Saturday, April 07, 2012

Andrew Percy MP Admires Joe Arpaio. Me Too!

Andrew Percy, MP for Brigg and Goole, made the suggestion after becoming concerned about rubbish mounting up by motorways in his constituency, including hundreds of bottles of urine thrown away by lorry drivers.
“In the US I have seen chain gangs out clearing highways – why can’t we do that here?” he said. “We have criminals expected to pay back – why not get them out there doing something of use?” (Telegraph.)
There is just one problem I can see with this idea - the liberal left may not approve!

Growth Will Only Happen In The Unlikely Event That They Follow BIBLE TEACHING!

Church in Wales earmarks £10m for mission and growth. Staff writer    20 September 2024. St Mary's Church in Swansea. The Church in Wale...