Beckwith, formerly warden of Latimer House, Oxford.

“Charles Raven has provided convincing evidence about the real problem facing us in the Church of England and how this has affected the wider Anglican Communion. He argues that we are experiencing not so much an ecclesial deficit as a confessional one. His book is an excellent introduction to the deeper issues that sooner or later will affect us all.”

Rt. Rev John Ellison, Retired Bishop of Paraguay and Hon. Asst. Bishop in the Diocese of Winchester.

“Archbishop Rowan Williams is the most significant theologian influencing the Anglican Communion at the moment. Therefore it is important for orthodox Anglicans to understand his thinking. Charles Raven has performed a great service by going through Archbishop Williams’ work carefully and helping us to see the foundations of his thought and the direction in which he is going.”

Canon Dr Vinay Samuel, Church of South India and Convenor of GAFCON Theological Resource Group.

Frying pan or fire?

Tricky this. Did we want 'liberal left' to win or did we prefer 'liberal left'?
Ah. Results now in! 'The liberal left' won!
(No. Let's be totally honest. The harder left of the two won!)

Evolution is a 'faith system'.

"Larger-scale changes evident over longer periods of life's history".... are based on interpreting the fossil record using evolution as your apriori assumption, hence they are only evident in the minds of evolutionists. The real observation is that different kinds of creatures are buried in the fossil record. In spite of the dogmatic enthusiastic assertions by Dawkins, Attenborough, etc. evolution is a belief held by faith, not an observable fact. (Ref. philosophy, world view, scientific method.)

Prof Ed Neeland.

View of San Francisco wildlife.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Must be true. Why? - Coz it is! (And other assorted logic.)

Indonesian persecution continues.

'The elder of a West Java church at the centre of a licensing row is in a critical condition after being attacked.
Hasian Sihombing was on his way to the Batak Christian Protestant Church (HKBP) in Bekasi city on Sunday when he was stabbed in the chest and stomach by a motorcyclist, according to Compass Direct news agency.'

Release Int.

Modernism - or, in other words, liberal christianity.


Lindsay Lohan has been denied bail and taken into custody after her court hearing for failing previously imposed drug tests.
I have no idea who this woman is but what I do know is that she seems to believe that she can do what the hell she likes - that the laws which apply to everybody else do not apply to her.

This must mean that whoever she is - she must presumably be either a member of the underclass or a celebrity. Dunno which!
The photo doesn't really help!

The numinous.

Few are the people who have not experienced the numinous - but fewer will be aware of the meaning of the word.
Sadly, a great many will try to 'rationalise' what is probably their sole contact with 'that which is beyond their natural understanding'.
It refers to those times when a human being experiences that transcendent feeling; that certainty that there is a spiritual realm; that there is something out there; that there is something or someone greater than oneself. It is a sense of awe and wonder and even mystery.
One is at one, at peace, with the world or even the universe. I am sure that we all experience this. With William Wilberforce, as one example, he was prompted by a mere spider's web.
Many times it is when one recognises the true magnificence of Man or of the universe that this kicks in.
Sadly, the atheist dismisses this reality and it will probably be attributed to some indeterminate, chemical reaction in the brain.
This makes me truly sad. They ask for a proof - and then dismiss it.
Romans 1 deals with this very point:

19] Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath showed it unto them.

20] For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

21] Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22] Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools ....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Andy Roony sensibly says ....

Keep this going around the globe.
Read it and forward every time you receive it.
We can't give up on this issue.

Andy Rooney and Prayer...

He says:

I don't believe in Santa Claus, but I'm not going to sue
somebody for singing a Ho-Ho-Ho song in December.
I don't agree with Darwin , but I didn't go out and hire
a lawyer when my high school teacher taught his theory
of evolution.

Life, liberty or your pursuit of happiness will not be
endangered because someone says a 30-second prayer
before a football game. So what's the big deal? It's not
like somebody is up there reading the entire Book of
Acts. They're just talking to a God they believe in and
asking him to grant safety to the players on the field and
the fans going home from the game.

