Tuesday, April 10, 2012


'In a critical condition': Robert Mugabe is reportedly undergoing intensive treament in a Singapore hospital according to the Zimbabwe Mail Cancer victim Robert Mugabe is 'fighting for his life' in Singapore hospital.

The 88-year-old Zimbabwean dictator, who is believed to be suffering from prostate cancer, flew to Singapore by private jet on Saturday for treatment. (Mail.)

I have oft stated that whereas God offers salvation to all - I do wonder if the truly evil are capable of availing themselves of Christ's sacrifice. We know that at The Last Supper Jesus made it clear that Judas would not be able so to do.
Nonetheless, it is entirely proper that Christians should pray that even somebody like Mugabe may truly repent.

Judeo-Christian Culture Underpins WHO We Are.

       The words of NIGEL FARAGE!