Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not Ashamed?

Not Ashamed - Join us in London on 1st December!

On Thursday 1st December, Not Ashamed supporters will be meeting outside St Paul's Cathedral in London:

At 3pm: to distribute copies of Lord Carey's I'm Not Ashamed leaflet and to pray and speak about Jesus, the true hope for our nation.

At 7pm: to join with other Christians to pray for our nation for an hour from 7.14pm.
Let's stand together and speak up for Jesus Christ - the only real hope for our nation - this Advent.
  • Join with thousands of Christians across the UK in wearing a symbol of the cross on the1st December and continuing into Advent. Visit the 'Not Ashamed' Shop.

Shame On You, Daily Mail, For This Immoral Jibber Jabber From A ... Well. I'd Better Not Say It!