But it's a Christian prayer, some will argue. Yes, and this
is the United States of America and Canada , countries
founded on Christian principles. According to our very
own phone book, Christian churches outnumber all others
more than 200-to-1! So what would you expect --
somebody chanting Hare Krishna?

If I went to a football game in Jerusalem , I would expect
to hear a Jewish prayer.

If I went to a soccer game in Baghdad , I would expect to
hear a Muslim prayer.

If I went to a ping pong match in China , I would expect to
hear someone pray to Buddha.

And I wouldn't be offended. It wouldn't bother me one bit.
When in Rome ...

But 'what about the atheists?' is another argument. What
about them? Nobody is asking them to be baptized. We're
not going to pass the collection plate. Just humour us for
30 seconds. If that's asking too much, bring a Walkman or
a pair of ear plugs. Go to the bathroom. Visit the concession stand.

Call your lawyer!

Unfortunately, one or two will make that call. One or two
will tell thousands what they can and cannot do. I don't
think a short prayer at a football game is going to shake
the world's foundations.

Christians are just sick and tired of turning the other cheek
while our courts strip us of all our rights. Our parents and

grandparents taught us to pray before eating, to pray before
we go to sleep. Our Bible tells us to pray without ceasing.
Now a handful of people and their lawyers are telling us to
cease praying.

God, help us! And if that last sentence offends you, well,
just sue me. The silent majority has been silent too long.
It's time we tell that one or two who scream loud enough
to be heard that the vast majority doesn't care what they
want. It is time that the majority rules!

It's time we tell them, "you don't have to pray; you don't
have to say the Pledge of Allegiance; you don't have to
believe in God or attend services that honour Him. That is
your right, and we will honour your right; but by golly, you
are no longer going to take our rights away. We are fighting
back, and we WILL WIN!"

God bless us one and all...especially those who denounce
Him. God bless America and Canada, despite all our faults,
we are still the greatest nations of all. God bless our service
men who are fighting to protect our right to pray and worship

Let's make 2010 the year the silent majority is heard and
we restore God as the foundation of our families and
institutions. And may our military forces come home safely
from all the wars.

Keep looking up.

If you agree with this, please pass it on. to all your E Mail addresses.
If not - don't bother!

Quangos under threat?


Will our boys in blue be evenhanded?

'The arrests followed the burning of what are believed to have been two Korans in Gateshead on September 11,' the spokesman said.

Good. They are troublemaking morons if this is true!

Problem, though. When there is reciprocal burning of Bibles by Muslims, do you honestly believe that 'arrests' will follow?

God hides from us? - Absurd!

Gospel of Mary: Late 2nd century.
Gospel of Judas: Didn't have the time to write it before killing himself. Late in any case.
Gospel of Thomas: 4th century.
Shepherd of Hermas: Late 2nd century.
Gospel of Peter: Late 2nd century.
Gospel of Philip: Between 2nd and 4th century.
Most from Nag Hammadi; utterly out of line with the First Century Gospels; embracing heresy; though sometimes containing quotes from the NT.

These were consigned to the dustbin of history by Athanasius.

Those wetting themselves to undermine Christianity grab desperately onto these texts in the hope of causing mischief.
Ultimately, God chose which Gospels He wanted. Why would He possibly let people follow wrong courses?
The gnosticism of the Nag Hammadi discoveries is based on silly 'hidden messages', codes and secret understandings - just what God would do, huh?
The fundamental problem with this is that it closes down salvation to just a mere handful of people with an esoteric knowledge who happen to be well versed in 'doing cryptic crosswords'.
Those who meet the Living Lord cannot accept this load of gnostic donkey droppings and Anglican, heretic priests such as Peter Owen-Jones who look wide-eyed at this stuff really do need kicking out of the C of E!
(Satan is alive and well and doing spiritual damage to the terminally simple.)

The real facts.

'The first ever official count of the gay population has found that only one in 100 adults is homosexual.
The figure explodes the assumption - long promoted by social experts and lobbyists - that the number is up to ten times higher than this at one in ten.
The Office for National Statistics said 1.3 per cent of men are gay and 0.6 per cent of women are lesbian.'

I think that the distortions in the 'statistics' previously used by special interest lobbyists have long been known.
The figures here line up very well with those produced in that giant sexual survey of 40,000 people some years ago which, if memory serves me well, was done by The Wellcome Trust.
Indeed, the figure for lesbians is identical.

These figures mean that the justification for making the issue of homosexuality such 'a liberal left flagship' is going to be considerably more difficult in the future.

Read more:

Nationalist logic lacking.

I have never been able to overcome my astonishment that Welsh and Scottish Nationalists should lend so much naive support to the EU.
They complain of English rule - ignoring that they are over-represented in the British Parliament - and they have their own assemblies, which the English do not - yet they want to sell out to Brussels?
Why should people who allegedly value self-determination yield to a federalised, imperialistic dictatorship?
Sorry. Don't get it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our local turbines - update.

Our three local turbines are having a bit of a purple patch. One of them has actually been working non stop for the best part of a month!

Flying fish cannot prove evolution - and never could!

If the researchers substituted the word “designed” for “adapted” we would agree with them completely. To explain how a fish that can only swim can convert to one that can swim and fly you have to explain how the genetic changes came about for growth of the fins into the right shape, and also how the fish came to know to hold the fins in the right configuration for flying. Simply jumping out of the water, as many fish do, will not achieve this no matter how long they do it. (Ref. design, ichthyology, hydrodynamics)
Creation Research.

Common sense dictates that this statement MUST be true!


"However, since the origin of the world is outside the direct observation of any living human being, and therefore, outside the boundaries of the scientific method, science is NO use in discovering anything but the latest guesses of men who will make theories in harmony only with their presuppositions."

John Mackay.

Unfair bias in favour of women.

Out of more than 1,200 executions since the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976, only 11 women have been executed. Of the more than 3,200 inmates on death row nationwide, 53 are women.

Propaganda from the EU? - I hadn't expected that!

Paul Nuttall, the UKIP MEP for the N.West, is perfectly correct.
Once again the wretched European Union is using our money to propagandise people across the EU. A report is advocating 'a new communication campaign which includes the training of journalists and the funding of local broadcasters.' - It does not take a great deal of imagination to work out the sinister purpose behind this further abuse of taxpayers' hard-earned cash. Mr Nuttall said: "this report smells strongly of a move towards propaganda to me".
Just where would we be in the EU without UKIP fighting our corner, I wonder?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Loony ALERT!

'The Family and Parenting Institute, notorious for describing marriage as an unnecessary institution, said the best way to support the family was by increasing subsidies for jobs and handouts for those who choose not to work.'
The FPI is hereby awarded a LoonyTunesWatch coconut!

Red Sea parting.

Apparently, there are scientific explanations in abundance as to why and how the Red Sea parted for Moses and the guys. No need for God, apparently.
Funny how it happened at precisely the point in time when so desperately needed, though - innit?

Funny too how the Egyptians all got drowned at precisely the right moment in time too.
Ah well. All a giant coincidence, I suppose.

Never published on here before!

Psalm 23.
A psalm of David.

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for You are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

So. Do abolitionists really hold 'the moral high ground'?

"Capital punishment is our society’s recognition of the sanctity of human life."

Senator Orrin Hatch.

The evils of high taxation.

Really. The Lib Dems should not be allowed anywhere near government.
Our over taxed people are set to absorb yet another tax 'hit' - this time not from Gordon Brown but from Lib Dem pressure for £22 billion worth of so-called 'green taxes' - including even MORE money on petrol!
Do these people live in a real world where others have to pay bills against a backcloth of falling income levels?
The more I see all of this, the more I am convinced that 'global warming' is just a sinister excuse for a tax hike. You even get 'the responsible element' of society pleading for the government to raise taxes.

Lib Dems' to get real'? - Hardly.

Lib Dems have been told by Huhne and Hughes at their Conference to back nuclear power.
This is of course common sense and inevitable - but honestly - a little taste of a rather different sort of power is not going to bring common sense to the Lib Dems - is it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Guardian double standards.

Teresa Lewis is due to be executed in Virginia this week having been convicted of 'murder for hire'. This woman had paid money to two men to butcher her husband and stepson so she could gain the insurance money! On the scale of murders, this must rank as one of the very worst.
Naturally, The Guardian headlines are majoring on the fact that she is a woman and this is one of their twin attacks on the imposition of this well-merited penalty. (In spite of her diabolical cleverness in the organisation of this crime - the other is to lamely claim that 'she has learning difficulties', the relevance of which, if true, I fail to see when she is clearly not mentally retarded in any way.)

No. The point of this article is not really to do with the death penalty - but rather, has much to do with The Grauniad's approach.
The most feminist of all UK newspapers, it ironically takes the line that 'she shouldn't be executed because she is a woman'.

Excuse me but isn't this the perfect proof that feminism has no interest in equality?

No dead generals?

Generals in the First World War never went near a front line. They luxuriated in chateaux miles behind the lines. We all know these things to be true because leftwing historians; marxist propagandists; professional liars with agendas; pacifists; socialists and the liberal elite have repeatedly told us this. They were aided by leftwing poets, artists, novelists, school textbook writers and dramatists in their grande illusion until we believed it!
'The oft repeated lie becomes the truth!'
One small problem, the British had SEVENTY EIGHT Generals killed in The Great War.
If you felt that you had an overview of 1914-1918 - THINK AGAIN!

I wonder how many more falsehoods these self same people have foisted onto an unwitting public?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Renewable energy sources? - Sorry.


Recently, we have had it called both 'aggressive atheism' and 'aggressive secularism'. But whichever way it breaks, there is no argument about the 'aggressive' bit!
It seems to have arrived suddenly from out of nowhere but it hasn't.
When the first signs of this were showing in liberal efforts a quarter of a century ago, I involved myself in the formation of a Christian School.
Latterly, I have been trying to counterbalance the floods of vicious letters to be found in the media.

All the liberal tactics had not seemed particularly unreasonable - but they were and five years ago I began this Blog to expose them.
Multifaith has perhaps been the most significant of the fifth columns at work against Jesus in our nation.
It was inevitable that the downgrading of Christianity in our schools would eventually yield a fine harvest of godlessness - and thus it has proved!
Our new crops of atheists do not even respect Christianity any more. Uneducated as they are; ignorant as they are; uninformed as they are - how could they possibly be anything different?
The hardcore atheists have been working to their master's devious and subtle, hidden agenda - and a highly effective one it is too!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A not very clever attempt to mock belief:

'Rational Reasoning:
Jeff: I have a ball.
Jeremy: Prove it.
Jeff: *brings out ball*
Jeremy: Well proven.

Religious Reasoning:
Jeff: I have a ball.
Jeremy: Prove it.

1) Jeff's 2nd claim has still NOT been dismissed.
2) Jeff knows that he does have the ball in either scenario.
3) It is Jeremy's problem if he doesn't believe the truth.
4) In all probability, Jeff would have then explained how this might be resolved and has not been taken up on it.
5) The so-called 'rationalists' insist that we must accept evolution on their guesswork and extremely limited evidence.
6) You cannot 'experience' atheism.
7) You can experience God the Son!

A green solution.

I have just read an article on passenger airships but these may or may not be the future.
It is surely only a matter of time however, before they are used for hauling heavy freight across the world.

Did the Germans not use them in World War One for taking Wolfram (tungsten ore) out of Afghanistan, do I recall from the dim recesses of my memory?

They use little fuel; can carry very heavy payloads; do not need railtracks of thousands of miles nor lengthy runways; the modern ones cannot explode.

Admittedly, they are rather cumbersome, slow, currently need large crews and can be susceptible to bad weather but ....

If the worst were to happen ....

If the worst were to happen and our currency were ever to be revalued to such an extent as to make its possession meaningless, who would get the blame?
The unthinking and the left would promptly pour their customary bile onto capitalism, big business, fat cats and bankers.

Undoubtedly, there would be more than a grain of truth in such an argument - but there would also be a pretty large bit of this which would be 'not seeing the wood for the trees'.
USSR style socialism did this to its people! Savings were destroyed and the welfare state imploded.
THIS COULD HAPPEN HERE! If you treat the spending of money you do not have as an absolute right; if you believe that others must pay for what you want; if you borrow sums you cannot afford to pay back; if your government prints money to cover shortfalls - you have all the requisite elements in place for disaster!
The biggest problem is how that money has been spent - effectively covering and guaranteeing social unfairness and on wild egalitarianism.
If the worst were to happen - and why wouldn't it? - socialism and leftwing 'projects' must shoulder 90% of the blame!
Why do I hate socialism? - Because it CANNOT work! Every time we try to make it do so - it fails AND we now have a tory party with socialist leanings!
Heaven help us!


Poor logic.

I am astonished how many people seem to blame God when bad things happen.
The follow up response is to conclude that because bad things happen, God cannot exist. Absurd!
A few weeks ago I looked at non sequiturs - and these are classics!
Please pause. Examine the logic. Then think.

How many people would want God to have absolute control of their lives with no freewill?
With God, it is all or nothing. He does not give Man freewill - except at certain times when he interferes? No. It is not like that at all.
How often the things which God gets the blame for are caused by Man, in any case!
If you want to get theological, Man caused sin to be introduced into the world and that is where all 'the bad stuff' comes from!

"But I don't like things being done in that way!"


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Psalm 5 tells us how to make prayerful requests.

1] Give ear to my words, O LORD,
consider my sighing.
2] Listen to my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray.
3] In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait in expectation.

Headline! A very good question.

'How can a nation ring fence foreign aid but slash defence?'

The thing about defence is that it is the primary duty of any government to be able to fully protect its citizenry.
It does not do this by:
Sidelining NATO,
Sharing aircraft carriers with a nation which consistently works against us,
Yielding control of our forces to a malevelolent foreign power - the European Union,
By further cutting funding which has been massively plundered decade on decade to pay for, what in comparison, are mere frivolities.

I do not advocate cuts to nations in need but I would like to see openly and precisely, details of where this £9 billion annually is heading to!
Where it is lining the bank accounts of politicians and officials then it MUST stop!

Peter Hyde writes in the Yorks Post ...

"SO the Trades Union Congress has voted for combined strike action to stop spending cuts. Well folks, before you start on this road to ruination, remember, you will end up paying your union bosses wages while you strike yourselves out of work."

Socialist Sal.

Commons Speaker John Bercow’s wife Sally is apparently causing concern among senior Conservatives with increasingly erratic and infantile internet outbursts attacking the Coalition.
Well. They had a possible chance to rid themselves of her ridiculous husband in Buckingham but decided to offer him Tory protection against Nigel Farage's challenge in the last election.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Money bottling.

As a child I spent many an hour 'working on my green credentials'. Some might have called it 'gathering bottles from bins to get back the deposit'. In a seaside town, this could easily double your pocket money!
A real green move would be to go back to glass and have recycling boosted by the deposit on such bottles.

The system always worked well for donkeys' years in the past. Think of the plastics we would no longer be idly throwing away as a nation!
(Best photo I could find. Shame. Would have liked a Bellamys Lemonade - which gave me the most funding as a sprog.)
Okay Cameron. Go for it!

More on the truth about domestic violence.

The Politics of Domestic Violence
By Reuben Chapple.

The feminist-driven “domestic violence industry” is part of an ever-expanding, tax-funded “bureaucracy of compassion” with its attendant caregivers, social workers, regulators, intellectuals and social scientists.
Its use of the term “domestic violence” rather than the more gender-neutral “relationship violence” is based on the Marxist analysis of gender relations penned by Marx’s collaborator Friedrich Engels which presupposes a male 'oppressor' ("Within the family, man is the bourgeoisie, woman and children the proletariat") and a female ‘victim.’
Feminists with a strong emotional investment in the presumption of an oppressive patriarchy base their assessment of men as “the violent sex” on police, court, hospital and refuge data while waving away numerous academic studies implicating both sexes equally in relationship violence. These seriously troubled sisters will cite police blotter statistics and other official data to falsely conclude that relationship violence is a male problem ("That’s just part of how 'they' treat 'us' as women").


Vince Cable has threatened to quit Government over immigration cap as he claims it is doing 'great damage' to the economy.


Bye Freddie. Sorry it was a whimper not a bang!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Bigotry, bias and prejudice in The Independent.

Just look at this link for seeing how unpleasant and badly reasoned The Independent columns can frequently be. A rant by any other name!

Marta socks it to the EU!

Short and pointed. Recommended!

The Nicene Creed.

We believe in one God,
the Father, the Almighty
maker of heaven and earth,
of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
one in Being with the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven
by the power of the Holy Spirit
he was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in fulfillment of the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of Life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified.
He has spoken through the Prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.
We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Nicaea: the first ecumenical council, A.D. 325. (Original version.)

I wonder if they'll take my advice?

Okay. The time has come for the Catholic Church to drop its compulsion to celibacy for its clergy.
Humans are sexual beings. Nowhere in the Scriptures does it say that you must choose between God and marriage - not even in St Paul's rather cryptic comments about himself!

Sex abuse scandals would not be non existent - they never are - but take away sexual frustrations and you are removing a great many of the problems and unnecessary temptations.
The situation would improve immeasurably.

African missionaries to come here?

"As the authority and gathering power of the Archbishop of Canterbury continues to decline and senior African Anglicans begin to talk openly about the need to re-evangelise England itself these facts help to clarify that the Anglican Communion needs new governance structures which are not tied to English law and culture and are able to articulate a strategic vision rather than the pragmatic platitudes of institutional survival such as ‘bonds of affection’."

Charles Raven.

Taxation: the reality.

"It is certainly true that too many people at the lower end of the income scale have been dragged into the taxman's net in recent years; but the problem for any Government is that if it wants to raise a lot of tax, it has to tax a lot of people. The super-rich are too few (and too internationally mobile) to keep public expenditure at the levels they currently are – or anything like it."

Dominic Lawson - The Independent.

Why not quit?

You know how we have one or two debt problems that are going to take aeons to sort out?
Why not do it the easy way? Why not leave the EU AND save tens of billions AND regain our sovereignty as a nice little bonus?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Who could be surprised?

'Private schools drive up standards for all pupils – including those in state education, an international study claims.
Competition between private and state schools raises attainment across the entire education system over the ‘very long term’, according to a huge study of examination results since 1900 in 29 countries.

Britain’s mediocre standing in global league tables could be improved if more than the current 6 per cent of pupils were privately educated, it suggests.

A 10 per cent rise in private school pupils advances 15-year-olds’ test results by half a year’s worth of learning in maths, and a fifth of a year’s worth in science and reading.
It also reduces a nation’s spending on education by 5 per cent on average, it was claimed in the study, published today in the Economic Journal.

‘School systems are more efficient if they are more competitive,’ said Harvard University’s Professor Martin West, who co-wrote the study.'

Read more:

Get real!

Trade unionists threaten to 'black out' Cameron's keynote speech at the Conservative Conference.
However socially beneficial this might be, it is utterly wrong in a democracy and shows that leopards seldom change their spots.

I repeat to these activists and to the Labour Party - Just what is the matter with you? We are nearly broke as a nation! Something has to be done.
If at home you are £100k in debt - you cannot pretend life just goes on as normal.
Get real you lefties!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jeremiah tells it as it is.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart;
I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

IF God has such foreknowledge - no Christian can surely support abortion.

Melanie - Spot On As Ever.

The appeasement of Iran . Terrorist convictions in New York are a wake-up call for a west that's in denial Melanie Phillips Mar 25 ∙ Pre...